Chapter 50

Trainees for Love?

Youngmin's POV


"Bwoh? What do you need me for?" Suyun said, still cautious as ever. "Come on, jebal? I'll tell you when we get there." I said, pouting. It was weird doing that to someone besides Minji. She sighed, "Arasso geez..." she stepped out of her room and closed the door behind her and we made our way to the park. As soon as we stepped outside of the building, I sent a text message


To: Minji

From: Youngmin

Yah, come to the park in one hour. Jebal? Let's hang out arasso? See you in an hour! Jebal jebal jebal~ :3




Suyun's POV


Aish this is weird. If I get yelled at for being around him I will destroy this kid -_-;;; Youngmin was walking kinda slowly, so it took us at least 20 minutes just to walk to the park. Seriously!? So when we finally did make it to the park, I face the blond one. "So what did you want to talk about?" "I got these extensions so I could give them to Minji." he pulled out two clip-on extensions. "I was wondering if you could try them on, just to see how it looks." He didn't wait for me to answer, he automatically went behind me and clipped on those extensions into my hair, then came in front of me again. "Yah, turn around jebal?" I sigh and turn in a circle from him. AISH what the !?!?!?


Youngmin's POV


The extensions didn't look half-bad on Suyun. I bet they'd look even better on Minji. Up to now, I'm pretty sure we wasted a half hour, so Minji should be here in another half hour. I took Suyun to come sit with me on the swings. "Yah, Youngmin-ah," I look at Suyun. "When can I take these off?" she was twirling the extensions with her fingers. "Ani, not yet. Just keep them on and see how it feels." I said, looking foward again. "Youngmin-ah I wanna take them off." she was so whiny. "Aniyo, I said not yet." I repeated. I heard her puff out a sigh. Come on, just another 20 minutes...


Minji's POV


Aigoo, I wondered what Youngmin needed me at the park for? I glance at the clock, only another 15 minutes before I'd meet him there. I changed my cd in the stereo and picked a random track and returned in front of the mirror. The music of SHINee's Kiss Kiss Kiss played and I started dancing. Listening and dancing to 4-minute songs actually passed the time. After SHINee, Teen Top's Supa Luv started to play. After THAT ends, I take a break and drink from my water bottle. Just a few more minutes to go...


Minwoo's POV


Again today, I found myself playing random keys again on Donghyun-hyung's piano by myself. I would always imagine Suyun sitting by my side, playing with me, and we'd be happy together again. Suyun... I really missed having her by my side. I missed her smile, her laugh... I miss hearing her sing her songs to me.


Suyun's POV


I kick my feet in midair as Youngmin and I sit there awkwardly in silence. When can I take these extensions off? Youngmin stood up, so I stood up too and face him. "Can I take it off yet?" I said, hoping he'd finally let me. He shook his head and laughed, "Aniyo, Suyun. Just a few more minutes then you can." I look at him with a pout and he laughed at me again. "Khamsamnida," My eyes widen as he said that. "You've been a good chingu to me even though we chased you and Minji on your first days here." Where was he getting at? "Ne, kwenchana Youngmin-ah." I said, just getting a little more awkward. I gasp as Youngmin pulled me into a hug, "Khamsamnida Suyun-ah, I need a good chingu like you."


Minji's POV


I cleaned up my bag and water bottle and cd as I head out the door. Aish! I'm gonna be late! I dash as fast I could to my dorm and dropped off all of my things and then rushed to the park. Out of breath, I stopped in my tracks near the swings. My eyes widen and my mouth drops as I saw Youngmin... He was hugging another girl, and he had a smile. She was hugging him back too. Who was she? Bwoh... Youngmin... Out of confusion and exhaustion, I run before they could see me. I ran back into the building, leaving the two at the park.


Youngmin's POV


I could feel Suyun hug me back. I know it must've been awkward for her, but from the corner of my eye, I saw Minji. I grin as I knew my plan was working. As I saw her run away, I pull away from Suyun. "Arasso, you can take off the extensions now. Gomawo." She reached for the extensions and unclipped them from her hair and returned them to me. We headed back to the building with complete silence accompanying us. Now, to explain this to the others...


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Chapter 56: WHAT.
///I'mFinallyGoingToFinishReadingThisGuys. ♥
@ shawolduck- Aha, JEOMAL KHAMSAMNIDA :) We really appreciated it that you loved our story :) If you liked it, then you can also read our sequel to it too! :)) We hope you read it! *Bows* Again, thanks!!! -NOONAA-
shawolduck #4
OHHHMYGOSH, just finished reading it even though i should be studying! i cant help it, the story was amaazing! gyaaah, i liked how the story was set up and well written. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
@Purplehearts- Thanks so much for supporting and reading our fanfic.<br />
We hope you enjoy it. If you finish this one we have a sequel too :D
KYAA!! Love this!!
shesazn: HAHA that's the exact same thing I told Minji!! Yah Noona see I told you!! xD<br />
Uwahh if it really was a drama I'd die! MINWOO AHHH~~~ Omo and the *SPOILER FOR NEW READERS* twin fight too!! Aish~~~
@sheazn- Awe, why thanks for the amusing comment :)<br />
if the story was made into a drama, whoa that would be so wonderful :)<br />
Thanks for supporting and reading our fanfic :)