Chapter 6

Let Me Love You

Yuki's POV

        By the time i got home, it was 10 p.m, i had nearly gotten myself walking home this late, to make things worse Yixing caught a cold. I quickly ran a warm bath ignoring my phone that had been ringing since i left the school. i had to take care of important things first and answering my calls wasn't one of them. After i dried him off i helped him slip into his pajama's and placed him in my bed. I Ran downstairs to make rice pourage, something my dad had always made for me whenever i was sick. As soon as i finished feeding him, he fell back to sleep, and he wasn't feeling as hot as before. i rested my head at the edge of the bed, his hair. 

"I'm so sorry Yixing," my eyes were tearing up again, "i swear i won't put you through that again." soon after i dozed off myself. 

Kai's POV

        "Your pathetic,worthless,stupid,immature! I hope your happy!" 

why wasn't i happy? i finally got what i wanted didn't i? the moments that we had together kept flashing into my head. Why was i feeling pain instead of satisfaction? that face she gave me when i finally mad her cry, tore me on the inside. 

"Kai." as i turned around someone splashed me in the face with punch followed by a slap. "Are you happy now, that you got what you wanted. That was real mature of you Kai, especially scarring a kid for life!? Yuki was already ed up way before she met you and now you just made her worse, because of you we don't even know where the she is." 

"Bomi calm down," she grabbed my punch and splashed it in my face before slapping me again, ilhoon had to drag her away. 

"Oh hyung where you going?" 

" To a bar." 

Yuki's POV


"hm?" who's knocking at this hour, i dragged myself to the door and looked through the peep hole, "Oh Mrs.Parks?"

"Mrs.Parks it's late what are you doing here?"

"I came to drop off your boyfriend."

"What're you talking about-" i watched as she lifted Kai from the back seat, "W-what's he doing here!?"

"he suddenly showed up at the Daycare calling your name, the kids were getting scared so i brought him here."

"yuki. . . yuuuuuuki~" he sang. "i think he caught a cold or something, he was coughing in my car the whole ride here..." she said leaning him against the wall. "I have to go now, i left the kids alone who knows what could happen." she said running into her car, i watched as Kai made airplane noises with his lips, half of me wanted to leave him out here, but the other half wanted to help him, All of a sudden he curled up into a ball and started shaking and he began coughing a storm. i ran my fingers through my hair. "Aish," i lifted him up and slowly dragged him upstairs into my room and placed him on the couch bed, his shirt was wet,red,and reeked of alcohal. 

"Your 19 and already drinking, whats wrong with you." i said as i ed his shirt exposing his toned abs. My hands moved on their own as they traced along the dents of his stomach. i mentally slapped myself. this isn't the time to be getting freaky Yuki. i went into the bathroom and blasted the water to boiling hot, i filled up a bowl and soaked a wash cloth in it. this was the only way i could clean him, rather than undressing him fully. 

"Yuki..." he muttered but was clear enough for me to hear. my heart felt as if it was jumping for joy, but the things he did to both me and Yixing kept pulling me back into darkness. After i cleaned him all up i borrowed one of Wooyoung's shirt and slipped it on him. i grabbed a few painkillers and placed them onto the table next to him. "Your gonna need those tomorrow." i fixed the blanket on him and went back to Yixing.i had a nasty headache myself.  

Kai's POV

        i woke up to the sound of chewing, ugh must be chanyeol again he doesn't know how to chew with his mouth closed. i threw a pillow at him only to hear a crash and the sound of a boy crying. Is he this weak. "Ya shut u-" i looked down to find..Yixing? what was he doing here!? he was on the floor crying, "ugh my head." 

"Yixing, what did i say about getting out of bed." Yuki groggily walked over not even giving a damn that she was stepping on the spilled cereal. She picked him up and craddled him back into the bed. How did i get here? all i remember was, going to the bar. buying a bunch of beer and then i think i walked to the daycare and everything went blank from there. i looked over at Yuki who was still in the White laced dress, her arms and legs were scraped not to mention how swelled up her right cheek was. "It's okay Xingxing, Mommy's gonna go make you a new bowl okay." she limped out the door and both Yixing and i stared at each other, the air in the room felt so uncomfortable. i noticed i wasn't in my dress shirt but merely a t-shirt. what is going on? how did i get here? what happened yesterday!?

"How you feeling?" she said handing me a glass of water

"where am i?" i said taking the water, "your at my place, you were drunk last night and my boss had to drop you off here, because your idot self walked to the daycare center scaring the kids. ring a bell?" 

the images started playing inside my head making it pound even harder. "yeah..." 

