An Unexpected Reunion

Sweet Retreat

Well the story got serious ahehehe

Kwanghee's words

Dong Jun's words

Kevin's words

Heechul's words

Minwoo's words

Jun Young's words


What did you just say?  Shock evident in Kevin’s face

I said it was Jang hyung!!  Dong Jun shot back irritated

You sure it was not Kwanghee? Ignoring the younger one’s tone

So Kwanghee is his real name eh…

What?! Kevin is now in hysterics, confusion evident in his words.

Well the first time I met him in the park he almost told me his real name he said to me “So let me introduce myself I’m K… Jang, Lee Jang…”  I didn’t believe him when he said that was his name but I don’t want to force him to tell me. I wanted him to trust me and tell me himself.

Kevin straightened and asked   Why? You like him?

Well I don’t know… it’s just that when I’m with him when he was not making cakes I can feel some sadness from him and I want to comfort him, I want him to be he’s usual self - the smiling bubbly Hyung.

Well let’s say he went through a lot…  Kevin said looking like he was remembering something

How do you know hyung? You know him from before?

Maybe? And I can feel it too… his sadness…

Well at least yesterday I got to see him smile not forcibly.

How? Kevin asked intrigued   When he saw the three knights…   What?! He was shocked again  Three knights is still active? Well considering what Kwanghee did for them they ought to be pretty loyal. But I have to make sure it’s them. Kevin thought and asked   What are their names?

Names? Heechul,Jun Young and Minwoo… Why do you ask?   Kevin’s face turned 0_0 upon hearing their names. He snapped back to reality and told Dong Jun   Hop in and hold tight we’re going somewhere   and zoomed off.


Kwanghee looked at his side mirror noticing his followers are gone.  "Good I don’ want to show others my secret passage". He parked in a parking lot and went to a building close to the Han River. "I've been gone a long time but you still look the same"  Kwanghee thought. He went to a small pathway near the water's edge which led to an entrance with a small staircase and followed the narrow path illuminated by orange lights which is now flickering. The end of the path was a door with four locks. "If it was still the same the key must still…"  Kwanghee checking the pipes    "be here…"   as he turned a pipe and a key fell*. He opened the locks one by one with the key and when he was done he returned it as is and went inside locking it again. This secret door was hidden behind a fake wall and Kwanghee opened it a bit to enter a room of what seemed to be a storage area. "Six years have passed and it still the same…"   Kwanghee thought. "I might have to fight so I need a weapon"    as he dug through the stuff. He fished out many weapons but only the tonfas survived as most of it was made of wood and was eaten by termites.    "Well better than weaponless."   He went to the first floor and was stopped by a group of guards well what seemed to be guards. He told them he was new and Jun Young ordered him to get something from the storage he showed the tonfas and he was allowed to pass.  "That was easy…"  but on the lobby of the third floor he heard someone call


Yah!  It was Heechul with the group of guards behind his back   Jun Young didn’t accept any new recruits who are you?

Instead of answering Kwanghee raised the tonfas to a fighting position.  Wanna fight eh… your pretty brave to go here    as he signaled the men to attack.

Kwanghee fought the group of 20 men pretty fast within one minute the last guy fell.

Heechul was on defensive now pulling out his 2 short swords and said    I guess I underestimated you…   Kwanghee just smirked.

Jun Young and Minwoo heard the commotion and came outside their room with Jun Young on the phone saying Let him in and be respectful… and hung up. Minwoo asked   What’s going on here Heechul?  Well we got a visitor and caused a ruckus   Pointing to Kwanghee Minwoo and Jun Young focused on the person and noticed the passed out guards 20 of them.   Wow he’s strong   Minwoo chuckled   Don’t lose hyung!  I don’t plan to! Hyahhhh!!!!!   As Heechul charged brandishing his favorite weapons the 2 short swords with the sheath on…


Kevin and Don Jun arrived in front of a building near the Han River. Don’t ask where we are or what we are doing here just follow me    Kevin told Dong Jun who immediately followed. The guards stopped them

Who are you what is your business?

I’m dragon and he’s my lackey I need to see Heechul. I have something to tell him.

The guard eyed him   What is it then?

Someone is coming and he could be in danger…

The guard just laughed but stopped when Kevin glared at him  I’ll ask the boss…

The guard became pale and immediately bowed   You may enter sir! They are on the 3rd floor…

Dragon and Dong Jun was almost going when the guard said   I wish I could see Heechul-hyungnim fight and sighed.

Heechul is what? Kevin asked the guard. The guard stood in attention and replied nervously  Well he was fighting in the third floor now with an intruder.

