Black Pearl

With Open Arms

First chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it :D

“Mom?...” The blonde boy whispered as he tugged on Suho’s arm to wake him up.

“Eh?” Suho yawned still half asleep rubbing his eyes “What is it baby?” he asked slowly sitting up in bed.

“Baekhyun hyung told us a scary story before bed, and now I can’t sleep” Luhan replied pouting cutely.

“Ah that Baekhyun!” Suho said as he wrapped his arms around his son to comfort him. “Well do you want to sleep here with me?” he asked the doe eyed boy.

“Mhm” Luhan said walking around to the other side of the bed and crawling in settling himself against his mom.

“It’s okay baby” Suho said passing his fingers through Luhan’s hair.

Luhan looked up and smiled at his mom, Suho couldn’t help but smile back at his little boy.

“Ah omma” Luhan said suddenly looking to his side and around the room.


“Where’s Dad?” Luhan asked curiously, and Suho tensed up a little.

To be honest, he had no idea where his kid’s father was at. In fact it had been at least three days whole days when he last heard of him.

“Well baby, he’s just busy with work, you know he has to work a lot to provide for all of us” Suho answered with a sad smile.

“Ah ne” Luhan said smiling at his mom innocently and then scooting closer falling asleep almost immediately.

Suho stayed up watching his son sleep until he himself drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning

“KIDS HURRY UP OR YOU’LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” Suho yelled as he placed plates and napkins on the glass dining table.

“MOM! CHEN IS BOTHERING ME! HE WON’T GIVE ME MY BOOKS BACK!” Suho heard Baekhyun yell from the top of the stairs.

“AISH CHEN! STOP BOTHERING YOUR BROTHER!” Suho yelled back, taking the bread from the toaster and putting it on a plate.

The first to come down were Luhan, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Kai.

“Breakfast is on the table” Suho told them before turning around to help Kai fix his school uniform.

“Ah food” Chanyeol smiled widely

“Thanks mom” Kai said as he sat down next to Luhan as always.

“Hey boys where’s Tao? He needs to take his medicine”

“Ah he was taking a shower” Xiumin said as he picked up a toast and bit into it.

Suho facepalmed “With who this time?” he asked trying not to laugh

“I think Sehun went with him” Chanyeol said

“Aish these kids” Suho said finally laughing out loud

Then, D.O and Lay came downstairs laughing cheerfully as they playfully pushed each other.

“Morning” Lay said as he helped Suho reach a cup which was on the very top of the cabinet shelf.

“Thank you Lay” Suho said

“Okay so who am I missing?” Suho wondered aloud looking at his kids and counting. “Let’s see….hmm…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…Baekhyun and Chen!”

“Yes?” Both boys called out at the same time

“Hurry up and get here so you can eat breakfast, and please tell Tao and Sehun to hurry up!”

“Yes!” Chen yelled down

Finally after having sent all the kids to school, Suho took a moment to sit down and rest. There were at least six baskets of laundry to be done, and let’s not even get started with dishes and scrubbing the tub etc. etc. all props to having ten kids to take care of. Even though they weren’t exactly his to begin with, blood related, Suho still took care of them like they were his own. Since making the decision to adopt all of them, he had taken full responsibility, and tried to raise them as best as he could.

-Ah I’m exhausted and the day hasn’t even started- Suho thought as he passed his fingers through his black tangled hair. –I wonder where he’s at…I wonder if he’s eaten yet… there’s no time for this Suho, just hurry up and get the chores done so you can start making lunch for the kids- Well in reality all ten of them weren’t kids, but actually full grown teenage boys, but still they were Suho’s kids.

In the middle of washing his third laundry basket, his cellphone suddenly beeped marking a new text message.  Suho carefully set the laundry detergent down, and took his cell out.

1 New Message

The screen read in big black letters. With a single screen swipe, the phone showed the text, and Suho read it slowly.

Kris 1:45pm

Hey it’s me. Listen I won’t be able to go home tonight, because I still have to take care of some paperwork so don’t wait for me. Tell the kids I love them, and I’ll see you soon.

Suho stared at the screen as he felt a small feeling of disappointment. He began a new message to reply back.

Suho 1:49pm

It’s okay, just please make sure not to overwork yourself, and also make sure you’re eating enough. I’m worried you might get sick from working so much, please come home soon the kids miss you. I miss you.

 It was always like this. Suho couldn’t remember a time where Kris had spent much time home. The only exceptions were holidays where he would bring the kids presents, and he would spend the whole day with them. However it wasn’t enough for Suho, and he was sure that it wasn’t enough for the kids. Suho wondered why Kris, the man he had married approximately two years back, had suddenly become so distant. In all honestly Kris was already distant even before the two of them decided to marry, but this just took it to a whole new level.

