Christmas Party (Part 2)

One Sun, Two Moons





Zhou Mi - Blind



“MY SONNNN!” a group of middle aged women called out as Exo entered the ballroom.


The boys waved back and cracked a small smile.


One by one, the women all hugged their sons, pinching their cheeks and nagging them to eat more.


As mothers would.



“Tao!  The circles underneath your eyes have gotten darker!” gasped his mom.


“Mom!  Stop it!” Tao whined, waving her hands away from his face.


“Kris yours too!  Aiya wo de tian a!  Ni men liang ge dou bian xiong mao le!”  (Aiya my god!  You both became pandas) their mother

cried aloud, throwing her hands up into the air.


“We’re fine mom,” Kris gently touched her shoulder.


“What happened?  Are you guys eating enough?  Have you been sleeping at 11 like I told you to?” she badgered the two.


“Moooommmm,” Tao stomped, “I’m not a little kid anymore!”


“You are to me!” she snapped back.


Tao heaved a sigh and Kris chuckled, patting his little brother on the back.



“Omomomo!  Minseok-ah!  Jongdae!” a woman in a slim teal dress called out, gesturing for the two boys to come her way.


“Mom!” they both cried out, running to her open arms.


“Omo!  Woori adeul ah!  Bogoshipda!” (Oh my!  My sons!  I missed you!)  she cried, kissing them on their cheeks.


Chen’s face dropped, feeling the lipgloss on his cheek.


“Mom!” Xiumin cried out, wiping the sticky substance from his face.


“What?”  Their mom pretended not to know anything.


“Nevermind,” they mumbled.


Their mom smiled and hugged them once again.


“Omo adeul ah!



Do Kyung Soo!” a woman in a simple red dress called out.


D.O. turned his head and grinned.


“Mom!” he ran to her with open arms.


“It’s so good to see you!” he cried into her shoulder.


“It’s good to see you too baby,” she patted his back.


“I missed you” he replied with a muffled voice.


“I missed you too” she said with a small smile.



“Yah Byun Baekhyun!” a man called out.


Baekhyun snapped his head in the direction of the sound.


His older brother and mother waved to him.


For the first time in a while, he smiled.


He coolly walked over and punched his brother in the shoulder.


“Hey man”


“Hey my brotha!” his brother punched him back.


“Omo Baekhyun ah, you look so thin!” his mother complained.


“Mom….” Baekhyun began, “I’m fine.”


She sighed and nodded.


“By the way, where’s Chanyeol?”


Baekhyun scanned the room, but there was no sign of him.


He shrugged his shoulders and went back to talking with his brother.



Chanyeol was in the sculpture garden, sitting on a bench next to a fountain.


He sighed and reached into his inner pocket of his tuxedo.


Gently, he pulled out a wrinkled black and white photo.


“Hi mom,” he whispered at the picture.


It was baby Chanyeol with his mom, but the face of his mother was scratched out.


“How are you mom?  It’s been a while since I talked to you,” he ran a thumb over his faceless mother.


As each minute passed, he began to tell her about Eun Mi and what had happened.


And the further he went into the story, the more he began to cry.


When he reached the unfortunate end, he let a sob, but quickly wiped away the tears.


“Thanks for always listening mom.  You know, you’re a great listener,” he bitterly chuckled with wet eyes.


“I hope at least now you have someone to talk to, now that Eun Mi is up there too.”


Chanyeol plucked one red rose off the bush, and then a white one off another.


He gently crushed the petals together and let it float into the wind.


“I miss you,” he whispered.



“Yah yah yah!” Sehun’s mom hit him on the back and shoulder.


“Ow mom!  It hurts!” he complained, rubbing his stinging shoulder.


“Then stop moving!” she scolded him again.


“Fineeee,” he mumbled back.


His mother’s nimble fingers combed his hair slightly upwards and out.


“Tsk tsk tsk.  Do you not own a mirror?  Where does all that money your father sends you, go to?” she nagged him.


Sehun rolled his eyes.


“Tao’s stomach” he nonchalantly replied.


His mother laughed and shook her head.


“Oh Tao.  He’s always been such a big eater.  No wonder he’s so tall.”


“Yeah well I’m the same height as Tao and you don’t see me stuffing my face every single hour of the day,” Sehun muttered.


“Ye heh!” she slapped him on the arm.


