Chapter Sixteen

Behind Enemy Lines

I'm soo sorry for making you guys, the ones who actually enjoy and look foreword to this story's updates, wait so long!! (~_~;) School is all I got to say as my excuse...=_= But anyway hope you guys enjoy this update! (^o^)/  Thank you guys for being so patient with me!! <33(≧∇≦)


"Tao, please, I don't want it!" Hyuna shrieked, tears falling from her eyes as Tao struggled to pull her towards the station. Tao sighed and looked at her, seeing all of the fear in her eyes. 

"You want it, Hyuna, you wanted this so bad, you told me it was the only way, now I'm allowing you to get it and you don't want it?" He arched his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because...what you to me, I guess." Hyuna mumbles. Tao shakes his head. "What about you, huh?"

He sighed. "Hyuna, I disagree with this but they found you and--"

"No." Hyuna interrupted as he looked at her confusedly. "Why didn't you want me to get it in the first place? Tell me." Hyuna said. "But I want the truth." Tao sighed and sat down with Hyuna, they leaned against the building.

Tao ran his hands through his hair and rubbed his face and then looked at Hyuna. "A while back...I had a dream that something happened to you..." Hyuna frowned. "You were getting that operation and I couldn't get in weren't asleep and they weren't doctors, they were the other guys who are trying to get you and I had no idea how you got in there...there was window but no door....they were....hurting you and I couldn't get in. And suddenly we were in a hall way of the hospital and you were full of blood...and I....I just kept seeing it in my mind and you were calling for me and crying and I couldn't get to you..." Tao let out a sigh. "And I can't....I can't get it out of my head." Tao runs his hands through his hair again. 

"Tao..." Hyuna spoke softly, he didn't look up at her. "That's not going to happen..." Tao slowly looked up and nodded.

"I know." He murmured. "But I'm still scared." He admitted, timidly. Hyuna smiled softly. 

"I'm really scared, too." She said. He looked into her watery eyes. "I don't want that operation, Tao." 

"You need it, Hyuna." Tao said. Hyuna swallowed hard and nodded.

"I know..." Hyuna whispered. Tao grabbed her face in his hand and kissed her tenderly. Hyuna curled his hair around her fingers, kissing him back lightly. "Will I lose my leg? Or go paralyzed?" Hyuna asked as they pulled away. Tao shook his head.

"No." He replied. "You'll be fine. You'll be okay." 

"How long is the surgery?" Hyuna asked. 

"4 hours." Tao replied. "Well, it could be 2 but the maximum is 4 hours." Hyuna nodded. He lifted Hyuna up once he'd stood up and he'd walked her inside the station a few doctors looked up but had to do a double take once realizing who the two people were. 

"You want it now?" A doctor asks. Hyuna swallows hard and nods. 

"I need it now." Hyuna whispered. The doctor smiled softly and nodded. The doctor went through a few things with them, like how the surgery will work, what recovery will be like, what circumstances can happen, etc. He got Hyuna to an operating room and made Tao sit in the waiting room.


Tao ran his hands through his hair again before dropping his face back into the palms of his hands. It'd been 3 ½ hours and he'd gotten no word from any doctors. He'd went to the cafeteria, paced down the halls, talked to nurses, played on his phone, talked to Kai on his blue tooth, walked around the hospital, sang to himself, hummed to himself, paced, and then repeated everything.


Tao looked up immediately and saw Jihoo who smiled at him comfortingly. Tao stood up and walked to him. "Jihoo." He swallowed. 

"The operation went as planned." Jihoo said as Tao smiled slightly. "She's awake. She has been for half an hour now." Tao looked at him. "We would've told you but the operation was a lot trickier than normal so we had to make sure everything is fine with her and that took a lot since she kept falling back to sleep on us." Tao chuckled softly. "Though, we have some bad news, it's not too bad, it's just that she probably won't be able to walk on that leg for about 5 days because it'll be pretty sore." Tao nodded. 

"Can I...?" Tao trailed off. Jihoo smiled at Tao and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes." He said and lead Tao to the room before walking off to talk to another nurse and then accompany another patient.

"Hey," Tao said softly. Hyuna looked over to him and smiled tiredly. 

"Hi," her voice was weak and raspy, something he wasn't use to. He swallowed. He stayed by the door, a little nervous. "You can come in." She said. He took a few steps and stopped. Her smile widened slightly, "More." She said. He laughed softly and finally had enough courage to sit next to her. "That's better." She murmured.

"That was a long 3 ½ hours." Tao admitted gently. Hyuna giggled. 

"It went by fairly quickly." Hyuna giggled again. Tao rolled his eyes.

"Well, for you." he retorted making her laugh. "I'm glad you're okay." He said, leaning up and kissing her on the forehead. "Well, the chip's out. We have a lot of success for the future now." He grinned.

"Tao," Hyuna let out as he looked at her. "Are we going to be on the run forever?" She asked. "I mean...will we we ever...not be getting chased and hunted down by people?"

"One day." He said, running a hand through her hair. "One day, Hyuna."

