Chapter 20

Give me your Heart

"Tiffany, faster we will gonna be late!" Yoona said impatiently.

"wow! Mom, you are so beautiful with that dress!" Mackie clasp her hands together with excitement.

"okay, uhm, let's go! That Kwon might be waiting for you. We can't be late."

"okay, boss let's go!" The three went inside the car that Yuri has send to pick them up.

"mom, are you happy?" Mackie ask Tiffany as the latter observe her mother who is so quiet.

"of course I am" Tiffany showed her beautiful eye smile to the kids

"I bet you are nervous now. Are you really sure about this?" Tiffany simply nod her head as a respond to Yoona's questions.

"mom, if you are not really into this you don't have to force yourself." Mackie said in a sad tone.

"hey, what are you two talking about?come here both of you" the two little girls went to Tiffany's arms. "I just miss, my dad. I just wish that he's here and celebrates with us" Tiffany's tears flows heavily.

"Tiffany, I mean, mom" Tiffany turn her gaze at Yoona and smiled to the latter.

"we are here for you, you know how much we love you." Tiffany cried even more


Kwon Company


"Is everything okay? No press people, I want it to be private" Mr Kwon said to his staff. "Pink flowers, where are the pink flowers? Yuri told me that everything must be pink" he added.

"Mr Kwon, the Hwang group of Companies are here already" Sooyoung said politely to the aged man.

"Is Ms. Hwang here, too?" Sooyoung nodded. "Where is Yuri? Why is she not here yet?" Sooyoung remembered that she saw Jessica walking down the hall 30 minutes ago.

"what is Jessica doing in here anyway?. This wedding is secret. Oh, no! I hope Yuri won't change her mind. I have to find her before it's too late!" Sooyoung started her pace up to Yuri's office.



"Thank you for giving me time to speak with you, Yul before the wedding"

"what is it that you want, Jessica?you've got to tell me now, my wedding will start in a minute"

"Donghae and I decided to get a divorce" Yuri startled 

"Yuri, I am free" Jessica sob heavily. "You don't have to continue this wedding, we can be together now. I know that I am selfish, but only to you. I can't live without you, Yuri"so that's why you are here. You really think that I am a fool, huh?" Yuri turn her back away from Jessica.

"Yuri, don't you love me anymore?" Yuri stops


Meanwhile at the parking area the driver help Tiffany to get out from the car. Tiffany heard voices, her heart skip a bit and her feet started to move on its own. Tiffany unconsciously followed the direction of the voices, she was interrupted when "mom, where are you going?we will be late" Yoona said in a pleading tone.

"just go on, Yoong, I will be there in a minute." Yoona never hesitated to leave the latter. 

"Don't you love me anymore?" Those words gave Tiffany a curiosity to walk farther.

As Tiffany getting nearer to the direction of the voices. A two familiar figures become visible in her sight. "Yuri and Jessica" Tiffany said in a whisper manner.




"I never stop loving you" Yuri said confidently

"then come with me. Marry me instead of her" Jessica said in a stern voice.

"I can't, I already made a promise. I can't hurt her and the kids"

"Jessica hasten her pace towards Yuri and kiss the latter hungrily. Yuri can't control herself any longer. She missed Jessica so much. The two freely shared their feelings to each other.


Tiffany in the far right side of the place witness everything. "I thought that you have a feelings for me already" Tiffany covers with her hands, so no one will hear her crying. "You still love her." Tiffany lean her body at the wall and slid herself down and sat on the floor. "What about the first night that we shared together? Is it for real or just part of the game?" Tiffany clasp her hands close to her chest "I'm sorry, Yuri. I am so sorry for dragging you into this. I'm sorry that I ruined your chance to be with Jessica again. I promise that after all this mess I am going to set you free." Tiffany is now hugging her knees.




Yuri withdraw herself from the kiss "Jessi, let's stop this. This is not right." Yuri rested her forehead to Jessica's "I am sorry, I can't promise anything to you. I am so confused right now."

"then stop this wedding!" 

"It's so easy for you to say that." Yuri pull herself totally from Jessica.

"Yuri, please give me another chance. Let's start all over again. You, I and Seoyon" Yuri look at the later in the eye

"you have no chance with Seoyon, Jess. She already loved Tiffany and her new sisters." Yuri said straight to the point.

"I don't care if she doesn't love me as long as you are with me" Yuri just chuckled

"go home, Jess, go back to your greedy husband I'm pretty sure that he can satisfy your needs." Yuri turn around and leave the latter so defeated.


Kwon's Conference Hall


"Yuri, thank God that you are here. I thought that Jessica would convince you to change your mind" Soo said worriedly.

"You saw Jessica?"

"Yes!" Soo nod her head a few times.

"Soo, I don't want you to mention that in my father's presence" Yuri pause "specialy to Tiffany, okay?"

"Yuri!" Mr Kwon call Yuri

"the wedding is about to start. Everybody is here, even the ministers of the wedding except for the bride. Now where is my soon to be daughter in law?"


"Yuri I called the security no one had seen her" Soo said in a not so nervous manner.

"oh, gosh, Tiffany where are you?" Yuri sit on the nearest chair and face palm himself. "Come on, Yuri, think of a possible place that she might visit before coming here?" Yuri mumbles to herself. "It's almost time. I've got to go and look for her" Yuri stands and turn around and then "Tiffany!" Yuri run to the latter and hug her tight. Tiffany is so confused of Yuri's action. "Where have you been, huh? We've been looking for you. I thought something bad might happened to you" Yuri caress Tiffany's cheeks using her thumbs.

