The First Knight

Sweet Retreat

 Story color codes!

            Dong Jun's words(fire brick)

            Heechul's words (Saddle Brown)

            Jun Young's words (indigo)

            Minwoo's words (dark slate gray)

            Hyungshik's words (cyan with navy bg)

            Kwanghee (light salmon)



            Meanwhile, Jang’s three knights and Dragon’s members were having some talk with each other to which Dongjun asked.


            How did you become the three knights?  The said three looked at each other.

            It was a long story back when we were still in high school.  Heechul dreamily said.

            Yeah, when the fun keeps popping out of nowhere.  Junyoung immediately agreed nodding his head.

            Yeah and the empire clan was still new.  Minwoo added his eyes foggy with haze.

            We like long stories.  Hyungshik replied with only a curious stare from the other two.

            Well I guess I should start.  Junyoung said.

             It was when I was a first year in high school. Ice prince and Beast were freshmen too. I had a crew back then to whom I roll with. We knew of the rumors then surrounding the two so we stayed out of their way but it seems we always bump to each other. Beast or Ice Prince will never do something to you unless you’re rude so we just pass by each other. But it came to be frequent that sometimes we would check on each other. Ice Prince though was never sociable only Beast talked to us. When we got a match with some other gang from the other side mysteriously Beast knew of it and warned me not to go. But of course being the leader, I had some pride so I ignored it. We arrived at the scene and it was a trap. Instead of those bastards that we were supposed to fight some guys in black, hell let’s just say it was not a good fight that we clearly lost I was bloodied then but Beast rescued us along with Ice Prince. We saw them fight a short while but then I lost consciousness. When I came to I was in the hospital with casts and bandages and a few stitches. I lied at the hospital bed thinking about the fight. We could have died if not for Beast that I came to a decision that I will follow Beast. I talked to my crew about disbanding and going to follow Beast and surprisingly they too thought of that. The moment we got discharged, we filed on one line in our injured glory and waited for Beast at the gates. When he came with Ice Prince and saw us he immediately went towards us. You wouldn’t believe what he said to us.  Junyoung said chuckling.

            That is?  Hyungshik asked the others too sticking their necks out curiously.

            He came towards us and said Don’t you dare bow to me or I’ll really kick your asses off.But we never listened and bowed to him. He looked flabbergasted at that then murmurs abound as gossip that we fought with him and lost started spreading.Now they think I did this to you! Aish! I don’t care anymore do what you want to do.So we followed him everywhere. But he didn’t shrug us but instead we became close as we do things together from fighting to just chilling in the rooftop and even sparring. And then one day at the rooftop he asked me the big question.


~Flashback(Junyoung’s POV)~


            Junyoung…  Beast called me while sitting at the roof’s edge with Ice Prince napping in a corner.

            Neh Beast?  I replied he doesn’t want to be called Hyung-nim. He says he feels old.

            What if in the future there will be some problem that only fighting would solve? What do you think I should do?  He said still sitting at the edge not looking at me.

            You could make a clan.  I replied after thinking for a bit.

            A clan eh… but I need someone or some people I could trust in managing the affairs.  He said as he turned his head to look at me.

            Can I trust you Junyoung?  He asked me even Ice Prince woke up and stared at me.

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SilentReada #1
Wow my first long I mean LOOOOONGGG comment ahahaha but thanks. I'm on you for that DongKwang moments since I always see them together on clips of shows on youtube. And since I saw ZEA for the first time the first OTP i found was SiKwang, then MinShik. Not sure about KwangChul though. I'll edit that chapter later to make it clear how Heechul felt. Maybe I'll make a flashback scenes of the three knights later for some cooling down filler chapters then back to explosions aheheh.
Anyway thanks for the menties. Ooohhh and Heads up for subbies here. I'll post the foreword and some chapters of the original storyline sometime in mid Feb. Depends on how much free time I could get it might be sooner or later. Anyway thanks for Reading!
hopelesswriter #2
new reader.i read the whole thing in one
found this fic awhile ago....but since i'm not into gang/fight stuffs i skipped it...
now that i found it again looking for some Kwanghee fic...i read it n love it since i love food related stuffs as well.....though the last few chapters made me a lil dizzy with the fight/gang scenes...
gaaah..i know rite from the start it'd be Siwan....i's Kwanghee we're talking about....but Kwanghee scenes with Dongjun made me melting rooting for them...esp chap 13....Kwanghee's first fight with Heechul made me crave for some aftermath KwangChul.......because i love the intensity....just wondering if Heechul knew Kwanghee in their previous gang days because i wanted to know his reaction having fought his own leader.
but the last few chaps of SiKwang's longing for each other manage to torture me together with them as well...
dhsbddnjsdsn...i know it's SiKwang..but i'm tempted to ship Kwanghee with so many guys in this fic...Dongjun.....maybe some Heechul...even Kevin..
n Siwan sounds so prince. i like it. i'm still a lil confused but i'll just go along...guess the Beast gang will combine with starship gang then? or maybe no......Hyorin sounds really cool too. love 'em. Kwanghee got a really cool character too which made me soo happy since it's rare to see him being interpreted as such in fics...he's funny, yet melancholic n badass...though sometimes he went too much with teasing his old gangmates like he did with the Heechul fight n with Siwan...i was screaming inside...'enough already kwangheee!!!'
sorry for blabbering too much. enjoyed this. keep it up^^~!
OMO , these three chapters are totally awesome !! I'm craving for more . Oh hey , I just love the fighting scene !! Can totally picture it in my mind . Regarding the question , I'd love to see the original ver of the fic . Update soon ! :)
Angel_Kiss #4
Update soon :)
SilentReada #5
maybe maybe not ahahahahaha guess? maybe the new guys that is out now?
ireneayu #6
siwan, ne? :)
SilentReada #7
O_O i thought it was pretty obvious aheheehehe
I wonder who's the Ice Prince ..... xO Update soon !!!<br />
It's awkward when I think of Kwanghee's serious face . Y'know , he's usually carefree and funny rite ? Anyhoo , you did a great job for this chap . <br />
Keep it up !
=D I love how the story gets more and more intense with each chapter , and I wanna applaud you for writing such a great fic ! :D I love Kwanghee and Kevin's character here ! And , ummm ~ Dongjun and Kwanghee ? o.O Lovey-dovey ? :P<br />
Hehe , do update soon ! :D
SilentReada #10
sure hope you like it!