Chapter 5

Let Me Love You

(It's going to be a long chapter)

Kai's POV

        "Your going to the banquet? this is a first." Taemin said leaning against the doorway, "Did you finally find a girl your interested in? Whats her name? Do i know her? is it Bomi?!"

"Hyung, you know she's dating ilhoon right?"

"Seriously? OMO, i knew they had a thing but i didn't know they had the guts to date each other." he let out a light chuckle, "So what's the theme of the Banquet this time?"

"Be Fancy, suit and dresses." 

he nodded his head, "This doesn't make sense to me, your finally going to the banquet. after all of these years i've been persuading you to has to be a girl!"

"Well it does have something to do with a girl." i said smirking. 

"Oh i know that face, what are you gonna do Kim Jongin." he said sternly. 

"Nothing Hyung." i said lightly chuckling. " Jongin, stop ing around and tell me." 

"Hyung, you've seen me done it plenty of times already. i don't think i have to repeat what i'm going to do." he let out a scoff, "you said you'd quit right after i graduated!"

"I am, after tonight." Taemin let out a fustrated sigh, "Jongin, Lily isn't going to come back to you like this. Your treating all the girls like this because of what she did to you?" 

"Hyung, all girls are like that. they'll use you till they get what they want."

"Not all girls are like that, maybe if you give them a chance-" 

"Hyung your gonna make me late..." 

"Fine, do what you want." he said throwing his arms in the air. 

Yuki's POV 

        "What is this?" i mumbled to myself as i stared at the white lace dress hanging in my locker

"How'd it get in here!?" i read the note that was attached to the dress :

" I got you a little something ;) i mean my date has to look nice for the banquet right? 

make sure your not late. - Kai "

"Your going to the banquet?!" Bomi said. 

"Do i even have a choice?" i said still gawking at the dress. "Your going to wear that!?" ilhoon laughed. "you look ugly enough in the school's uniform!!" he said nearly pissing himself. Bomi punched him in the arm. "Gee thanks." 

ilhoon was right though, never in my life have i worn anything so. . . exposing. i could barley handle the school's uniform skirt. Not to mention Wooyoung who banned me from wearing them. "Does this even cover my !?" i exclaimed running my fingers through my hair. 

"Come on we gotta go get ready." Bomi said grabbing my hand. 


        "Oh my God." Bomi said 

ilhoon kept rubbing his eyes, "D-do i look that weird?" 

"Yuki, you look beautiful!" Yixing ran towards me, nearly knocking me over cause of the 6 inch heels i had to wear. "Mommy, you look pretty." i picked him up and nuzzled my nose with his. "Thank you." 

"What's this? your letting him call you Mom?!" ilhoon said his face scrunched up.

"Yeah, no matter how many times i told him, he wouldn't call me Noona." i said ruffling his hair. 

"Who's going to watch Yixing? My parents work late, and Wooyoung doesn't come home till next week." Bomi said

"And we can't take him with us." ilhoon said. 

"I got it covered. Today at the Daycare is sleep over day, we always do it once a month. Just to get the kids to know each other, plus this little guy here already made a few friends." i said tickling him. 

"i swear you look like a mom about to go clubbing." Bomi laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment," i laughed. 

"Kaja, we'll be late." 

we made a quick stop at the daycare dropping Yixing off and finally made our way back to the school. to be honest i was a tad bit nervous but i was prepared with the humiliation. i waited in front of the entrance for Kai, my legs were shaking due to the height of the heels i had on. 

"Bomi, couldn't you had given me flats or heels i was comfortable in?" 

"Those were the only heels that would match with the dress your wearing." she said knitting her fingers together. 

"And why is this dress so fitted? And where's Kai he's the one who told me not to be late and here he is running late." ilhoon let out a laugh "Yuki would you calm down?" i let out a groan, but calmed down. i watched as a black limo pulled up and out came Kai along with his friends but there was only 5 of them, my mouth slightly opened in awe as they came out. they looked so handsome. They let out a different kind of vibe, instead of high school boys they let out a more mature manly aura. i swear you can just roll out a red carpet. 

"Sorry for running late, we had to make a quick stop." he looked at me up and down and finally let out a smirk. "i didn't think you would wear it, you look nice." he said placing my arm around his. "Shall we," 

i could feel my cheeks turning a light pink, am i- am i blushing!? when he said that i looked nice i swear i thought my heart did a little dance. of all the times why do i feel this way now. No Yuki, you can't. you can't have feelings for him now...