"please, Yuri, don't do this to me. Stop pretending that you cared for me, for us. Don't make me fall in love with you" Tiffany said to herself.

"hey, shall we start now?" Yuri kiss Tiffany on the forehead then give the latter a tight hug before telling everyone to prepare.


The wedding is simple yet it's elegant. The people who are behind this wedding are those people that both companies had trusted.

For Yuri this wedding is for the sake of the company's security and expansions

For Tiffany this wedding is for the Children's Foundation and so she can legally adopt Mackie and Yoona.

That was their reasons before. Before they knew each other. The two woman are just blinded by the nonsense reasons. They didn't know that their is something else that made them pursue the wedding.

Yuri who is standing near the altar with her friend Sooyoung and Seoyon happily waiting for the beautiful girl who is now walking on the aisle with her two angels beside her.

Tiffany stopped her pace and looking at Yuri's direction " tell me to stop this, Yuri, tell me" Tiffany has been awaken from her thought by Mackie. "Mommy, mama Yuri is waiting" Tiffany silently cried as she heard Mackie called Yuri mama.

A few more steps and Tiffany is now in Yuri's front. Yuri's sweet smile never leaves the latter since the ceremony begins.

Holding Tiffany's hand on hers makes Yuri calm and confident. "You're not smiling since the beginning. Is there anything wrong?" Yuri whispered to Tiffany's ear.

Tiffany turn her head to the latter and whispered back to her "I'm just nervous" then she smiled back to Yuri.

"I miss your smile" Yuri said. Tiffany just nod her head.

"Brothers and Sisters we are all here gathered today to witness the exchange of vow of this two lovely people. Ms Kwon you say your vow first." The minister said

Yuri take a deep breath before talking. "Tiffany Hwang. I am Kwon Yuri, the person who made a promise to you, that I will help you to clean up all the mess you had done. I am the person who promised you that  when you are in trouble I will always be your hero. I am the person" Yuri lift Tiffany's chin so the latter could see her eyes and kiss her on the lips. The people was shocked by Yuri's action "I am the first person who made love to you and willing to be the last." Tiffany's tears slowly dripping on her cheeks. "Tiffany, take this ring as a symbol of our commitment and vows for each other."

"Kwon Yuri, take this ring as a symbol of my sincerity and loyalty to our commitment and vows."  A loud of applause fills the entire hall. Everyone in the hall are happy except for Tiffany.


The wedding ended so well. All guests bids their goodbyes to the newlywed couples.


"Yuri, buddy I am so happy for you." The proud Sooyoung hug her friend

"thanks, Soo, I owe you this"

"nay, don't think about it, buddy it's really nothing" the two friends stop talking as they heard Yoona complaining to Tiffany.

"I want to sleep." Yoona started to cry.

"Yoong, this is not the right place to sleep in" Tiffany explains

"I am so tired and sleepy. I want to sleep" Yoona is whining.

"hey, hush now, okay?mama will carry you, come on"

"Yuri, don't!"

Yuri was dumbfounded to see Tiffany's angry face. "What is wrong with you?" Yuri ask in a calm manner "you've been acting weird since the ceremony. Are you sick?"

"no, I'm fine, it's just that I don't want you to spoil the kids. They might gonna used to it." Tiffany lower her gaze as she said those words.

"hey, look at me." When Tiffany didn't comply Yuri's request "I said look at me" Yuri said it again, but this time in a stern voice. Tiffany raises her head and look at Yuri in the eyes.

"gosh, you are so beautiful, did you know that?" Yuri walk closer to Tiffany and kiss the latter on the lips possessively. "I can't wait for tonight" smirk formed in Yuri's face. "Okay, let's go kids it's time to go home say your goodbyes to the people" Yuri said in a command tone while Yoona is still in her arms sleeping.

"Tiffany, what are you waiting for?don't ask me to carry you, I have her already" Yuri said teasing the latter.

Tiffany just give her a slight smile. 

"Don't worry, I'm gonna make you shout my name until the morning." Yuri received a slap on her arms from Tiffany.

"How about me on the top and you beneath" Yuri's eyes widen in shock.

"let's go home then" Yuri slid herself hastily in the car after making sure that her family is already in the car too and starts the engine and hurriedly drive the car home.

"I wanna lay you down and rock you until in the morning, baby" Yuri's dirty thought is working now.










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Chapter 19: For all the chapters, I love this one the most. You're cool author-ssi
Author, can I have a copy of the .pdf file so I can read it again and again offline? Thanks! :)
snsdjjang224 #3
Chapter 25: good one......
maomao88 #5
Chapter 25: awww,it ended so fast. can you make another yulti fanfic??
Chapter 25: Happy ending as always :") You did a great job Author-nim ^^
hiotmihagiwara #7
Chapter 25: special chap please....with . buahahahahaha.
PilotIsMyJob #8
Chapter 25: Great..but too short!! I want more comflict! Kekeke..
KwonStephanie #9
Chapter 25: It ends already? Aww man!
But, it's happy ending! Yeay!!
Thanks for the story, author ^^
Chapter 25: Wooow this story was amazing, please you have to write more YulTi fanfic's *-*
Congrats, i love this fic so much ><