Chapter Eight

Behind Enemy Lines


Tao set down Orange Juice and a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of Hyuna. She didn't like Orange Juice a lot, she didn't hate it but it definitely wasn't her favourite. She couldn't be rude and she was really thirsty so she drank it anyways. 
"You need to recover. Healthy meals will make it go by faster." He said. "We need to get on the road soon. We have to run again." 
"I like it here." Hyuna said softly. He looked at her.
"Well, we can't stay. They found us." Tao said. Hyuna looked at him.
"Who cares?" She said. "They're gonna find us anywhere anyways. I mean...they are tracking me, right. No point in hiding when they're going to find us anyways. You're better off just leaving me here and letting them kill me." 
"Hyuna," Tao hissed. 
"If you don't want to leave me behind and you wanna keep hiding me and protecting me, why can't you just let them take the chip out?" Hyuna asked. "Get all of this misery over with? It's not hard, all you have to do is get the chip out." 
"Hyuna, drop it." Tao snapped, grimacing when he see's the bloody Hyuna on the operating table being miserably cut open with all sorts of knives and while she's awake, too. He blinked, re-opening his eyes back to reality. Hyuna slowly started eating, silent from the tension.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Hyuna asked after the long, dreadful silence. 
"I'll have coffee." He said, making himself some. 
"You should eat. We have a long day ahead of us." Hyuna said. Tao looked at her and then turned back to the coffee pot, shaking his head. He grabbed a piece of her toast.
"There." He said. Hyuna shrugged and then continued to eat her breakfast. "We don't have all day, Hyuna." Tao added after noticing how slow and careful she was eating. Hyuna rolled her eyes and began to eat a little quicker. Tao swallowed down the rest of the toast and whether he believes it or not, he was glad Hyuna told him to eat something or else he would've had to live with that growling stomach forever. 
Tao scrambled around the cabin, collecting things and tidying other things just in case another person on a mission needed to go here later. He got into the shower and cleansed his hair. When he got out, he got dressed--like any other ordinary human being would-- then he hooked his blue tooth around his ear. He combed his wet hair slightly and decided he would let it air dry. 
He got his sunglasses and put them on, totally rocking the agent look or so Hyuna thought anyways. He walked out of the bathroom, collecting his phone and other important necessities he brought in. 
He allowed Hyuna to take a shower but snapped at her to make it quick. When Hyuna closed the door to the bathroom she made a funny face, obviously not liking his mood. All she did was sit outside and apparently that isn't allowed. 
When she was out and ready Tao was talking on his Bluetooth. She tried to sneakily listen but Tao saw her from the corner of his eye. She sighed. Why wouldn't she have known? He IS an agent after all, he catches and knows everything. 
Hyuna got into the passenger side of the car and jumped a little when Tao got in very suddenly. "So...Where do you plan on taking me?" Hyuna asked.
"Don't know." Tao replied, scanning the lot and driving off with his super cool--and scary-- driver moves. 
"Come on, Tao, we've been driving for nine hours straight, can't we go to a hotel?" Hyuna complained. Tao ignored her and kept on taking the same route. Hyuna groaned, he's ignored her every single time she's complained.
Hyuna laid her head back in the sight. She was tired and hungry, and the discomfort where her stitches were didn't help at all. She sighed. She looked out the window and noticed the sun setting. 
"Can't we turn on the radio at least?" She asked. He sighed and the radio. Demi looked back out the window, at least a good song was playing. It wasn't particularly her favourite but it was better then sitting in dreadful silence. Hyuna sat up straight when Tao turned sharply. "Can you NOT do that?!"
"Can you stop complaining?" He glanced at her and then back to the road and shook his head. She glared. Tao travelled down a gravel road for what seemed like ever before he turned again onto a smoother road that was in the middle of a bunch of trees. It was almost like a forest. Hyuna sat forward, observing the surroundings. Tao then stopped the car suddenly, Hyuna jerked forward and bit her lip as the seatbelt pressed harshly against her stitches. 
He looked around. Hyuna was about to ask why he stopped in the middle of no where but before she could he slammed down hard on the gas pedal, making the tires squeal. "What the hell?" She mumbled. She shook her head. 
Hyuna looked through the trees and she squinted her eyes, really focusing and then suddenly she gasped when she saw the shadow move. Tao looked at her. "What?" He asked. 
She glared at him, "Well, wouldn't you like to know," She replied, still mad that he kept telling her to stop talking or complaining or he would simply just 'shush' her. Hyuna shook her head, knowing she had to let it go and tell him, "There's somebody in the trees." 
"What did you see?" He asked.
"Well, A person...that IS why I said there's SOMEBODY, hint somebody, in the trees." Hyuna retorted. 
"Can you leave your sarcasm in the backseat for a moment? This is serious." Tao snapped at her. Hyuna rolled her eyes. 
"Can you leave your BAD MOOD in the backseat? This is serious." She copied him and felt a smirk of satisfaction curve onto her lips as she saw him glare at the road in front of him and slightly clench the wheel with irritation.
"Just tell me what you saw." He said.
"I did!" Hyuna responded, her eyes widening slightly as she threw her hands up a bit. 
"I know you saw a person but what was the person doing?! Did you recognize them?!" He questioned her.
"Well, of course not!" Hyuna responded, making Tao more annoyed. "You're the agent, aren't you suppose to tell ME these things?" Hyuna asked him. Tao gripped the wheel tighter and tighter until his knuckles turned white. 
"Who was it?!" Tao rose his voice, frightening Hyuna slightly. She swallowed and then looked in the rear view mirror, seeing the person again.
"I don't know...I just recognize him. He's there, see, watch." She points to the mirror and he glances at it then to the road and back at it before seeing it. 
"For sakes." He breathes out.
"What?" Hyuna asks. He doesn't reply but picks up the speed and then sharply turns around. Hyuna squeals and grips the door handle. Tao hit's the brakes harshly, making the car come to a full stop before he applies hard pressure on the gas pedal and heading towards the woods where the person was. "What are you doing??!"
Tao ignores her and that's when the person comes into full view and begins to run and run. Tao honks the horn at him as the man cries out in fear as the car continues to hunt him down.
"Tao! You're going to hit him!" Hyun shrieks. Tao continues to chase the guy with his car and slams hard on his breaks and turns the wheel, the car goes from being straight, to turning slanted a bit as he stops in front of the car that the man had jumped in. The man speeds off in the other direction, Tao watches until he's gone. Tao then turns the car around and continues their way. Hyuna swallows hard and sits quietly.
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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 17: Happy ending ^^
Chapter 11: How about taohyun...otte??
Love the storyline! Cant wait to start itt~
SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #4
Chapter 17: Aww, it's over now, what a pity! :( But I guess it was time for it after all they've been through... I liked how Tao didn't back down and argued so he could stay with her as an official protector, too. That was lovely! He really is so manly in this story and they do make a good couple, I'd say.And Gikwang thought rationally, too, so that was all good and it seems the future prospects (I'm a fan of rather open endings) aren't too bad either as long as they're together. :)

