A Glimpse of the Past

Protecting the Heir

"What?" Baekhyun hisses as he glares at five of his friends in front of him. "What do you mean 'you can't go'?!"

"Baek," Yixing sighs at his angered friend. "We can't afford you being wiped out of existence just because of this."

"As much as we'd love you to come with us, your very existence is the only hope for the Light Kingdom." Minseok adds.

"That's BS!" He growls, hand clenched onto the odd shaped pendant.

"But do you actually think Jaemi would appreciate it if the person she was assigned to watch over would sacrifice himself just for her sake?"

"Suho makes a good point." Lu Han nods his head. "And besides, you aren't very familiar with your powers yet, it could be troublesome if you find yourself in a pinch and we can't come and help you."

"Then can't you brief me on things?" He exclaims desperately.

"We aren't from the Light Kingdom; Baek, would you calm down?" Yifan growls.

"How can I when Zeref has his hands on Jaejae and she's not wearing this damned pendant?!"

Every eyes turns to him.

"What?" He growls.

"You just called Jaemi, Jaejae."

Baekhyun couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I call her that even before."

"And what about the pendant?" Minseok asks, shoving the 'Jaejae' issue aside.

"It's to keep her powers in tact.. Her mother says she has something special, and that her father must not know of this." He explained. "But if he's given this to me, that means..."

"He's too sly." Junmyeon gives his teeth.

Baekhyun takes a deep breath, "Can't you bring me with you? And the Light Kingdom officials or something can brief me on everything." He suggests.

The five people in the room exchange glances before Yifan releases a sigh. "Fine." He utters.

"Hyung's coming?!" The Maknae's burst in the room with grins on their faces.

"Seriously, privacy kids." Minseok shakes his head in disapproval.


"We're here." Minseok announces as the rest cheers.

"Finally! I missed Home!" Tao grins.

Baekhyun stares at the familiar view. There were tall buildings you'd probably guess were the buildings. Then there were these weird glowing-like-fireflies flying around in groups--like a school of fish, only out of water and glowing. And flying.

Some beings were walking, others were flying. Some riding on a bird-like creature with a face closely resembling a dragon's. Kids were running around, some playing with fire others ice.

It was weird. And yet he feels at home.

"This is home." He whispers.

"Welcome Home, Hyung." Jongin grins.


All of a sudden, they're scenery changes. "What's going on?" Sehun asks, grabbing onto Zitao who was clutching onto Minseok's arm.

"Hyung." The Makenae's whine.

"You're here." A voice echoes.

"Chief Lee!" Yifan exclaims in recognition.

"Please don't go out of your way and scaring us like that." Lu Han releases the breath he's been holding.

"I apologize, young heir." Cheif Lee dips his head low before lifting it up and looking straight at Baekhyun. "You've grown up, young Prince."

"Prince?" Baekhyun repeats.

"The chief's got some tendency to call the heir so their throne Prince; Chief Lee's from your kingdom." Yixing explains.

"I believe it was Jaemi who brought you back? Where is that young lass?" He smiles affectionately.

"Did you train her, Chief Lee?" Kyungsoo inquires.

"Oh yes, treated her like my own. Your mother was very fond of her." He confesses. "Where is she?"

"Her father took her." Jongdae frowns at the mere thought.

Chief Lee blinks before he nods his head. "I see."

"Chief Lee," Baekhyun calls. "Can I ask of you a favor?"


"Teach me how to control my powers."


"You will hone powers. In doing so, I will spare your so-called friends." Zeref sighs at the pitiful sight his daughter was showing.

"Your planning on resurrecting Grandfather." She utters instead, clutching onto the space where her mother's necklace once was.

At the statement, Zeref grins. "Smart girl."


The grin disappears from his face. "You should know that we were once the owners of the 13th Kingdom. Now they go off on their own and vanish us." He growls.


"No, Jaemi; we've been through enough already." He utters with a sorrowful expression. "You're grandfather shouldn't even be dead, if it wasn't for Byun Baekhee." He hisses the name out. "If that boy's ancestors didn't raise the idea of washing as out, we wouldn't even be here."

"How do you know it was her?" Jaemi asks, a small growl emitting from .

His eyes soften at the memory. "I was a young boy when the 12 Kingdom's declared war on the Dark blooded." He utters, kneeling in front of her. "Your grandfather had a little to no comrades at the time of the great war." He adds. "And they caused us to be like this--they caused me to be like this." He then touches her forehead.

Jaemi's eyes widen. She saw flashes of happenings. They were her father's memories. Her grandfather, being a happy man, welcomed everyone with open arms and a warm smile. There was harmony. Until a woman declared the Black bloods weren't useful, and were a threat to the planet's harmony.

War. That was the most vicious war Jaemi has seen. Bodies lying still. Screams everywhere both belonging to children and adults. Then everything was still. "The Great Shadow Demon has fallen!"

"No!" Exclaims Jaemi as she sees her grandfather on the floor through her fathers eyes.

"They accused us of being criminals." He hisses.

Jaemi pants; still processing the sight she's seen. "But what is there for us if we take back the throne?"

Zeref grabs hold of her head; placed both hands on her temples. "Freedom."

And everything went black.

I apologize for not updating last week. I had some health issues that were unexplainable and caused me to miss a lot of things--specially school. And I'm a college student. Gasps. Well, again, sorry for the late and crappy update.

BTW, this story is ending soon. I don't plan on dragging it that long, it kinda ruins the story if I do so.

Comment Please. x)

- Moot

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New reader here! This story seems interesting and I think the plot is great! Looking forward to your updates in the future, author-nim~
New reader!!!!! I love this story^^ please update soon~~~
Indrani #3
Omy i didn't expect to meet zeref to meet here outside fairy tail lol ^.^
Awesome story
kekeIfarted #4
Chapter 16: Its okay we understand :)) take your time and good luck ^^
_ciZo_ #5
Chapter 16: Update soon
lohengay #6
Chapter 16: wow amazing story :)
Zereff~ Fairy Tail! I love Fairy Tail!!
Chapter 15: Thank you authornim! I'm also a fan of Fairy Tail! What other animes/mangas do you watch? ^^
_uniquelynghi #9
Chapter 15: oh dear.
how have i not come across this sooner?
exo. "magic" (or rather superpowers?). fairy tail. \o/
loving it.
ataemindreamer #10
Chapter 15: omg please update soon !