Chapter 9

I Don't Hate You -Hiatus

                                                                                       Ji Hye POV

"I don't know Hanna yah." I answered in a low tone, confused. Do I ? But...what if I was fooled again? I thought. "Well, I'm sorry for what I did earlier though, asking you to not fell for him. Now that I think about it, he seems to be a nice guy." Hanna said.

I looked to her eyes, and she give me an eye smile. "Just a bit arrogant." She added. We laughed and starts talking about Youngjae.

"He is nomu nomu kyeowo!" Hanna shouted. I could only laughed at how happy my bestfriend about having a crush on Youngjae. "I'm going to tell him~" I teased.

"Nooo!!!!! If you dare to do that, I'll tell the school you kissed Daehyun!!!" She warned. "Pfft. As if people could believe ~" I replied back. "Aaah...just don't puh-leaseee~" She gave the puppy eye look. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Arasso." I said.

Later, the two joined the others and the camping activites come to its end. While waiting for their chauffeurs, Youngjae invited Hanna and Ji Hye to join them for lunch.

"I'm tired so you guys can go ahead." Daehyun said and went onto his car as his chauffeur came. "He's not fun at all!" Hanna pouted and Youngjae laughed at her.

"You look so cute when you pout." Youngjae complimented. Later I realised that they should've spent some time together. Maybe that's why Daehyun didn't join them. I thought. I waited for Mr.Kim to pick me up while the other two was having a nice conversation.

"Hey guys, I got something to do. Mianhae!" I said and waved at them once Mr.Kim arrived. The two looked at me with a sad look and slowly waved. "Have fun on your first date!" I teased and went into the car.

On my way home, I saw an accident and there's polices as well as ambulances. I later saw a little boy crying on the sidewalk with some womans comforting him. Life is just so painful.

I realised that tears start falling down onto my cheek. I hope that my parents is happy up there, watching their daughter became a model back. That's right, the reason I stopped being a model is because of 'him'. I laughed at myself, not knowing that Mr.Kim had been staring at me for a long time.

He have stopped the car awhile ago. 

"Are you okay, Ji Hye yah?" He asked. That's right, I'm the one who asked him to call me that. Isn't it better? Anyway, I nodded at him and said,"Gwenchana, I'm strong you know! Hahahaha" I let out a fake laugh. He sighed and smiled.

"I know you are, but please, let me know if something bothers you. I'll help." He said and I smiled at how nice he is. He continued driving and I fell asleep.

"It's so bright. Where am I?" I finally awake and saw myself on the bed. Probably Mr.Kim who carried me here. I thought. He's like a father to me and I'm glad to have him. It was already 3PM and I haven't lunch yet.

I went to the kitchen to get some foods. Pizzas, coke, instant noodles and snacks. This for lunch? I don't think so. I'm about to contact Hanna but she's probably having fun right now. Alone as usual. I thought. I get changed and went to restaurant.

"I'll call you later." I said to Mr.Kim and he nodded.

"It's been so long since I've been here. Mom and dad like the foods here." I murmured to myself while waiting for my order to come. It was a family restaurant and also my family favourite restaurant. Ever since the accident, I never came here for lunch nor dinner.

The restaurant was full of family, eating happily. I was staring into each of them. I still...can be happy right? but...maybe not with mom and dad though. Mom and dad, why did you leave me so early? I thought.

The happy family I saw slowly fading. My vision is no longer clear once my tears formed. It's falling but then, a finger wiped it. No, it's not mine. I blinked and saw Daehyun looking at me.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. He took my phone from my hand and click something. Later, he handed it to me. Ireceived 9 missed calls from him. "S-sorry." I said in a sad tone.

"I found you with GPS. I connect it with yours yesterday when you're sleeping." He smiled. Sometimes, he's such an angel. I stared to formed my smile but then, my food came. I smile brightly since I haven't eaten yet.

"Have you ordered you food?" I asked him. He only nodded and eat some of my meal. I just let him, too hungry to get mad.

"Hey, why are you crying just now?" He suddenly asked. Should I tell him? But he already know about my parents before though, so it's alright. I thought and told him almost everything.

About the accident and later about the restaurant. He only nodded. "I told you some stories, how about yours?" I asked him while eating my meal. "I thought, you already know?" He said while keep him head down. Maybe it's not something he want to recall back.

Past is somewhat painful for some people. "Oh, sorry I forgot." I lied. He looked at me in shock and I continued eating, ignoring his respond. 

"Hey, did you remember your first love?" He asked out of sudden. I almost choked on my food once he said the word, 'first love'. My first love is a mess. No, it's painful.

