Chapter Eleven

Behind Enemy Lines


"We're not taking out the chip." Tao affirmed to the doctors. They looked at one another and sighed. 

"Zitao...We have to. They're going to find you and put her more in danger." Jihoo said.

"They're not going to find us here." Tao said, basically only convincing himself. 

"You don't know that," One of the doctor's finally spoke up, tired of Tao thinking he's right all of the time. "They could find you and put her in more danger. We've told you she's got an infection from the stabbing, and her being stressed and constantly in hiding and on the run isn't helping. We need to take that chip out so you have a better of chance of protecting her."

Tao ran his hands through his long-short hair, shaking his head. "'re not taking it out, I'm in charge of her and you're not taking it out! It'll be worse if she loses a leg or possibly goes paralyzed from the waist down!" The doctor was about to say something, "I'm aware that they could find us but it'll jeopardize her life even more if something goes wrong from taking out that chip!" Tao began to raise his voice, suddenly seeing a bloody picture of Hyuna from his nightmare in his mind. He blinked to take the image away.

"We need to do this!" Another doctor snapped.

"You're not going to do anything!" Tao yelled at them. "You've given her antibiotics and cleaned out the wound and re-stitched her up, she'll be okay! I'll keep her safe! I'm perfectly capable of keeping her protected and away from harm!" 

"We didn't say you weren't, Zitao," Jihoo said softly. "We're trying to help her. We did say that there are consequences to this operation but it needs to be done one way or another." 

"I said no, Jihoo." Tao looked at him with cold eyes. "You guys are not giving her that operation, she's fine." 

"Will you listen to us for a second?" Jihoo finally snapped at Tao. "No wait, listen to yourself! You're being irrevocable and selfish! She's in pain, she's stressed, she's probably terrified of everything going on right now and there's one way to stop so much action going on and that's to take out that chip but you won't do it! I don't understand your ways."

"But I do!" Tao spat. "I know my thinking and I like my thinking. It may not make any sense to you but it makes perfect sense to me!" 

"If we take out that chip they could search for her and not find her for an entire 50 years but with that chip they know exactly where she is! EXACTLY! There is no 'might be'. They know exactly where she is." Jihoo shot back. 

"Can't you just leave it alone?" Tao asked, running a hand throw his hair and gripping onto his hair and beginning to pace. He heard her calling his name so he walked out of the small room where they were all conversing and he walked to the couch where Hyuna lay. She squirmed in her sleep and called for Tao and that's when he understood that she was having a nightmare. The doctors sighed and decided to go to the kitchen and talk amongst themselves. Tao touched Hyuna gently on the arm and she awoke, breathing heavily.

"Tao..." She murmured, burying her face into his neck after she wrapped her fragile arms around him. He gently her hair. "We have to take out the chip..." She whispered. His chest tightened and he ignored that comment. "I had a dream that they found me and were trying to kill me. That's the third time I've had this dream. I don't want it coming true...just take out the chip.."

"We're not taking out the chip, Hyuna." Tao stated softly. 

"But it's not up to you, Tao." She whispered. He pulled out of her grasp and frowned at her. "It's my body...I guess it's my decision and I want it out." 

"She wants it out." Jihoo looked at Tao, crossing his arms as the doctors soon joined Jihoo out by the living room and agreed. 

"She's not taking it out." Tao shook his head. Why won't anyone listen to him?!

"The lady said she wants it out and she's correct, it's her decision because it's her body." Another doctor said. 

"I told you we're not taking it out!" Tao hissed at them through clenched teeth. 

"We have to,'s the only way." Hyuna murmured, frowning lightly when she caught the cold glare Tao sent her. He got up, throwing his hands in the air. 

"Do what you want. I don't care!" He seethed. "Have that operation. Become paralyzed. Painfully tear veins, blood vessels, and tissue, maybe some muscle. Lose a leg. Oh well. It was the best way to go, right? Even though this jeopardizes your life even more."

Hyuna looked over to the front door which Tao had slammed. She swallowed hard as she thought about all he said. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jihoo looked at her and began to speak, "Do you want it done? Yes or no? it's all up to you." 

Hyuna looked back at the door and began to rehearse in her mind all of the things Tao said could happen to her. She swallowed hard. Torn blood vessels, muscles, body tissue, and veins? Possibly paralyzed? Possibly lose one leg? She looked back to the doctor. "I want it done." She whispered.

He nodded. "We'll do the operation as soon as we can." He said. "We'll give you a call just before we'll have it done. Your infection should last two more days and then it'll be gone. Don't worry about what Tao said...He's being all dramatic." Hyuna nodded and swallowed hard as she watched them leave. 