Kris knew that he didn’t have to work so much, because they both came from a very wealthy family thus making them able to adopt so many kids. Yet it seemed Kris still thought it best to keep working. Suho wasn’t complaining, I mean how could he since he knew Kris loved him with all his heart. Right?...Right.

Kris POV

“What are you doing after school?” Kris half whispered on his cell

The whole building was now almost completely empty, and Kris paced around with a huge smirk on his face.


There was a big photo frame hanging up in Kris’s office and it immediately catches his attention once he walks in. Kris stared at it for a moment before realizing that the person on the other line was talking.

“What was that? Sorry I didn’t catch it” Kris said looking away from the photo frame and walking towards his desk.

“Yes I can pick you up after you get out.” he replied gathering his things.

With one last look at the photo frame, the one that showed Suho and the kids smiling happily, he quickly walked out of his office closing the door behind him.

After leaving the company building, Kris got into his expensive sport car and drove off still feeling a tad bit guilty about everything he’d been keeping a secret.

Author’s POV

All ten boys gathered around the soccer field, and they playfully pushed one another.

“Yah! What the heck is your problem?” Baekhyun yelled at Chen who had pushed him a bit too hard.

“Aww I’m sorry Baekhyunie” Chen said as he hugged the other boy tightly in apology

“It’s fine” Baekhyun said laughing cheerfully and hugging Chen back

Kai, Luhan, and Sehun chatted about a school project while Tao, Xiumin, and Lay laughed loudly about a TV show called Weekly Idol.

“It was really funny! I was literally almost crying!” Xiumin said as he remembered the amusing show.

“Hey what are you three talking about?” D.O. asked curiously joining into the conversation

“Ah we’re talking about weekly idol” Lay said and he placed his arm around D.O’s shoulder

“Hey guys aren’t we supposed to go home now?” Kai asked looking up from where Luhan was showing him a funny video he had found

“Yeah we should go now so we can help Mom out with chores” Tao said before picking up his bag

“Let’s go then, but first let’s pick up some food” Sehun said with a smile

“Yeah! I’m starving” Lay whined loudly

“You always are Lay” Chen said jokingly

“Maybe we should call Mom first” Luhan offered as they all walked towards the gates

“Yeah” Kai said as he looked for his cellphone “Oh …”

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asked looking back at Kai

“Guys I forgot my phone in class” Kai whined loudly knowing he would have to go all the way back to get it

The boys looked at each other and they all asked if Kai wanted them to go with him. Kai declined nicely saying he would meet them up at the ramen place and they could all walk home.

“Text me when you find it” Luhan ordered him as he began walking with the rest leaving Kai behind.

After reaching the class, Kai let out a sigh of relief when he saw his phone on top of his desk.

-Ah thank God- he thought looking at the screen where he saw a message from their Mom

Mom 2:54 pm

Kai tell the other boys that I finished making lunch, but tell them to bring something to drink. Don’t forget! Love you all! :)

Texting back a simple Okay we love you too! Kai took off trying to catch up with his brothers. However on his way out, he ran into their friend Park Narae.

“Hey Kai!” She said cheerfully

“Oh hey Narae what’s up?” Kai asked smiling back at his friend

“Not much really. I’m just leaving now and you?”

“Yeah, I’m catching up with my brothers because I left my phone in class and had to come back to get it”

“Ah okay. Well say hi to them for me okay?”

“Okay” Kai said as she began walking away “Oh hey actually, don’t you want me to walk you home? Don’t you live nearby the ramen shop?” Kai asked wanting to keep talking to their friend.

Park Narae had been Kai and his brother’s friend for a long time, even before Mom Suho and Dad Kris decided on adopting them. She was pretty cute with her full pink lips and adorable smile. Literally Kai and his brothers had been betting to see who would end up becoming her boyfriend, but until now no one had succeeded.

“No that’s okay” she replied with a warm smile “Thank you Kai”

Kai decided to leave before it became later, and he knew his brothers were waiting for him. Following behind Narae towards the school gates, he noticed a familiar looking car parked nearby.

-Ah that car looks familiar- he thought as he stopped to stare, but suddenly looked down as he received a message from Luhan.

Luhan 3:10 pm

Yah! Kai hurry up! We’ve been waiting forever here :)

Kai couldn’t help but laugh at Luhan’s way of telling him to hurry.

-What’s with the little happy face? - He thought still smiling widely. He immediately texted Luhan back, while still laughing lightly.

Kai 3:12 pm

Haha what’s up with the little happy face Luhan? And I’m on my way I just ran into Narae. Tell the hyungs to wait for me eh! Don’t you guys dare leave me! -> :) Just for you…

Kai looked up at the car again, the white one that was parked on the other side of the street, and he noticed Narae getting in. Ignoring the whole scene he began running to meet up with his hyungs.

