


Eric opened his eyes when the sun was shining brightly at him from the window. He wanted to get up, but when he felt his body cramped, he turned to his side. A wide smile plastered on his face. There was Kyo, sleeping peacefully beside him. And with the sunlight shining upon the boy's face, he looked even prettier. Eric slowly pulled his arm from under Kyo's head, only to wake him up.

“Uh…” Kyo muttered as he opened his eyes. And seeing Eric’s face so close to him, he blushed.

“Good morning.” Eric whispered. Kyo immediately got up from the floor, surprised.

“Err good morning.” Suddenly feeling awkward, Kyo looked at the clock. It was almost time for breakfast, so he went to the bathroom to wash up. When he returned, Eric was still lying on the floor, staring at him. “What? Aren’t you going to wash up?” Eric laughed. He reached out both of his hands to Kyo, and the latter pretended not seeing it.

“Help me.” Eric said, batting his eyelashes at the boy. Kyo sighed and eventually pulled the hands. Eric quickly hugged the boy as soon as he stood on his feet. “I missed you so much Kyo.” Kyo’s heart was beating fast. And what he was feeling at the moment was too familiar. He hugged Eric back.

“I missed you too.” Eric was happy to hear that. Too happy, he even pecked Kyo’s cheek before hurriedly left the young master’s room. “Hey!!” Kyo shouted when he saw Eric running away to his own room.


“Good morning son.” Kyo’s mother greeted the moment Kyo walked into the dining room. And he was surprised seeing Eric already there, grinning at him. Kyo took his seat next to Eric, with Eric still staring at him.

“Could you stop that?” Kyo spoke, and the adults all turned their attention to him. Kyo started feeling embarrassed. Eric giggled seeing his red face.

“Seems like they’ve gotten closer.” Kyo’s father suddenly spoke, and everyone there nodded, including the grinning Eric. “So boys, what are you going to do today?”

“I’m going to feed the horses, as usual.” Kyo answered, eyes looking at his food.

“Take Eric with you. He loves horses.” Eric’s father said, and the others laughed. “Right Eric?”

“Yes. I’d love to go with Kyo to feed the horses.” Eric said, looking intently at the cute boy beside him. And Kyo started feeling uncomfortable. “Can I spend the whole day with you?” Kyo’s face reddened hearing Eric’s whisper. But unfortunately, the adults heard it too.

“Of course you can Junghyuk—err Eric. Pilkyo, take him for a tour around the neighborhood.” Kyo’s father said, earning applause from Eric. The smaller boy could only sigh.


After breakfast, Eric hurriedly got ready to go out with Kyo. He stood in front of the latter’s door, waiting for the young master to come out. But even after a while, Kyo didn’t open the door. Getting impatient, Eric decided to knock.

“Kyo, aren’t you coming out? The horses are hungry.” The door then opened, revealing Kyo who was still in his pajamas.

“I fed them already.” Eric’s eyes widened. “Right after we had breakfast.” Eric noticed the grin on Kyo’s face.

“You did that on purpose huh?” Eric asked, gripping Kyo’s wrist.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” Kyo smirked at Eric, and Eric felt challenged. He pushed Kyo into the room and locked the door behind him. “Hey!”

“You should’ve just told me you want to spend the whole day staying in your room.” Eric grinned while walking closer to Kyo.

“Ahh… How did you know?”

“I just know.” Eric hugged the blushing Kyo.

“Eric-ah, I’m not a doll anymore.” Eric then knew Kyo had remembered everything. He smiled.

“I know. But you’re still too squishy and huggable like how I remember you.”

“Um… Can you continue your story from last night? I’m dying to know what happened next.” Eric let go of the hug and looked at Kyo.

“It is supposed to be a bedtime story.” Kyo pouted. “Fine. But you need to take a shower first. You smell like horses.” Kyo hit Eric’s chest and then ran to the bathroom, leaving the laughing Eric.

Eric was reading a book while lying on the floor when Kyo returned from the bathroom.

“You can lie on the bed if you want to.” Kyo said, and Eric immediately jumped onto the young master’s bed. Kyo laughed seeing the excited boy.

“Come.” Eric called as he patted the space beside him. Kyo slowly walked towards the bed and lied down. “Are you ready?” Kyo nodded when he saw Eric holding a book.

Eric took a deep breath, and started reading from where he stopped last night. “The handsome boy found his friend under the bed. But the pretty boy had turned back into the wooden doll.” Eric glanced at Kyo, afraid he would start crying. But Kyo smiled. “He cried while hugging the doll to his chest. He started to feel guilty.”

“Why?” Kyo asked.

“The handsome boy thought his friend didn’t want to leave him; that was why he turned back to being a doll.” Kyo nodded. “But he promised he would treat the doll like how he treated his pretty friend. Every night, he never forgot to wish upon the stars to turn his friend back into human. Deep inside his heart, he knew his friend wasn’t happy, and he shouldn’t be selfish. One night, the handsome boy stood all alone at the backyard, staring intently at the stars. He spoke his wish one last time; being the most sincere he could ever be, for the sake of his pretty friend’s happiness. And when a bright light flashed around him, he knew his wish was granted.” Eric’s tears flowed down his cheeks.

“Eric…” Eric lied face down on the bed. He was supposed to be happy to finally meet Kyo again, but when he thought about the night Kyo left him for good, he couldn’t help but cried. He was devastated. Kyo’s heart was breaking seeing this side of Eric, he hugged the older boy. “Eric, I’m here now. I won’t leave you again.” But Eric wouldn’t look at Kyo. “Eric-ah… Stop crying…” Kyo patted Eric’s back. “Aishh I didn’t know you’re a crybaby too.” Eric stopped crying and looked at Kyo. His eyes widened, but Kyo just giggled. “Omo… Look how red your eyes have become.” Kyo said while wiping Eric’s tears. Seeing the smiling Kyo, Eric hugged him tight.

“Don’t ever leave me again, Kyo.”

“I promise.”


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Chapter 22: BEST FAIRY TALE STORY EVER!!!!!!!!!! I Love it author-nim!!! I love the story so much! It's very interesting and no dull moments at all! Bravo to you author-nun!! I love fairy tale stories I love happy endings and I love Ricsyung! This story has everything that I love! Best fanfic story for me!
Maedongstyle #2
I really really really really like this story omg!!!

You're such a good author! I really cried a lot. haha Hope to see lots of other good stories from you! ;D
balicucha #3
Chapter 22: Thank you Authornim for your wonderful story. Fighting!..
ForTheLoveOfDara #4
Chapter 8: You are an amazing writer. I am seriously crying right now. You have a gift for story telling. Thank you for sharing your talent.
anurim #5
Chapter 22: one of my favorite fics!!!!
Chapter 22: My god...

Soo freaking cute!

Chapter 22: a very cuuuute ending!!!
thanks for sharing this story to us.. <3 u!
Chapter 22: Oops...using my phone and have a typo of the sad face =x it's supposed to be a smiley
Chapter 22: Nice story! <3 <3 <3 I can't believe I only starting reading when u have completed it, >.<
Ireally love ir writing =(