Hope your private issues are resolved for now, keep your head up, and fighting to find back into your stories! I loved reading them so far, it'd be sad if you quit.
4niahyun #5
Chapter 17: thats it????????i think we need a sequel hehe because they dont show enough love scenes....
but glad they got to be together....
Chapter 17: Congrats on finishing the story! You've worked hard.
sheryin #7
Chapter 17: Woohoo they finally together;)
Hyunajs #8
Chapter 16: Update soon
4niahyun #9
Chapter 16: omg im so sorry~
actuallt ive read this chapter but its only until the part where kikwang come and then i stop!TT.TT
it was because i was afraid to read the next part..i thought he will pull tao out from the mission/task because technically he break the rules right????(but of course my prediction went down the hill because tao is such a smart lolXD! i love his answer)
but ive been quite busy with assigment this few weeks(even though the school just started like barely only a month-___-)...
but its weekend and i want to relax my mind and i remembered i havent finish reading your update yet AND also having the courage to finish it...haish its quite embarrasing omg im blushing!XD
anyway, im glad finally the operation is done and hyuna is safe and sound...and they are having the lovey dovey moment(OMG!!!) until kiki came and i become afarid-____-
so hyuna is gonig to be safe from now on?since the chip is already been removed and they cboth can start their romantic life???haha im so delusional didnt i?and i really want to know what is kiki's next action..i mean what he will do to tao and hyuna???i hope he will not banned them from seeing each other or i will cry...
nice update and please update soon!*other stories too okay~?^^
Can't wait for the next update!! I love this!