Chapter Two

Behind Enemy Lines


"Huang! Office. Now." Tao's boss, Lee Gikwang, yelled. Tao immediately followed Gikwang into his office. 
"Zitao, we've got a mission." He informed Tao. Tao nodded. Gikwang rummaged through a few drawers and finally found what he was looking for. He slapped it down on his desk and looked through the folder. "Ah." He let out and picked up the paper and pushed it towards Tao. "Kim Hyuna. 17 Years of age. She generally works at Tilly's trying to support her Mother and Sister and avoid them from living on the streets. Lost her Dad at the age of 12. He was brutally beat and then murdered." His eyes flickered to Tao, "I think you know where this leads." 
Tao grabbed the paper, looking at the picture of this 'Kim Hyuna'. She looked young and very beautiful. He set the paper down and nodded. "I'm ready Gikwang." 
"You know the drill." Gikwang says, writing down notes on the paper with Hyuna's picture and information on it. "You are to get there quickly and as quietly as you can, you are to not let anyone know a thing about Kim Hyuna, this is confidential, she has been kidnapped and held at Greenhouse Estates." Gikwang informs Tao as Tao nods. "She is a very important case, your job is to keep her safe and away from danger, you are to risk your life for her on all circumstances, watch your back and keep her trust on guard. Many are after her and I don't think she knows yet." 
He nods. "Got it." He says.
"You get her out of the Greenhouse building immediately, no chit chats, get her out of there and then you're gone. You know what to do from then on, I believe." Gikwang says. 
"I do." Tao confirms. Gikwang then approves him and Tao rushes out of the office and goes to where his small office is. 
"Hey." Tao looks over to his best friend, Kim Jongin, or Kai. He nods once and goes to the closet and slides on his jacket. He puts the blue tooth on his ear and clicks it on, keeping himself on call just for safety reasons and if someone, like Gikwang, needs to contact him. Kai frowns. "Going somewhere?" 
"Mission." Tao replied, keeping his full attention on getting everything ready. "Confidential." He showed Kai the paper of Hyuna. Kai nodded. Both of them did this a lot. Told each other what missions they were doing, honestly, they were never suppose to do that but they're best friends and they're both secretive with it. Kai nods.
"Be careful, man. This one is serious." Kai says. Tao nods and slides on his ray bands. He messes with his hair a bit to make himself look more untidy. Kai patted his shoulder as Tao grabbed the keys. He put his pocket knife into his pocket, he also had a key ring with a lot more other necessities that he'd need. Everything else was in his car. 
"Later." Tao heads out, getting into his car. He puts the paper in the glove box and puts the car into reverse, knocking over a trashcan; not that he cared. He then put the car in drive and sped off quickly. He had mad car skills when it came to driving. He could reverse and speed up like a maniac in those action movies and he could turn sharp corners and easily plough through things. He was like a legend. He was the number one man for this job.
"Working." He replied into the blue tooth. 
"Zitao, it's Gikwang, I've got information." He says. Tao immediately listens but continues driving. "You need to get there pronto! No time should be wasted! I've got them tracked, use your tracking device too, but I notice they're moving." 
"Moving?" Tao asked.
"Moving. They're heading towards Tilly's. I think they're going for the safe and using Kim Hyuna to get it. Work fast." Gikwang says. 
"Got it." He says and hears Gikwang come off the Bluetooth. Tao drummed his fingers against the steering wheel when coming to a red a light. He took out his Android and saw they were moving quickly. "." He mumbles and then reverses hearing a few cars honk at him. He took a detour and began his way to the mission, determined to get this Kim Hyuna.
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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 17: Happy ending ^^
Chapter 11: How about taohyun...otte??
Love the storyline! Cant wait to start itt~
SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #4
Chapter 17: Aww, it's over now, what a pity! :( But I guess it was time for it after all they've been through... I liked how Tao didn't back down and argued so he could stay with her as an official protector, too. That was lovely! He really is so manly in this story and they do make a good couple, I'd say.And Gikwang thought rationally, too, so that was all good and it seems the future prospects (I'm a fan of rather open endings) aren't too bad either as long as they're together. :)

Hope your private issues are resolved for now, keep your head up, and fighting to find back into your stories! I loved reading them so far, it'd be sad if you quit.
4niahyun #5
Chapter 17: thats it????????i think we need a sequel hehe because they dont show enough love scenes....
but glad they got to be together....
Chapter 17: Congrats on finishing the story! You've worked hard.
sheryin #7
Chapter 17: Woohoo they finally together;)
Hyunajs #8
Chapter 16: Update soon
4niahyun #9
Chapter 16: omg im so sorry~
actuallt ive read this chapter but its only until the part where kikwang come and then i stop!TT.TT
it was because i was afraid to read the next part..i thought he will pull tao out from the mission/task because technically he break the rules right????(but of course my prediction went down the hill because tao is such a smart lolXD! i love his answer)
but ive been quite busy with assigment this few weeks(even though the school just started like barely only a month-___-)...
but its weekend and i want to relax my mind and i remembered i havent finish reading your update yet AND also having the courage to finish it...haish its quite embarrasing omg im blushing!XD
anyway, im glad finally the operation is done and hyuna is safe and sound...and they are having the lovey dovey moment(OMG!!!) until kiki came and i become afarid-____-
so hyuna is gonig to be safe from now on?since the chip is already been removed and they cboth can start their romantic life???haha im so delusional didnt i?and i really want to know what is kiki's next action..i mean what he will do to tao and hyuna???i hope he will not banned them from seeing each other or i will cry...
nice update and please update soon!*other stories too okay~?^^
Can't wait for the next update!! I love this!