"I told L.Joe that I didn't have the code or safe and...he believed me." Hyuna said. Tao looked at her. "And so he said that didn't mean he couldn't have fun, that's why I was in the auction and--"

"Let's not talk about that." Tao interjected, clearing his throat. Hyuna nodded and looked at Tao. She laughed slightly when she was caught off guard by his lips on hers. She ran a hand through the back of his hair and kissed him back with love.


Tao gently Hyuna's hair as she slept peacefully on the hospital bed. He admired her features as he laid next to her. He heard someone clear their throat. He gulped as he recognized that sound. He froze in place and slowly turned to look over at Gikwang who stood in the door way.


"Gikwang...Hey..." Tao got up immediately and stood up, walking to the door and politely shook his hand in a greeting. Gikwang's eyes trailed back to Hyuna who was still asleep. The TV was on a random news channel and the volume was turned very low. 

"Please don't tell me what I think you were doing." Gikwang said. Tao swallowed hard and looked at Gikwang. "I've gotten quite a few calls about you and about Hyuna. Apparently, there's been some kissing sightings." 

Tao took a deep breath, "Gikwang, before you say anything. I swear nothing was suppose to happen and when they took her...I just...I don't came over me." Tao was half-lying and half telling the truth.

"Right." Gikwang said. "Come with me, Huang, we need to take a walk." Gikwang said. Tao sighed and walked out of the room with Gikwang as they walked down the halls. "You've been doing an amazing job, Zitao. You've kept her safe, even during a lot of difficulties. She's been our toughest case so far. You got her back from that auction which is a one's ever gotten that far. I wanted to award you."

"Award me?" Tao said, shocked. "Gikwang...that's...that's so great." Tao grinned, feeling generally proud with himself.

"But I can't now." Gikwang said. Tao's smile faltered. 

"What?" Tao asked.

"This is preposterous, Huang. Completely unsanitary, particularly somewhat illegal. I can't because now I know that something is going on. You didn't do all of this for your job--"

"That's right I didn't." Tao said. "I did this for her. To keep her safe. Actually, I don't need your award, Gikwang. I kept her safe and that's what matters. I was doing what you asked...we don't know when they're going to stop chasing her, Gikwang, it was obvious that something was going to happen. Neither of us saw it but now that I think about it. A man and a woman, both single, both fighting for protection, running away together and hiding. It's not just me going against any regulations, Gikwang. It's human. It'd be quite natural for this to happen between a man and woman. I've been saving her and protecting her, we're only human, Gikwang, no heroes. The human mind would fall in love."

Gikwang was hesitant. What Tao just said was true. They would possibly be spending years and years together. This might even last until the day Hyuna is old and dies of old age or when Tao dies of old age, it's obvious a man and woman would have feelings grow. 

"So you're admitting to love her?" Gikwang asks. Tao swallows hard.

"I don't know what I'm admitting." Tao says honestly. "I'm only human." And with that, Tao his heel and walked in the other direction to Hyuna's hospital room.


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 17: Happy ending ^^
Chapter 11: How about taohyun...otte??
Love the storyline! Cant wait to start itt~
SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #4
Chapter 17: Aww, it's over now, what a pity! :( But I guess it was time for it after all they've been through... I liked how Tao didn't back down and argued so he could stay with her as an official protector, too. That was lovely! He really is so manly in this story and they do make a good couple, I'd say.And Gikwang thought rationally, too, so that was all good and it seems the future prospects (I'm a fan of rather open endings) aren't too bad either as long as they're together. :)

Hope your private issues are resolved for now, keep your head up, and fighting to find back into your stories! I loved reading them so far, it'd be sad if you quit.
4niahyun #5
Chapter 17: thats it????????i think we need a sequel hehe because they dont show enough love scenes....
but glad they got to be together....
Chapter 17: Congrats on finishing the story! You've worked hard.
sheryin #7
Chapter 17: Woohoo they finally together;)
Hyunajs #8
Chapter 16: Update soon
4niahyun #9
Chapter 16: omg im so sorry~
actuallt ive read this chapter but its only until the part where kikwang come and then i stop!TT.TT
it was because i was afraid to read the next part..i thought he will pull tao out from the mission/task because technically he break the rules right????(but of course my prediction went down the hill because tao is such a smart lolXD! i love his answer)
but ive been quite busy with assigment this few weeks(even though the school just started like barely only a month-___-)...
but its weekend and i want to relax my mind and i remembered i havent finish reading your update yet AND also having the courage to finish it...haish its quite embarrasing omg im blushing!XD
anyway, im glad finally the operation is done and hyuna is safe and sound...and they are having the lovey dovey moment(OMG!!!) until kiki came and i become afarid-____-
so hyuna is gonig to be safe from now on?since the chip is already been removed and they cboth can start their romantic life???haha im so delusional didnt i?and i really want to know what is kiki's next action..i mean what he will do to tao and hyuna???i hope he will not banned them from seeing each other or i will cry...
nice update and please update soon!*other stories too okay~?^^
Can't wait for the next update!! I love this!