A token from the past



Eric was waiting for Minwoo at the hallway when the latter suddenly came and choked him from behind.

“Minbong-ah…” Eric hardly spoke his friend’s name. Seeing Eric’s red face, Minwoo let go. Eric then inhaled deeply, and hit Minwoo on the head as he exhaled. “What if I die??”

“You won’t.” Minwoo stuck out his tongue and put his arm on Eric’s shoulder. “Let’s go to your house today!” Eric gulped upon hearing Minwoo’s suggestion.

“Why?” Eric asked while they both walked out of the school.

“Just wanted to visit. Besides, I don’t want to see you play with Sunho. I’m jealous.” Eric laughed when Minwoo pouted.

“Childish Minbong.” Eric smirked. When they arrived at Eric’s house, Minwoo stopped to give way to Eric. But when he saw his friend didn’t even stop to look at his window, Minwoo puzzled. “Come on.” Eric shouted from the front door, and Minwoo hurriedly followed him inside.

Eric slumped exhausted onto his bed while Minwoo looked around his room, looking for something fun to play with.

“Books, books, and more books.” Minwoo spoke as he settled on the bed beside Eric. “Don’t you have any toys?” Eric widened his eyes. He started to remember he had put away all his toys since Kyo left him.

“Of course I do. In the box over there.” Eric pointed at the big storage box at the corner of his room. Minwoo got up and opened the cover.

“How long has it been since you last played with these?”

“I d-don’t r-remember.” Eric stuttered. Minwoo then took out a few toys and put them on the floor.

“Dusty.” Eric just let Minwoo be. He didn’t have the mood to play with toys. Not anymore. “Hey what is this?” Eric got up and looked at Minwoo. He was holding a silver bracelet. “Is this yours? Why did you put it here?”

“I don’t wear bracelet. It isn’t yours?” He asked Minwoo, but the latter shook his head.

“Pilkyo? Who is Pilkyo?” Eric immediately took the bracelet from Minwoo’s hand and studied it carefully. The letters were carved on the surface of the bracelet. Eric was sure he didn’t know anyone named Pilkyo. Suddenly, some images crossed his mind.

“Kyo!” He shouted; making Minwoo fell on his . Eric’s face brightened as he held the bracelet close to his chest.

“Who’s Kyo?” Minwoo asked, confused.

“My best friend!” Eric exclaimed and continued to look at the bracelet. Minwoo started to feel jealous.

“Hey I thought I’m your best friend.” Minwoo pouted as he sat on the bed. Eric turned to him.

“You are my number two best friend.” Eric hugged the shorter boy. Minwoo immediately felt relieved.

“Well number two is better than no number at all.” Minwoo spoke, smiling. Seeing his best friend happy, he was happy too.


A few days later, the two best friends went to Minwoo’s house after school.

“Sunho-ya…” Eric called as soon as he entered the house. The little boy immediately ran to get to Eric. “Sunho-ya, did you miss me?” Eric asked, and the boy nodded. “Your brother didn’t let me come here. He’s jealous.” Eric glanced at his friend, who immediately nudged him. “Oww. See Sunho?” The little boy giggled.

“Yes, I am jealous. I am the childish one here.” Minwoo sat on the sofa, pouted. Eric chuckled, and put little Sunho on Minwoo’s lap. The little one quickly hugged his brother. “Sunho, I’m your brother. Not him.” Minwoo still pouted while hugging back his little brother.

“Aahh I want to be his brother too.” Eric sat beside Minwoo and reached out his hands for Sunho. And yes, the little boy went over to Eric.

“Mom!” Eric laughed when Minwoo shouted for his mother. When Sunho was finally being taken away, Minwoo smiled satisfied. “He’s mine.”

The two boys then started doing their homework in the living room.

“Eric-ah, are you going anywhere for this coming summer?” Minwoo suddenly asked.

“Um my family is going to visit my aunt.” Eric replied.

“Really? Is it far? For how long?” Minwoo seemed shocked.

“It’s quite far, because I haven’t seen them for years now. So maybe it would take a while to go and stay there. Why?”

“I will be all alone then…” Minwoo pouted. “My Dad is busy with his work, so we couldn’t go anywhere.”

“Sorry Minbong.” Eric felt guilty. “But you can play with Sunho right? You’re lucky to have a little brother.” Seeing Eric pouting, Minwoo laughed.

“Yeah you’re right.” Eric felt relieved. “Hey you still wear that thing?” Minwoo pointed at the bracelet on Eric’s right wrist.

“This is the only way to keep it close to me.” Eric smiled at the bracelet.

“It’s been a few months now. Do you still think he would come back?” Surprisingly, Eric shook his head.

“He won’t. But I'm sure I'll meet him again someday.”

“Hey are you sure he’s just a friend?” Eric widened his eyes. “Not a boyfriend?” Eric immediately knocked Minwoo’s head. “Ouch! You want me to become stupid??” Eric nodded while laughing hard.


It was finally the day. Eric went over to Minwoo’s house to say goodbye.

“Sunho-ya, I’ll miss you.” Eric lifted the little boy and hugged him tight. “You’ll miss me too right?” Sunho nodded, giggling all the way. Minwoo then came to Eric. “Minwoo-ya, I won’t be long.” Minwoo was crying when he hugged his best friend. A few minutes later, Minwoo let go and took his brother from Eric. “See you soon!” Eric waved goodbye and went home. “Why do I feel like I’ll be gone for good?” Eric asked himself.

“Eric, we’re leaving.” His mother spoke when he reached their house. Eric quickly ran to his room to grab his bags. He made sure he brought all his favorite books, just in case he was missing Kyo while being away from the house.

“Kyo-ya, I’m leaving for now.” Eric spoke as he closed the room door. When he was outside, his father was already in the car. Eric got into the car, while his mother locked the house. “See you soon Kyo.” Eric whispered as the car started moving. He turned back and looked at his window for the last time. “I hope I'd see you soon.” Unconsciously, his tears dropped.



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Chapter 22: BEST FAIRY TALE STORY EVER!!!!!!!!!! I Love it author-nim!!! I love the story so much! It's very interesting and no dull moments at all! Bravo to you author-nun!! I love fairy tale stories I love happy endings and I love Ricsyung! This story has everything that I love! Best fanfic story for me!
Maedongstyle #2
I really really really really like this story omg!!!

You're such a good author! I really cried a lot. haha Hope to see lots of other good stories from you! ;D
balicucha #3
Chapter 22: Thank you Authornim for your wonderful story. Fighting!..
ForTheLoveOfDara #4
Chapter 8: You are an amazing writer. I am seriously crying right now. You have a gift for story telling. Thank you for sharing your talent.
anurim #5
Chapter 22: one of my favorite fics!!!!
Chapter 22: My god...

Soo freaking cute!

Chapter 22: a very cuuuute ending!!!
thanks for sharing this story to us.. <3 u!
Chapter 22: Oops...using my phone and have a typo of the sad face =x it's supposed to be a smiley
Chapter 22: Nice story! <3 <3 <3 I can't believe I only starting reading when u have completed it, >.<
Ireally love ir writing =(