What he’s here already?!  Come Dong Jun let’s go faster!  They got up the stairs and reached the third floor. They saw the fight and it was clear to Kevin who is winning. Even Minwoo and Jun Young has a dark expression on their face as if anticipating the defeat of Heechul. But Dong Jun was noticing something different…  he was shocked when he saw his hyung with that expression on his face. It was cold with almost no trace of emotion only with the intent to kill in his face. He doesn’t want that for his hyung he wants him smiling not this cold hearted beast. He was about to break seeing Kwanghee and Heechul clash again when Kevin shouted beside him


Stoooooppp!!! Stop this at once!!!

Heechul glared at Kevin and said  Who are you to stop this huh?  But the other one seemed to listen as he lowers his tonfas and moved farther away from Heechul eyeing Kevin and his companion.

Jun Young came towards Heechul with Minwoo to assist him and asked Kevin   Dragon what brought you back here?  Dragon? Kwanghee asked as he focused more on Kevin

I’m here to greet someone… as he faced and bowed to the ground before Kwanghee


Welcome Back!     Beast-Hyungnim!


Well a dual update for you guyssss i got time and got inspired by some novel I read ahehehehe.  Some of the storyline are changed but I hope you will continue to support this thanks!


Also comments, suggestions and subscriptions are much appreciated see ya!!

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SilentReada #1
Wow my first long I mean LOOOOONGGG comment ahahaha but thanks. I'm on you for that DongKwang moments since I always see them together on clips of shows on youtube. And since I saw ZEA for the first time the first OTP i found was SiKwang, then MinShik. Not sure about KwangChul though. I'll edit that chapter later to make it clear how Heechul felt. Maybe I'll make a flashback scenes of the three knights later for some cooling down filler chapters then back to explosions aheheh.
Anyway thanks for the menties. Ooohhh and Heads up for subbies here. I'll post the foreword and some chapters of the original storyline sometime in mid Feb. Depends on how much free time I could get it might be sooner or later. Anyway thanks for Reading!
hopelesswriter #2
new reader.i read the whole thing in one
found this fic awhile ago....but since i'm not into gang/fight stuffs i skipped it...
now that i found it again looking for some Kwanghee fic...i read it n love it since i love food related stuffs as well.....though the last few chapters made me a lil dizzy with the fight/gang scenes...
gaaah..i know rite from the start it'd be Siwan....i's Kwanghee we're talking about....but Kwanghee scenes with Dongjun made me melting rooting for them...esp chap 13....Kwanghee's first fight with Heechul made me crave for some aftermath KwangChul.......because i love the intensity....just wondering if Heechul knew Kwanghee in their previous gang days because i wanted to know his reaction having fought his own leader.
but the last few chaps of SiKwang's longing for each other manage to torture me together with them as well...
dhsbddnjsdsn...i know it's SiKwang..but i'm tempted to ship Kwanghee with so many guys in this fic...Dongjun.....maybe some Heechul...even Kevin..
n Siwan sounds so prince. i like it. i'm still a lil confused but i'll just go along...guess the Beast gang will combine with starship gang then? or maybe no......Hyorin sounds really cool too. love 'em. Kwanghee got a really cool character too which made me soo happy since it's rare to see him being interpreted as such in fics...he's funny, yet melancholic n badass...though sometimes he went too much with teasing his old gangmates like he did with the Heechul fight n with Siwan...i was screaming inside...'enough already kwangheee!!!'
sorry for blabbering too much. enjoyed this. keep it up^^~!
OMO , these three chapters are totally awesome !! I'm craving for more . Oh hey , I just love the fighting scene !! Can totally picture it in my mind . Regarding the question , I'd love to see the original ver of the fic . Update soon ! :)
Angel_Kiss #4
Update soon :)
SilentReada #5
maybe maybe not ahahahahaha guess? maybe the new guys that is out now?
ireneayu #6
siwan, ne? :)
SilentReada #7
O_O i thought it was pretty obvious aheheehehe
I wonder who's the Ice Prince ..... xO Update soon !!!<br />
It's awkward when I think of Kwanghee's serious face . Y'know , he's usually carefree and funny rite ? Anyhoo , you did a great job for this chap . <br />
Keep it up !
=D I love how the story gets more and more intense with each chapter , and I wanna applaud you for writing such a great fic ! :D I love Kwanghee and Kevin's character here ! And , ummm ~ Dongjun and Kwanghee ? o.O Lovey-dovey ? :P<br />
Hehe , do update soon ! :D
SilentReada #10
sure hope you like it!