Back to School

My Only Girl (Editing)
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"Choi Young Min, Wake up! Today is your first day of school and you don't want to be late on your first day of school!" Mrs. Choi shouted from downstairs

"Okay okay omma I'm awake, I'll be down there in a couple of minutes." Min shouted from her room

"Okay just hurry up and come eat breakfast." Omma responded loudly

Min is really excited for her 4th year of high school and quickly hopped out of bed to brush her teeth and take a quick shower. Like always, she was in a rush because she was excited to see her best friend, Park Hee Rim.

Min hopped out of the shower and quickly got dress in her uniform, the color of the uniform was black and white which is simple like other uniforms. After that, she put on her nerd glasses and yes she own nerd glasses, she also styled her hair before leaving leaving her room.

Min headed downstairs to meet her mom preparing breakfast for her like every other mornings. "Omma are you making bacons with eggs and pancakes?"

"Yes honey I know it's your favorite, now eat up and go to school." Omma replied

"Thanks omma!I love you!" After finishing your breakfast, you kissed your mom goodbye and walked to school.

*I'm so nervous to go to school again, What if people bullied me like before?* Min thought

When you got to Seoul Academy, you finally saw your bestfriend Rim roaming through the campus of the school

"Rim!" You shouted happily

"Omo! Min, I missed you so much! How have you been!? By the way you look great in your uniform as always." Rim chuckle embracing her with a warm hug

"Rim I missed you too and I've been good, how about you? Thank you for the compliment but I think I look normal as other normal people." Min shrugged 

"I've also been good too." Rim responded happily 

" have you and Sehun been?" Min asked wiggling her eyebrows

Right when Rim was about to say something the bell rang, meaning it was time to go to class.

"Sorry Min I'll talk to you later. I have to go to class bye." Rim quickly shouted and scurried off

Rim hugged Min before leaving and ran to her classroom while Min has to go get her schedule from the school office.

She went inside the school and reached the office, "Good morning Mrs. Song, I am here to pick up my schedule." You said with a smile plastered on your face 

"Good morning Min and your schedule is right here let me give it to you." Mrs. Song said and smiled with her dimples showing

"Thank you very much have nice day." You said with a smile and bow

"You too honey, stay out of trouble because your one of our top students here." Mrs. Song smile 

"Neh Mrs. Song." Min responded again with a smile 

Your conversation ended as you headed to your classroom, which is room A1.

When you got to your classroom A1, you scanned the room to find a seat. You then realized that Rim was in your class which made

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kriswife2014 #1
Chapter 1: My Two Biases Are Here!
I'm Glad~
world9 #2
Chapter 38: i love this story and the sequel too luhan min and the kids are so cute
Miss_Kimjongin #3
Chapter 52: Awwww, this story was so cute. OMG , little Minhee and Little Taehyung are just so cute and adorable. Such a good story.
Melody179 #4
Chapter 52: So good story.
Chapter 52: so cute :)
kpoplover1020 #6
Chapter 2: Umm... Author-nim this is a really nice story but it would be better if you put speech marks ( " ) every time the talk
exofangirl20 #7
Chapter 51: Yayayay thank you for a sequel
Chapter 51: thank you for the sequel :D
Chapter 50: Min is not using Luhan's name?
exofangirl20 #10