Tao looked up and noticed the Doctors leaving in the vans and trucks and speeding off. He continued to run his hands through his hair, gripping his hair and then releasing it. He rubbed his face as he thought of his nightmare. It all seemed too real and he knew Hyuna wanted the operation so she had obviously agreed to do it. He leaned his head up against he wall, his knees tucked towards his chest and his elbows balanced on his knees. He let his face drop into his palms and the pictures of a bloody Hyuna sobbing down the hospital hallway was just far too vivid. He cringed hearing her soul ripping screams echoing from the nightmare in his mind.

His hands formed a prayer position as he pressed them up against his nose and mouth. He breathed out a long breath of anxiety and stress. He then slowly got up from the ground and walked to the house and entered the door. Hyuna's eyes were closed, the medication the doctor gave her obviously tired her out and put her right to sleep. Tao shook his head, looking away from her and going right into the kitchen where he paced back and forth, haunted by the images of a sobbing and bloody Hyuna and the sounds of her echoing blood curdling screams. 

He taken out of the haunted nightmare when he heard a soft voice, "All of that isn't going to happen...right?" Hyuna asked. She'd woken up after she heard Tao pacing around in the kitchen. Tao looked at her and shrugged.

"I don't know." He responded. Hyuna gulped quietly. "You're having it done, aren't you?" He asked her. She slowly nodded after a small hesitation. He sighed and turned away from her. 

"You seem a lot more freaked out than I am." She said. "Why?" 

"I'm not freaked out." He lied. "I just don't want you to possibly lose a leg or something because it'll make the running and hiding a lot more difficult. Especially if you go paralyzed." Tao said, slightly grimacing knowing he shouldn't talk about being paralyzed to her, by the look on her face she's obviously very scared. 

She nods. "Oh. Ok." She looks at him. "This needs to be done though, Tao. It'll make this hiding thing a lot easier. Even if it means I lose a leg or...." She swallowed, "Go paralyzed..." 

He shakes his head. "You won't go paralyzed."

"But you just said--"

"--Who cares about what I said. Don't listen to me." He interjected. Hyuna smiled softly and nodded. Tao looked down at her as Hyuna slowly looked up at him. She gently stood up on her the tips of her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down so he was leveled with her height. She softly laid her lips on his and kissed him gently. Tao set his palm on her cheek and deepened the kiss as his other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her more to him. He pulled away slightly, planting a soft peck on her forehead.

"We shouldn't do this." Hyuna whispered, knowing it has to be against some rule for Tao's work. He nodded.

"Yeah, we do need to stop." He says, Hyuna looks away and nods but Tao grabs her chin lightly, lifting her face up. He re-connects their lips and their lips dance with one another's. 


Also, what do you guys think their couple name should be? O.o I haven't seen or heard of a name for them yet, and we're gonna change that! :D  Please do comment your suggestions/ideas in the comment section below! ^^ Can't wait to read your responses! XD 

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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 17: Happy ending ^^
Chapter 11: How about taohyun...otte??
Love the storyline! Cant wait to start itt~
SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #4
Chapter 17: Aww, it's over now, what a pity! :( But I guess it was time for it after all they've been through... I liked how Tao didn't back down and argued so he could stay with her as an official protector, too. That was lovely! He really is so manly in this story and they do make a good couple, I'd say.And Gikwang thought rationally, too, so that was all good and it seems the future prospects (I'm a fan of rather open endings) aren't too bad either as long as they're together. :)

Hope your private issues are resolved for now, keep your head up, and fighting to find back into your stories! I loved reading them so far, it'd be sad if you quit.
4niahyun #5
Chapter 17: thats it????????i think we need a sequel hehe because they dont show enough love scenes....
but glad they got to be together....
Chapter 17: Congrats on finishing the story! You've worked hard.
sheryin #7
Chapter 17: Woohoo they finally together;)
Hyunajs #8
Chapter 16: Update soon
4niahyun #9
Chapter 16: omg im so sorry~
actuallt ive read this chapter but its only until the part where kikwang come and then i stop!TT.TT
it was because i was afraid to read the next part..i thought he will pull tao out from the mission/task because technically he break the rules right????(but of course my prediction went down the hill because tao is such a smart lolXD! i love his answer)
but ive been quite busy with assigment this few weeks(even though the school just started like barely only a month-___-)...
but its weekend and i want to relax my mind and i remembered i havent finish reading your update yet AND also having the courage to finish it...haish its quite embarrasing omg im blushing!XD
anyway, im glad finally the operation is done and hyuna is safe and sound...and they are having the lovey dovey moment(OMG!!!) until kiki came and i become afarid-____-
so hyuna is gonig to be safe from now on?since the chip is already been removed and they cboth can start their romantic life???haha im so delusional didnt i?and i really want to know what is kiki's next action..i mean what he will do to tao and hyuna???i hope he will not banned them from seeing each other or i will cry...
nice update and please update soon!*other stories too okay~?^^
Can't wait for the next update!! I love this!