Kris POV

Kris parked in front of the school, and waited for a few minutes before he saw someone approaching the car.

Narae opened the door, and carefully slid in placing her bag down. She closed the door and looked at him, her innocent mask falling to reveal her true self. There was a slight smirk on her bright pink lips, and she stared at Kris for a moment before talking.

“Where are we going today?” She asked taking out a mirror from her bag and checking her makeup, something Kris didn’t understand because she was already gorgeous.

“Hello to you too” Kris said sarcastically as he started the car, he suddenly saw something that caught his attention and he froze.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Kai standing there looking at the car almost seeming to recognize it.

“” Kris cursed under his breath, but suddenly felt relieved as he saw his son look down to his phone and smile.

-He must be texting Luhan- Kris thought, knowing that Luhan was the only one who could make Kai smile like a total idiot.

 After a little bit, Kai left running in the opposite direction, and Kris let out a sigh.

“What the hell have I told you to be careful when you’re around my kids!” he yelled at Narae who in response pouted

“Aish, please don’t start! Unless you want me to leave” she threated placing her hand on the door’s handle.

“No wait” Kris pleaded. “Let’s go” he put the car on drive and tried to forget about Kai seeing his car. 


Hi guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please comment, subscribe, upvote :D if you did ^^ and if you didn't then please let me know if I did something wrong. >.< a nervous hahah!

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2455 streak #1
Chapter 24: for real, not everyone is given 2nd chances, Kris was very lucky to have one ang nice to see that he hasn't wasted it so far... he got his family back, that's nice too :)

i love this story, i love that it tackled forgiveness and all, in the end, the choices you make are yours, whether you'd regret it or not would be all on you... but those that we'll surely regret are the choices we don't make :)
2455 streak #2
Chapter 23: Suho and Kris asking for permission to go on dates from the kids! HIHIHIHI
and Suho acting like a teenager as he retells what he's done with Kris to the kids

as much as there may be other people who disagree with Suho's decision to forgive Kris, but nothing we can do since the Suho of this au chose to forgive him, after loving him still after all this time and feeling and seeing the change in Kris and believing that Kris wouldn't dare do that to him again... it's his choice and since the Suho of this au is the one who'd live with it, in the end, it's really all up to him

Kris saying that he was so stupid and that Suho was too good for him... better late than never idiot! and not all are given 2nd chances, please don't waste it ever again
2455 streak #3
Chapter 22: Lay's "oh no... you deserved more than that" resonates with me so much in this fic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

never knew he had that of a special connection with Kris tho... idk if i commented on it before, but if not, i just wanna say that this chapter's title is so beautifully apt :)
2455 streak #4
for squeezing out something much more meaningful than an apology from Kris

in the end, time apart was what they needed for Kris to atone for his sins and get his together, the rest of the family also needed to get over the initial anger then sort out their feelings for Kris as well... Suho has said himself that he still loves Kris, but he's gotta have to work much harder to get that trust that he broke back...
2455 streak #5
Chapter 20: Suho thinking if that was the same way he held the mistress before, things as serious as that when left hanging can haunt you for a long time...

Kris's way of apologizing, if that was ever considered one,
2455 streak #6
Chapter 19: years later, the make me forget abt him part still affects me so damn much... i knew they would take that route, and just... ugh thank god nothing further than kisses and making out happened... just, i don't feel like it's the wisest decision
2455 streak #7
Chapter 17: as much as i pity the state Kris has been in since he left Suho and the kids, what can we do, he did it himself... but istg, taking anti depressants with alcohol, he's really just waiting for death then huh?
2455 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh Kai... precious Kai
2455 streak #9
Chapter 14: Kris is lucky Narae's parents only sent her far away and didn't sue him lol

at this moment, Kris sure deserved to wallow is the misery and emptiness he's feeling coz of everything he did

idk if i mentioned it when i read this before, but Kai's desire to not lose his family, is what made him forgive Kris instantly... should be surprising that out of all the kids, he was the one most affected by the issue, yet he was the only one who wanted to keep contact with Kris... but Kai's love for the family that they had was above everything else for him... such a sweet child
2455 streak #10
Chapter 10: yup, this Narae has got to be the most despicable character to ever grace the KrisHo au...

and yes, seems like Suho isn't as weak as Kris thought... if anything, Kris was the weaker between the two since it was him who couldn't even stop his wrongdoings and be honest to his husband... he took the coward way of hiding... and look what it did to Kai and now, the prolonged affair gave some sort of courage to this little girl... Kris should've known better