Chapter 52

Trainees for Love?

Kwangmin's POV


As the other members tried listening on Suyun and hyung, I went and followed Minji. I knocked on the door, and I sweat the door shook. "I don't want to see anyone right now, mian." Minji called from the other side. "Yah, Minji-ah, it's me, Kwangmin." There was a moment of silence, be there were shuffling feet and then the door opened. Minji appeared with a devastated look, and it broke my heart to see her like that. "Can I come in?" I asked, trying to smile for her. She nodded and retreated to her bed. I closed the door behind me and sat on the ground, leaning against Suyun's bed.


Minji's POV


What did Kwangmin want? Will he rub it in my face that me and his brother are done? His expression said otherwise. "Look Minji-ah," I look at the dark haired twin. "Mianhae for my hyung's actions. I hope you'll find someone much better who deserves someone like you." Honestly, I was quite flattered. I get up and sit next to him with a sigh, "Ne, gomawo Kwangmin-ah." I couldn't look at him, but I could at least put on a smile. "Well ya know," I felt Kwangmin's head lightly hit mine and left it resting on my shoulder and he took my hand. "I can always be your backup Boyfriend."


Youngmin's POV


"So then... what are you gonna do now?" Suyun said, looking at me. I shrug, "Hope that she and my brother get together." She looked away from me. "And you? Suyun I know that's Minwoo's hoodie you're wearing." She looked ever further away from me. "You miss him too don't you?" I was probably making her upset, seeing her fists form on the counter. "Yah, Donghyun-hyung has a piano somewhere in the dorm. Minwoo plays on it a lot. He pretends that you're there sitting beside him, playing with him." Her fists relaxed and rested on the counter and turned away. "A-arasso. Gomawo for telling me." she fled the kitchen as I get up, patting away the imaginary dust off my jeans.


Jeongmin's POV


We re-enter the dorm as Youngmin whistled, indicating it's okay to come in. "Where's Suyun?" Hyunseung asked as he the tv again. "She went off to play on Donghyun-hyung's piano." Youngmin said, joining Hyunseung. From the corner of my eye I see Minwoo immediately go off to find her. I follow him of course, but I stood away as he stood by the door, watching Suyun play random notes. When Minwoo sneaked into the room behind Suyun, I moved to Minwoo's spot and watch them. He stood behind Suyun, and she didn't flinch at all when Minwoo reached to press a key. My heart ached as the two of them started playing together.


Minwoo's POV


I sat down next to Suyun, playing on one side of the piano as she played on the other. She didn't have a smile, nor did she have a pained expression at the sight of me. I also noticed the hoodie she wore. My hoodie I gave her a while back when we were at the park and I gave it to her to keep so she wouldn't be so cold. At the rate we played, the music sounded like U-Kiss's 0330, just a little. But I smile to myself again, Suyun was really by my side this time, and I was happy.


Suyun's POV


Looking at Minwoo from the corner of my eye, I saw a soft smile on his face. My heart throbbing, I stopped playing and I could tell he looked at me. "Suyun-ah... kwenchana?" I didn't look at him. I kept using my right hand and started playing again. Fighting the overpowering urge to take his hand and keeping the tears at bay in my eyes, I close my eyes and kept playing as Minwoo started his part. My bangs covered my eyes, so that was good, but with the depressing tone of the piano, my tears fell from my eyes and onto the white keys. Minwoo noticed this, and he stopped playing. "Yah Suyun-ah, kwenchana?" His hand was set on my shoulder as I kept playing. "Yah, Suyun-ah stop playing." However I didn't listen and ignored him. "Suyun-ah STOP." My hand froze.


Jeongmin's POV


The piano stopped playing, and I peeked my head in to watch them. "Suyun-ah, look at me. Jebal." Minwoo begged. Suyun was paralyzed there, she didn't move nor did she say anything. "Suyun-ah, jebal, talk to me." My heart throbbed seeing Suyun like this, even Minwoo wasn't able to do anything about it. She stood up and came my way. Quickly, I turned and hid in the corner as Suyun came past me, leaving Minwoo sitting in the room alone. A soft, light and delicate note was played by Minwoo. It was just like Suyun.


Click click~

Gosh Minwoo...

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Chapter 56: WHAT.
///I'mFinallyGoingToFinishReadingThisGuys. ♥
@ shawolduck- Aha, JEOMAL KHAMSAMNIDA :) We really appreciated it that you loved our story :) If you liked it, then you can also read our sequel to it too! :)) We hope you read it! *Bows* Again, thanks!!! -NOONAA-
shawolduck #4
OHHHMYGOSH, just finished reading it even though i should be studying! i cant help it, the story was amaazing! gyaaah, i liked how the story was set up and well written. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
@Purplehearts- Thanks so much for supporting and reading our fanfic.<br />
We hope you enjoy it. If you finish this one we have a sequel too :D
KYAA!! Love this!!
shesazn: HAHA that's the exact same thing I told Minji!! Yah Noona see I told you!! xD<br />
Uwahh if it really was a drama I'd die! MINWOO AHHH~~~ Omo and the *SPOILER FOR NEW READERS* twin fight too!! Aish~~~
@sheazn- Awe, why thanks for the amusing comment :)<br />
if the story was made into a drama, whoa that would be so wonderful :)<br />
Thanks for supporting and reading our fanfic :)