“Ow!  What?!” He rubbed the abused arm.


“Be nice to your hyung,” she scolded him as she her fingers to pinch his bangs in place.


“Ew!  Gross mom!”  Sehun backed away.


Oh Sehun,” her eyes flashed a golden yellow color.


“Yes ma’am…” Sehun relunctantly stepped forward once again.



Wo de er zi!” (My son!)  a woman in a fitting black lace dress called out, holding up her wine glass.


Luhan facepalmed.


“Is mom drunk again?” Lay asked the older.


“I hope not,” Luhan shook his head.


“Let’s just get this night over with.  I wanna go home,” Lay sighed.


“Same,” Luhan nodded.


They slowly walked over to their mom and sighed with each approaching step.


Wo de er zi!” (My son!) the woman exclaimed once again with her cheeks tinted pink.


The wine sloshed in the cup as she raised it high again.


“Oh dear lord,” Lay zoomed to her and caught her just in time before she fell over.


Luhan flashed over and caught the cup before the wine could spill and the glass break.


“Mom are you okay?” Lay asked her, holding her up.


“I’m fineee” she slurred out.


“Mom let me smell your breath,” Luhan approached her.


“No!  I’m not drunk!” she tried to kick Luhan.


Luhan flicked his finger, stopping her foot.


He gestured for it to be put down, and it did.


Then he opened his fingers and his mother’s mouth opened.


Lay smelled it.


“Ack!” he choked.


“Wow, that’s some heavy liquor,” he fanned his nose with one hand.


Luhan sighed again.


He let the wine glass float in the palm of his hand.


Then he slowly pushed it towards the dessert table where he then gently placed it down.


“It’s nice to see you too mom,” Luhan said under his breath.



After meeting with their mothers, Exo gathered outside on the balcony.


Some undid their ties and the others ran a hand through their hair.


They all let out a tired sigh.


It was only an hour into the party and they already wanted to go home.


“What are we going to do for the rest of the night?” Kai kicked at the marble floor.


“I dunno,” Chen replied.


“This is so boring!” complained Tao.


“EXO!” boomed a voice.


They all froze and slowly turned.


It was the voice they all feared the most because it was the voice of the girl who never slept.




And they know what you’re thinking, ‘Well, she’s a vampire, of course she never sleeps.’


But she, oh, she was so much more.


She never even rested.


She was admired for her amazing ability to stay energized, and not to mention, her fire powers.


She was… Victoria.


The boys stared at their older sister with the rest of F(x) behind her.


They gulped and whispered.



This was going to be a long night for Exo.

I APOLOGIZE GUYS ;A; I got sick and then stuff happened and then I got super lazy and started putting this off.... oopsies....

Sorry!! :c  But you guys have been extra patient and that is why I have updated!  And I'll be back with another chapter soon so stay tuned!

As always, I apologize for any grammar mistakes.

So I hope you guys had a good New Years and a good Lunar New Years.

WHO GOT MULA? CUZ I DID HOLLAAAAA. okay that's enough of me for one day.

Also hurray for new SUBSCRIBERS!(:

And also, as an author's note, yes I will be updating slower than I did before because now it is the second semester of school so therefore it's HARD AS HELL. sigh.  and so I need to study my off for my finals and ap test.  Please understand ;A;

I'll try to update as much as possible!  Feel free to comment any ideas or little side stories that you'd like to see and I'll try to get it done or incorporate it into the story if possible.



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Choding0w0Babylion #1
Chapter 17: I just finished chapter 17! Please update soon! (:
Chapter 17: Finally you comeback ^^ Great chapter & I'm anticipating for next update - Yuki
Chapter 16: So much drama ... but i really like it!! Wonder how they will meet again. Cant wait! ><
Chapter 6: It just .. i dunno. Im gonna subcribe this story after im finish read the last chapter!
Chapter 1: That was so heartbreaking. I wanna cry too T.T
lohsna #6
Chapter 16: argggg youre killing me, arent you? Those silent tears, i could only hope exo will know the truth real soon :')
Chapter 16: Thanks for update & hope EXO can meet Eun Mi! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 14: O>M<G poor EXO & i'm pity for Eun Mi :'( - Yuki
lohsna #9
Chapter 13: wait authornim, 2NE1 and lee hi also vampires? Then eunmi isnt the only vampire girl ._.