Is this the end?



“I’m home!” Kyo heard Eric shouted from the living room. A few seconds later, Eric opened the room door, smiling. “I’m home.” He spoke softly, and made his way towards Kyo who was reading on the bed. “Did you miss me?”

“A little bit.” Eric laughed. Then he settled next to Kyo.

“What did you do the whole day?” Eric asked, leaning his head on Kyo’s shoulder.

“Um... Let’s see. Reading, playing toys, more reading, and playing games. And of course, sleeping.” Eric laughed at Kyo’s reply.

“You’re so cute.” He pinched Kyo’s cheek.

“What about you? How was your day?”

“I made a few friends.” Kyo felt a sting in his heart. “You’re right. When you smile, people start to see you differently.”

“That’s good to hear.” Kyo smiled when Eric looked at him.

“You’re happy for me right?”

“Of course I’m happy.”

“Thanks Kyo. You’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had.” Eric hugged him. That moment, Kyo heard a voice in his head.

“Your time is up.”

Kyo wanted to cry, thinking that his time with Eric had come to an end. He didn’t want to leave Eric. Not yet.

“Kyo? Why are you crying?”

“I’m just happy for you.” Kyo replied, holding back his tears.

That evening, Eric told Kyo about his new friends at school. He was excited and happy telling all those stories.

“Kyo, it’s dinner time. Wait here okay?” Eric got up and left to the kitchen. As soon as the door closed, Kyo lied on the bed, and started crying. He then looked out of the window and stared at the sky.

“I should be happy for him. But why do I feel sad? This is what he wished for me. And I did my job. I should be happy to go home. Now, I don’t feel anything close to happy.” Kyo cried and cried, until he finally fell asleep.

“Kyo?” Eric put the plate on the table, and tried to wake Kyo up. “Dinner.” Eric smiled when Kyo opened his eyes. He took the plate and gave it to Kyo. “You’re not hungry?” Eric asked, seeing Kyo eating slowly.

“Not really.” Kyo replied. Eric took the spoon from Kyo, and started feeding him. Eventually, he finished all the food. Kyo immediately lied down on the bed to continue sleeping.

“Kyo-ya. It’s not good for your body if you sleep after eating.” Kyo then got up and sat next to Eric.

“Then what should we do?” Kyo asked.

“What do you want to do?” Eric asked back.

“Don’t you have any homework?” Eric shook his head.

“Do you want me to read for you?” Kyo nodded. He just wanted to hear Eric’s voice for the last time. Eric took a story book and started reading.

“Sleeping Beauty?” Eric smiled. As Eric was reading, Kyo just looked at him. His heart was crying but his mind was telling him to savor the final moment with Eric. But apparently, his heart was stronger.

“Hey. Why are you crying again?” Eric asked after he finished reading the book. “Is it that sad?” Kyo just nodded. “Oh my poor Kyo.” Eric put away the book and held Kyo close to him. “Since you’re here, you were always crying. I’m starting to think that I’m a bad friend for you.”

“No, no. You’re a very good friend. I was just feeling sad because of the story.”

“Next time, I’ll read a funny story. Okay?” Kyo’s tears kept on flowing, for he knew there would never be next time.

“Eric-ah… If one day we separated from each other, would you look for me?” Kyo’s sudden question shocked Eric.

“What are you talking about?” Eric stared at Kyo.

“I’m just asking. Answer me.” Eric took a deep breath before answering.

“If one day we’re separated, I promise you I will find you, even if it means to go all over the world.” Kyo felt relieved. “But I hope we won’t be separated.”

“If I suddenly vanish from your sight, would you be mad at me?” Once again, Eric stared at Kyo. “Answer me.”

“If you have a good reason, I won’t be mad. But I hope you won’t vanish, no matter for whatever reason.”

“Eric-ah… Are you happy with me?”

“Since you came into my life, in the form of the doll, I was happy. And when you changed into who you are right now, I became happier.” Eric turned to Kyo. “And if you stay like this forever, I’ll be the happiest person on earth.” Eric hugged Kyo tightly.

“I’m already the happiest person right now.” Kyo said. Hearing this, Eric pecked his cheek.

“You’re so sweet, Kyo.”

“You are sweet too.”

“You’re cute.”

“You are cute too.”

“Are we going to do this all night?”

“We are going to do this all night.” Eric laughed at Kyo’s reply.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened in my life.”

“You are the best thing that ever happened in my life too.”

“I love you Kyo.” Kyo felt his heart beating rapidly. He didn’t sure what he was feeling at the moment; whether it was happy, or sad.

“I love you too Eric.” Eric kissed Kyo’s forehead. Then they both fell asleep, in each other’s embrace.

In the middle of the night, Kyo woke up. He stared fondly at the sleeping Eric, tears started to flow from his eyes. He wiped them away and wished again upon the stars, because this time he was desperate.

“I want to turn back to my old self and go home. But now I feel like staying here with Eric. Please, I don’t know what to choose. For me, staying with him is me being greedy, while leaving him is me being selfish. But I don’t want to be both. Please, choose one for me, which you think is best for us all.”


Eric was welcomed by the morning sunlight when he opened his eyes. He smiled, thinking it was another day to spend with Kyo. But something felt wrong. He felt all alone. His right side felt light. He turned to his right, and Kyo wasn’t there.

“Kyo?” He called, but there was no answer. He immediately got up and looked around his room. “Kyo-ya…” He called again. But it was silent. He went to the bathroom, but it was empty. He opened his closet, but Kyo didn’t hide there. He looked under his bed, but there was no Kyo in sight. He ran out towards the living room, the kitchen, and even the backyard, but there was no sign of Kyo.

“Eric? What are you looking for?” His mother asked. But he shook his head and ran back to his room, expecting Kyo to be there.

“Kyo?” But no. Kyo wasn’t in the room. Kyo was gone. Suddenly he saw a letter on the table.


My dearest friend, Eric

I’m sorry I had to leave. I was given only three days to make your wish come true. And it did. You made some friends at school. I am very happy for you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this. Please don’t be mad at me. If one day we meet again, I promise I’ll tell you all about it.

Thank you for everything. I’ll treasure our memories together. I’ll hold on to your words about looking for me. I’ll wait for you, even if it takes a thousand years.

I love you Eric. Thank you for loving me too.

Your friend, Kyo


Eric started to cry. He felt sad and angry at the same time. If only he knew about Kyo leaving, he would try his best to stop him. But he didn’t know. Now he had to accept the fact that Kyo was gone. Gone from his life.



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Chapter 22: BEST FAIRY TALE STORY EVER!!!!!!!!!! I Love it author-nim!!! I love the story so much! It's very interesting and no dull moments at all! Bravo to you author-nun!! I love fairy tale stories I love happy endings and I love Ricsyung! This story has everything that I love! Best fanfic story for me!
Maedongstyle #2
I really really really really like this story omg!!!

You're such a good author! I really cried a lot. haha Hope to see lots of other good stories from you! ;D
balicucha #3
Chapter 22: Thank you Authornim for your wonderful story. Fighting!..
ForTheLoveOfDara #4
Chapter 8: You are an amazing writer. I am seriously crying right now. You have a gift for story telling. Thank you for sharing your talent.
anurim #5
Chapter 22: one of my favorite fics!!!!
Chapter 22: My god...

Soo freaking cute!

Chapter 22: a very cuuuute ending!!!
thanks for sharing this story to us.. <3 u!
Chapter 22: Oops...using my phone and have a typo of the sad face =x it's supposed to be a smiley
Chapter 22: Nice story! <3 <3 <3 I can't believe I only starting reading when u have completed it, >.<
Ireally love ir writing =(