"there's pain killers on the table. here Xingxing eat up."

"th-thanks." she mopped up the cereal. "Are you hungry?" she said coughing.

"naw i'm g-" my stomach began growling. she let out an exhausting sigh. "stay here, i'll be back. Don't you dare touch Yixing." the air was once filled with awkwardness, Yixing kept eating his cereal while staring at me. why was she doing this for me? i put her through hell and yet she's taking care of me, along with a four year old kid. 

"i made pourage, sorry this was the only thing i made, Yixing caught a cold yesterday so i had to make it."  

"Why are you doing this for me, the guy who put you through so much. even hurting a kid just to make you lose it." 

"i don't know, it's been a habit of mine. i guess i get it from my mom..." 

"Speaking of mom, where are your parents? wouldn't they freak if they knew you were taking care of a drunk boy-" 

"Their dead." she said Yixing's hair as he gulped down the leftover milk in the bowl. 

"oh i'm sorry..." the air in the room became tensed quick and fast, i didn't know what to do or say. 

"Mommy you don't look too good!" Yixing said about to cry, Yuki's breathing wasn't normal, it was rather going fast. And the way she was sweating a storm, and how pale she was looking. 

"Hey you okay?" 

she struggled to get up, leaning against the wall to help her stand. "Yeah, i just gotta go take a quick sho-" she fell over and luckily i managed to catch her, Yixing on the other hand, was a crying mess once again. she's burning up. i placed her on the couch bed and began undressing her, before i could pull the whole dress off i turned Yixing around. "This isn't for kids to see." i went back to Yuki who had thrown the blankets on the ground, picking at her dress trying to take it off herself. "why is it so hot?" she said panting. is she trying to seduce me? 

"easy there...Your tempting me Yuki." i said pinning her arms down. 

"Kai, it's so hot."she whined squrming underneath me, "Take it off for me..." i slipped the dress off of her in one swift motion, leaving her in her black bra that matched with her black laced . she was about to pull them off when i stopped her again. 

"Why are you doing this?!~" she whined. "Its so hot!!" 

"Will you stop trying to seduce me?!" 

"it's so hot though." my body reacted on it's own and i attacked her neck, causing her to let out a moan and her breathing hitched up more. i slowly let go of her wrist and trailed down her arms onto her s as i slowly massaged them. "K-kai we can't- ah~" i interrupted her when i bit another part of her neck. "Do you want me to get rid of your fever faster?" i said whispering into her ear.

she only nodded, with that i got off of her and walked towards Yixing. "Hey why don't you go draw a picture for Mommy and watch pororo?" i said handing him my phone along with my headphones, i placed it on his head and sent him to the living room. closing the door behind him. 

" the only way to get rid of a fever is to sweat it out." 

"Liar," yuki said throwing the pillows off the bed, "Why is it still hot!" she yelled.

"i'll prove it to you, if you'll let me." 

"please, i hate this." she said tugging at he underwear. 


. - . well that was awkward . . . LOL jk.

umm. . . so who's ready for some !? 

hehehe Yuki's naughty when she has a fever, LOL.

Thank you for subscribing. i hope you guys are enjoying it so far and yeah i'll see you next time . ;DD

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Thanks for everyone who voted & fort those who didnt i'm sorry. The winner is BANG YONGGUK !!! Look forward to my next story ^.^


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 16: It's so good!!!

I felt so angry when they did that to little XingXing at the banquet (how could they!)
I was more surprised with XingXing's thinking ^^ So adorable!!!

I've read all of your stories, and they are all so good!!!

Great job authornim :D :D I hope to see an update of another well-written story soon ^^
Chapter 16: This is so cute!! I love that she changed him!! Ahhhhh I love this fanfic so much~
HaeriLuvsU #3
Chapter 13: Why is this fanfiction so addicting! Not like its a bad thing but... gahhh~! Anyway I just started like an hour ago and now I'm like almost finished, but its like one of those stories I'll be reading more than once. (^o^) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!
Mlou13 #4
Chapter 16: Awesome freaking fanfic smiled from ear to war like a big idiot while reading it
heyyheyy83 #5
This is so awesome! Hope you'll update soon!
Audery #6
Chapter 14: Authornim, I can't wait any longer please continue<333
Kkamjjongasm #7
Chapter 6: OMG Yuki is naughty when she has a fever.... LOLOLOLOL
Kkamjjongasm #8
Chapter 5: Update soon please...
Sending143 #9
Chapter 1: Awesome! Update soon!