Kai's POV

       Before we made our way to the school, we mad a quick the daycare. 

"May i help you?" 

"Hi you must be Mrs.Parks," i said. 

"Uh Yes, can i help you." 

"You see were classmates of hers-"

"All twelve of you?"

"Yes, i'm throwing a surprise for Yuki at the Banquet were attending, and i was wondering if Bomi's nephew would like to come and surprise her with me."

"Bomi's Nephew? Bomi doesn't have a nephew that goes here" 

"Then who's Yixing?"

"Yuki didn't tell you? Yixing's an orphan, she took him in."

"So, he's like her son?" i said with an eyebrow raised. "You can put it that way...i'll go get him for you."

"Oh things just got a whole lot better." i said.

"Hyung what do you plan on doing with him," Sehun said.

"I told Taemin Hyung i'll stop toying with women after this one, i might as well make this the biggest scene yet." 

"Here he is," She said holding him. 

"Hey there remember me?" he nodded. "I'm Yuki's boyfriend, i was wondring if you want to go see her?" he reached out his arms, wriggling out of the womens arms. "i guess that's a yes." i said chuckling lightly. 

"Have fun you two." 

"Yixing, these are my friends, i'm sorry to tell you but your not riding in the same car as i am, but you will with Kris Hyung." he looked at me as if he was about to cry, "Don't worry he won't bite, i promise you." i said handing him to Kris. 

"You guys ready? Because this show is going to be the best one yet." 

      as we arrived, my eyes landed right on Yuki. She looked beautiful, the way the dress hugs her curves and the way her curls rested slightly passed her . My stomach knotted up a little, Damn it Kai you could've just chosen an ugly dress.

Yuki's POV

        The moment we stepped inside the building, all eyes were on us. i tried wriggling out of his grasp but he only tightened it, the room was filled with chitters and whispers as we walked to our table. "Hey i'll go get us some drinks." he said whispering into my ear. i sat uncomfortable in my seat, this was my first time at the school banquet. i gawked at every little there. "Yuki, smile!" i turned and looked at Bomi who was holding a polaroid camera, taking a shot of me. "You still have that?" ilhoon laughed. 

"Of course, it was my first birthday present from you, scoot closer so we can take a picture." she said wrapping her arm around his neck. 

"Here." Kai said handing me the drink, i looked at it for a moment, hesistating to take it. "Don't worry i didn't spike it or anything." 

"Thanks," i said taking the drink and taking a sip. "Or maybe i did." i started choking on the drink and watched as Kai laughed, this time it was different, his laugh. it was more of a friendly laugh than his evil ones, and this was my first time seeing him actually smile without that seducing smirk of his. "Ya, don't play with me like that." i said playfully socking him in the arm, i was reaching for my napkin when he took it from my hands, "I got cha." he gently wiped the juice from my lips, careful so he didn't smear my lipstick. 

"Wanna go dance?" He said standing up holding out his arm. "Oh i don't dance," i said waving my hands in my face. "Come on you can't be that bad." he said grabbin my hand, lifting me up. i stumbled a little and ended up falling onto him. "Smile~" Bomi chimed, and the camera let out a flash. 

"You okay there?" Kai chuckled "Yeah, sorry about's just these heels." 

"Don't worry all you have to do is let me lead." he led me onto the dance floor, he twirled me before wrapping an arm around my waist. he placed my hand onto his shoulder and entwined our free hands together. "all you have to do is just slightly rotate every now and then." we both kept looking down so we wouldn't step on each other. 

"really thats it? it's so simple-" my heart stopped as i looked up, bumping noses. i watched as Kai slowly moved his face closer to mines, never breaking away his gaze. My stomach was a mess. it was in knots and the butterflies wouldn't stop fluttering. He pulled me in closer causing our lips to finally touch, our lips were syncing with each other, the way his big soft lips moved against mines. Fireworks were erupting in my stomach and my heart was beating rather fast. 

"Testing...123..ah, okay Thank you everyone for coming and joining in on this banquet. To our surprise, he has finally made his first appearance, will Kai please come up on stage and say a few words." 

