Millionaires Lover ♥♥♥


it was like almost dark when I felt someone cover my eyes from my back, and I was frozen .

I felt uneasy, I know from there that it was not GD whose closing my eyes. I felt guilty, I feel like I'm betraying my self, I'm betraying GD. 


that's all I have manage to whisper on the air, before my tears went out from my eyes, then I heard the person holding my eyes.

Don't move, just listen.

when I heard his voice I tried to wiggle to be free from his hand, I know whose voice was that, I can't be wrong, there is no way that this is happening. I'm sure of it. but the man whose holding me is strong enough to stop me.

do you still remember! before when we were kid! every time that we play hide and seek, I do this to you.

I didn't talk, not because i don't want. its because I can't and there is no sound coming out from my mouth.

what happened dara? why were you running away from me. what have I done?

I tried to open my mouth to answer his question but I end up closing it again, then i was not able to stop myself anymore, my tears finally broke there freedom away from my eyes, and i was subbing, i was subbing really hard, then I feel him hugging me from my back, his two hand is wrap into my shoulder, and his head is leaning into the back of my head.

I hate to see you cry, specially when I know your crying because of me.

he walked in front of me and bend down to be the same level as I am. I was not wrong it's him, it's Lee Minho, he hold my chin to make me look at him, then he wipes my tears.

what have I done? for you to treat me like this?

why are you doing this minho?

that is not what i'm expecting to hear from you.

I didn't talk, but i didn't get my eyes away of him, it feels like we are having a silent battle through our eyes.

I have search for you, for how many years, I have looked for you, i went back to that place after that incident but you are no longer in there. do you know how I became after that? after I lost you?

I didn't talked I keep on listening to him.

what happened to us dara? why are you doing this to me, why are you hurting me like this?

It's you,....'s you, whose hurting me Minho.

i was not able to bare it, I can't stand him anymore. I feel like i'm being accused, I know that he doesn't have a right to say all of this to me, he was the one who ruined my life. 

I don't know what you want from me, what else do you want? 

I am now pushing him, trying to get away from him, but still he is stopping me and i can't get away from him because he is obviously powerful than me.

what are you talking about?, what have I done? I spent my life looking for you, then when I finally found you have forgotten me already, you can't even recognize me, do you know how painful that is? your killing me Dara! your killing me.

he's voice now is more intense.

how dare you say all of that,? ... you have no Idea what I have been through. how much sacrifices i been through. while here you are, being Lee Minho the most famous young actor. you ruined my life Minho, you ruined me.

 I saw horror on his eyes! he look so shock, he looked fiery.

What are you talking about? I ruined your life?

yes! you did, you think I don't know? it's you. it's you.... who did it.


I was stiffed he shouted on me.

you killed my FATHER.....!!!!

he freed my two hand, he stood up, and face his back on me.

how did you know?


I can't believe it, so it's really him? he really did it. then I burst with tears again. I really don't know what I feel right now. I wan't to run far,far away. when I found out about it, when I heard him talking to someone before. i thought maybe, maybe I just misheard him, that they were not really talking about me. but now hearing it from him. i feel like i'm dying. 

my mom, and your dad! they..... they were lovers.

another revelation, I didn't talk, I want to hear it. my dad and his mom was a lover? how?

when they were young, they were a high school sweet heart, but they need to be separated because your dad needs to leave to continue his studies, but my mom loves your dad so much, that she followed him even though she really don't know how to find him, then thats the time she met my father, my mom needs someone at that time cause she was lost she has no one to lean on that time, and my father was there to support her, and they made me, but again my father left us.

why are you saying all of this to me? what is it to me?

when my father found out that my mom is meeting your dad again,he wants to stop it. and he did it with any cause. 

he looked at me again, and I saw pain, pain on his eyes! he kneeled down, hold my hand and he lean his head on my legs facing down.

i didn't want it to happened dara! i was not aware, it was a torture to me, when I found out that it was my dad who did it, I punished my self. i don't want to stop you, dara! if you want to blame it to me. but please! don't leave me too, your the only person who look-up to me, who trusted me, who believed in me, and I live my life now only because of you. please! don't leave me, I will die Dara! I will die!

I felt his tears on my legs! his crying, I felt uneasy.

what have i done? that's all i have manage to say.

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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 45: Beautiful story like this authornim needs more updates please...
Chapter 45: Thanks for the updates.. ❤
april_21 #3
Chapter 45: Thanks for update..
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 45: Tnx for the update authornim I CNT wait for more exciting chapter more please
april_21 #5
Chapter 43: Thanks for your update ....
More update please....
bernie20 #6
Welcome back...thank u for updating...
abya01 #7
Chapter 41: the ending will be minho end up with kiko? or minho is dara's real brother? hehehe
chelzjj #8
Chapter 41: Cant wait for the ending ;)
tokki9 #9
Chapter 41: the ending is ok as long as gd and dara will end up together.
bernie20 #10
Chapter 41: Oh I can't wait authornim...pls update soon...