Chapter Thirteen

Behind Enemy Lines

Sorry for updating so late! I was in the middle of writing this chapter when the stupid in Internet stop working AND my laptop died! >.< That's in bull right there! -.-' Anyway enjoy the chapter don't forget to check out my other stories and my new story called 'Cosmic Love' starring Hyuna and Sehun! ^^




Hyuna's eyes snapped open, she was about to let out a cry from help but it was muffled when someone covered with a cloth. She was lifted into their arms and she struggled helplessly and fearfully to get free. She kicked and hit but before she knew it they pinned her down and tied her hands together and behind her back. They grabbed duct tape and taped close. Tears of fear came spilling down her cheeks, her heart pounding. Where was Tao?! Where was he when something important was going on? Was he okay? Is he hurt?
"Take her outside, I have a plan! Take her down to the park! I'll follow and keep watch!" The man said. With skillful team work, they got Hyuna out the back window while she struggled helplessly to be free. They got her away from the Cabin as far as possible before they tore the tape from . She cried out in agony. 
"Well, well, well, nice of you to join us, Princess." The man paced around in front of her while the other guy made sure she stayed put. The man discretely slid out a small black device and pressed a recording button and held it in his hands behind his back. 
"Let me go." Hyuna sobbed with fear. The man chuckled acidly at her and shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he continued to pace in front of her. He turned to her with dark eyes. Hyuna sobbed again, "What are you going to do to me?" She asked. 
He leaned forward and whispered but spoke clearly enough for the recording device to catch, "Everything." His nose was inches from hers. "Now, Princess, don't cry. I hate to see you cry." He traced his finger down the side of her face. She whimpered and moved away slightly. "I just need a's very subtle and very small...nothing too difficult. Your father was a great man but he happened to make a few minor mistakes which resulted in big things." He says, "Don't make those same mistakes." He whispers. Hyuna gulped and more hot tears fell down her cold cheeks. "It's a small favour, Princess. Just tell us that code and we need you to tell us where that safe is. You do what I ask and I won't hurt you but you don't do what I ask..." He paced around and then looked at her, stopping right in front of her and making direct eye contact. "I can make you regret the day you were born.
"Now," he continued, "If you do happen to get on my bad side I've decided to give you a little something special, instead of having a surprise, I'm going to ask you what you'd prefer to be beaten with," He smirked down at her as she sobbed louder. "A bare hands...a belt...oh, what about the electric shock chair," His smirk widened, "That sounds like fun. Tell me...which of those do you prefer?" He asked. "My bare hands?" He asked enthusiastically as if she'd told him though she'd kept shut. "Sounds like a deal." He looked at the man next to Hyuna. "Maybe she wants a little something right now. Just to warn her in case she disobeys her what could happen, Minho." Minho nods and he steps aside with a wide smirk. Minho stands in front of Hyuna as she whimpers and mumbles out the word help before she cries out in pain when Minho strikes her across her left cheek. She sobs. He then balls both his hands in a fist and clocks her one in the nose causing it to gush blood immediately. She let out a shrill as she held her nose. Minho began to torture Hyuna with his kicks and hits. He'd picked her up by her hair, listening to her scream in pain, he threw her against the truck and threw her to the ground. 
"Want it to stop, L.Joe?" Minho asked the man. L.Joe shook his head. 
"Oh no. Keep it going," He said and stepped closer to Hyuna, his lips almost touching hers, "until she cries out for God's mercy." He spat at her acidly. Hyuna began to scream and shriek and yelp, she cried out for help, she cried out for Tao. L.Joe smirked as he watched. He let the torturing go on for a little while and then listened to Hyuna let out one last blood-curdling, soul-ripping, echoing scream before he ended the record. 
"Enough, Minho." He said. Minho stopped as Hyuna laid on the dirt against the van, holding her face, curled up into a ball, sobbing. "Tie the rope tighter around her hands, tie her legs, tape ...I'm going to make a quick stop." Minho nodded. L.Joe walked back to the Cabin where Tao laid on the bed, still sound asleep, completely out of it from the drug Minho had injected into his arm. L.Joe quietly creeped to the dining room and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note to Tao, placing it beside the recording device he left on the table for Tao to hear. He smirked. 
"Pleasure doing business with you." L.Joe whispered, evilly. He stepped out of the cabin and made his way back to the van. The smirk stuck to his lips like glue.
COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! Sorry it's short. :/ It's like 2:35 AM here in Cali and I'm really sleepy. ~.~ Btw, I changed the names of the two guys that kidnapped Hyuna in the first chapter and eventually died. Instead of L.Joe and Minho, they're Zico and Woohyun. ^^ So Zico and Woohyun died, L.Joe and Minho are just appearing. :D Don't forget to check out 'Cosmic Love'!  
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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 17: Happy ending ^^
Chapter 11: How about taohyun...otte??
Love the storyline! Cant wait to start itt~
SheKyuMustNotBeNamed #4
Chapter 17: Aww, it's over now, what a pity! :( But I guess it was time for it after all they've been through... I liked how Tao didn't back down and argued so he could stay with her as an official protector, too. That was lovely! He really is so manly in this story and they do make a good couple, I'd say.And Gikwang thought rationally, too, so that was all good and it seems the future prospects (I'm a fan of rather open endings) aren't too bad either as long as they're together. :)

Hope your private issues are resolved for now, keep your head up, and fighting to find back into your stories! I loved reading them so far, it'd be sad if you quit.
4niahyun #5
Chapter 17: thats it????????i think we need a sequel hehe because they dont show enough love scenes....
but glad they got to be together....
Chapter 17: Congrats on finishing the story! You've worked hard.
sheryin #7
Chapter 17: Woohoo they finally together;)
Hyunajs #8
Chapter 16: Update soon
4niahyun #9
Chapter 16: omg im so sorry~
actuallt ive read this chapter but its only until the part where kikwang come and then i stop!TT.TT
it was because i was afraid to read the next part..i thought he will pull tao out from the mission/task because technically he break the rules right????(but of course my prediction went down the hill because tao is such a smart lolXD! i love his answer)
but ive been quite busy with assigment this few weeks(even though the school just started like barely only a month-___-)...
but its weekend and i want to relax my mind and i remembered i havent finish reading your update yet AND also having the courage to finish it...haish its quite embarrasing omg im blushing!XD
anyway, im glad finally the operation is done and hyuna is safe and sound...and they are having the lovey dovey moment(OMG!!!) until kiki came and i become afarid-____-
so hyuna is gonig to be safe from now on?since the chip is already been removed and they cboth can start their romantic life???haha im so delusional didnt i?and i really want to know what is kiki's next action..i mean what he will do to tao and hyuna???i hope he will not banned them from seeing each other or i will cry...
nice update and please update soon!*other stories too okay~?^^
Can't wait for the next update!! I love this!