Chapter 20

Trainees for Love?

Minji's POV


Inside the building I reach my shared dorm door. I place my hand on the knob and stole a glance at Kwangmin. He was waiting for me to go first, and I was much obliged to do that. I open the door and saw Suyun sitting on her bed, still not sleeping. I close the door, "Suyun? Why aren't you sleeping yet?" She looked at me and she wasn't the same cheerful Suyun I know. I become more worried when she responded with her breathing increasing. "Suyun kwenchana?" I asked, going to her. She sounded and looked like she was about to cry and she still didn't answer. She only cries when something serious happens or happened, and that rarely ever happens. She looked away when I put my hand on her shoulder and shook it a little. "SUYUN?" I raised my voice a little, making it clear so she could hear me. I saw her bite her lip before she laid down and pulled the covers over her.


Kwangmin's POV


When I reached Boyfriend's dorm, I waited for Minji to leave first. When she did I finally sigh in relief and head inside. All the lights were off, meaning everyone was already asleep. I feel my way around to my room with Youngmin. When I tiptoed in, Youngmin's silhouette was showing. "Youngmin? Not sleeping yet?" I asked quietly, making my way to my bed across from his. "Ani, Donghyun scared me when he punched the wall." he said, using his thumb to point at the wall behind him. Huh, it's not like hyung to be like that. He's never like that. "Ah I see. Well go to sleep then hyung." I said, laying down. "Arasso. Goodnight." I turn away from Youngmin and thought about the day and night spent with Minji. I smile satisfied to sleep.


---Next morning---


Minji's POV


Aish, I wake up to my cellphone vibrating next to my pillow. It was a message from my and Suyun's manager (yes we also share a manager)


To: Minji

From: Manager

Message Sent: 8:24am


Minji-ah, you and Suyun must quickly dress and get ready before 11:00am. You and Suyun will be meeting with Boyfriend to broadcast 1 Night 2 Days with them. You will only be there to observe, but I believe they will ask you to participate with them. By 11:00am you and Suyun will be outside the building with Boyfriend. You all will go together to film the broadcast in the woods by the beach you were at yesterday for the photo shoot. Wait for the staff to give you directions until the broadcast starts arasso? Hwaiting~


AISH!! So early again!! We were up so late last night!! I sigh and get up and walk over to Suyun's bed. "Yah, Suyun!" I shake her by her shoulder. "Yah Suyun! Wake up! Manager wants us ready by 11. Wake up!" She groaned and sat up. She still wasn't as smiley, but at least she was a little more normal. I head to the shower first before I could start wondering what happened to Suyun.


Hyunseung's POV (finally!)


I woke up this morning from Jeongmin's gum. He blew a bubble and popped it right into my face. He was laughing as he patted my back, "Up Hyunseung! We gotta be up and at 'em by 11! We gotta do the 1 Night 2 Days broadcast with Minji and Suyun today!" "Aish ara ara..." I said, still tired. After taking a shower, I noticed that Minwoo wasn't awake yet. I glance at the clock, 10:39. I went straight to Minwoo's room and sure enough, he was sprawled on his bed still sleeping. I take his arm and shake him, "Minwoo. Minwoo. Wake up. We gotta do a broadcast with the girls today." He didn't want to get up, and something seemed different about him. "Minwoo wake up." I said again, shaking him a little harder. I sigh when he didn't get up yet. Last resort, "Minwoo~ Suyun's here~" and just like that, he shot straight up. "Bwoh!? Where?!" I laugh at him. "Gotcha." I said. "Hurry up and get ready. We gotta go soon." He headed towards the shower and met up with us outside later on. Minji and Suyun finally arrived too and even Suyun herself seemed off.

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Chapter 56: WHAT.
///I'mFinallyGoingToFinishReadingThisGuys. ♥
@ shawolduck- Aha, JEOMAL KHAMSAMNIDA :) We really appreciated it that you loved our story :) If you liked it, then you can also read our sequel to it too! :)) We hope you read it! *Bows* Again, thanks!!! -NOONAA-
shawolduck #4
OHHHMYGOSH, just finished reading it even though i should be studying! i cant help it, the story was amaazing! gyaaah, i liked how the story was set up and well written. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
@Purplehearts- Thanks so much for supporting and reading our fanfic.<br />
We hope you enjoy it. If you finish this one we have a sequel too :D
KYAA!! Love this!!
shesazn: HAHA that's the exact same thing I told Minji!! Yah Noona see I told you!! xD<br />
Uwahh if it really was a drama I'd die! MINWOO AHHH~~~ Omo and the *SPOILER FOR NEW READERS* twin fight too!! Aish~~~
@sheazn- Awe, why thanks for the amusing comment :)<br />
if the story was made into a drama, whoa that would be so wonderful :)<br />
Thanks for supporting and reading our fanfic :)