Kai broke off the kiss, and gave me one last peck. "Go back to the table, i'll see you there." i watched as he headed onto the stage, did i just really kiss Kai. i stumbled a little back to the table. Both Bomi and ilhoon had their mouths wide open, gawking at me. "You just did not-Oh My God-Yuki what-did-huh!?" Bomi said. 

"I'm just as surprised as you are!" i said burying my face into my hands. 

"I know it's surprising to see me here, but hopefully it'll be my last time ever attending a banquet," Kai said, "now that i have everyones attention, we've all been wondering what does the innocent, emotionless, Jang Yuki does for a living." at that moment i froze up, all eyes turned towards me and even a spot light landed on me. "Yuki let's go," Bomi said pulling me up. "No." i said snatching my hand away, "Go on Kai," i said my arms crossed with a slight smirk on my face. he himself had a smirk on his face. "we all thought that Jang Yuki was innocent, pure, nice. Not one of us has ever seen her cry before, but i'm going to show you guys today. The Jang Yuki you see now isn't as pure as you think, she has a child." My confidence had plumet, and it was showing on my face, Kai's face had turned into a huge smile. the room was filled with whispers. "What are you talking about Kai, Yuki doesn't have a ki-" Bomi was interrupted,

"MOMMY!!" Tao had came on the stage holding Yixing by his wrist, Yixing was . The whispers grew louder. "Jang Yuki, who has an idol brother, The one and only Wooyoung from 2PM is working at a Daycare." Everyone was talking loudly now, "And this," Kai said snatching Yixiing away from Tao. "This is her Child!" he threw him to the ground, causing him to cry more. when he was about to run towards me he held onto his hair. i started running towards the stage, struggling in the heels when someone tripped me, its the girls from before, one of them pulled me by the hair lifting me up. "LET ME GO! Let. Him. Go. Kai." i said through gritted teeth. 

Bomi and ilhoon were being held back by Kai's friends. i yanked my arms away and slapped the girl to my left and kicked the one in the stomach to my right. Another girl turned me around and slapped me, i knocked her down and ran up on stage, and Yixing ran into my arms. i wiped his tears away and walked up to Kai, and slapped him. Everyone gasped as if i shot someone. Kai only smirked. "To go this far..Just to make me cry," my tears finally spilling out of my eyes. "Your pathetic,worthless,stupid,immature! I hope your happy!" i pushed him and picked up Yixing running stumbling out of the building. 

"Are you okay Yixing? Mommy's so sorry." i said covering his body as much as i could. "I'm so sorry." i tripped and fell. "Are you okay XingXing!?" my arms and knees were scraped, "Who the fuc can wear these kind of heels!!" i said throwing them to the side. i didn't know which hurted the most, my scrapes, Yixing being humiliated, or the fact that i had fell in love with Kai. 


Well how did you guys like it?

. - . yeah i'm sorry i had to make Yixing . . .


i'm so sorry it was long. ; --- ; 

hope you guys enjoyed it . :) 

i'll see you next time. 

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Thanks for everyone who voted & fort those who didnt i'm sorry. The winner is BANG YONGGUK !!! Look forward to my next story ^.^


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 16: It's so good!!!

I felt so angry when they did that to little XingXing at the banquet (how could they!)
I was more surprised with XingXing's thinking ^^ So adorable!!!

I've read all of your stories, and they are all so good!!!

Great job authornim :D :D I hope to see an update of another well-written story soon ^^
Chapter 16: This is so cute!! I love that she changed him!! Ahhhhh I love this fanfic so much~
HaeriLuvsU #3
Chapter 13: Why is this fanfiction so addicting! Not like its a bad thing but... gahhh~! Anyway I just started like an hour ago and now I'm like almost finished, but its like one of those stories I'll be reading more than once. (^o^) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!
Mlou13 #4
Chapter 16: Awesome freaking fanfic smiled from ear to war like a big idiot while reading it
heyyheyy83 #5
This is so awesome! Hope you'll update soon!
Audery #6
Chapter 14: Authornim, I can't wait any longer please continue<333
Kkamjjongasm #7
Chapter 6: OMG Yuki is naughty when she has a fever.... LOLOLOLOL
Kkamjjongasm #8
Chapter 5: Update soon please...
Sending143 #9
Chapter 1: Awesome! Update soon!