I was about to reply but his food came. He was smiling brightly when the food came so I tend to not hear his question before.

Once we done eating, he asked for a walk together. "I thought you're tired?" I said while we're walking on the street. "I have enough sleep just now so yeah." He replied. "Oh." 

"Wait! I almost forgot!" He said and stopped walking. He closed his eyes to remember it and later started walking again.

"Grandpa said we will have a week break for work!" He said. I'm in total shock on the news and looked at him with a wide eyes.

"Jinjja?! B-but, how about homework and school?" 

"No biggie! We will be excused. My grandfather is our principle, remember?"

"Okay but I think work is more tiring than school."

"What? Well at least it's not as boring as school though. I have at least more time to relax too. 

"Hahaha. Relax you said? You probably haven't experienced any longer photoshoot. Unlike the last photoshoot we had, we will probably work more since grandpa even need us to take a school break."

"You're a former model huh?"


"Why did you stopped modeling then? Don't tell me you get kicked out." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Aniya! I just want to relax more. Work is tiring! And I still have my mall so I still can relax for now.

"Is that so~"

"Isn't it better than having a grandfather giving us money all the time?" I laughed.

"I'm working now! Remember?" He protested.


Not too long after that, Daehyun stopped walking again. "Wae?" I asked. Daehyun is looking at something that made him smile. I looked at where he is looking and I saw Hanna and Youngjae walking while holding hands."Hey, let's do some pranks on them." Daehyun suggested and I nodded.

We want to scare them from behind and let them suprised and scared. Later, some skinship! We both laughed and did the pranks on them. "Kyaaaah!" Hanna hugged Youngjae as she was scared. Daehyun and I laughed. "Sorry! We're here to see you two hugging, doesn't mean to scare you Hanna." I explained.

Youngjae raised his eyebrows at us and Hanna let him go. Daehyun, who is still laughing ove Youngjae's expression just now, was smacked by  Youngjae. "That's hurt!" Daehyun pouted. "I'm hurt more!" Youngjae said. "Hurt? More like thankful." Daehyun grinned.

Youngjae only rolled his eyes and hold Hanna hands back. "Sorry for this friend of mine. He always talk like an ahjussi." Youngjae told Hanna and the two walks away. Daehyun looked at me and whispered,"Let's do something better!" It means a new plan.

I agreed and we both followed the two from behind. They went to this romantic park that is full of couple. Youngjae and Hanna stand near the fountain. Daehyun mouthed to me,'perfect timing now' while we are hiding in the bush. We runs and pushed the two slowly into the fountain.

We started laughing again. Youngjae helped Hanna to get up and looked at us. "Are you bullying us?" He said probably mad. "That is what you'll get if the only thing the two of you did is holding hands." I said while crossing my arm.

"Yeah, do more you know. Like them and them." Daehyun added while pointing at some filrty couples. 


"We're not ready yet!" Youngjae protested while holding Hanna hands. Daehyun and I smirked. "The two of you are wet now, need to go to a hotel nearby" I said the indirect words. Daehyun burst out laughing at my words. "We'll pay for you." He added.

Youngjae crossed his arm and said,"Then, we will only going out if the two of making out in the hotel tonight." He challenged. He took his word serious. Daehyun and I stopped laughing and looked at each other. "No biggie." Daehyun said and I nodded.

"Then deal! We need a censored video as proof and yes, censored because I don't want to see 'yours'" Youngjae added. Daehyun stared Youngjae's eyes and smirked. "Deal." He added.


Short chapter sorry! I'm still sick so yeah.

Do you think I'll do a rated chapter tomorrow? We'll see!! X'D Excited !

I'll update again tomorrow Cx 
Thank you for reading my work ~

Annyeong readers!


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Chapter 20: monthly? hmm... yeah i thin its fine ^_^ as long as you update im fine with it~ but wait... daedae gon commit suicide...? O__O Nohh~~~ T^T
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 20: omo...poor daedae....ji hye wae...???? soon authornim....
JoannaLim #3
Chapter 20: yay! hwaiting authornim^^^
dae_bt101 #4
Chapter 19: Continue!!! I really like this story! Keep it up!
Hannah93 #5
Chapter 19: Please continue this story...I really like it... :)
Chapter 19: please update soon, author nim! im dying for and update! but if ur too busy then, sure, ill understand... :/ just please update if u can!
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 19: omo...just continue the story authornim.....but a happy ending please.....
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo.....i miss daedae and jihye moment....
Chapter 15: omg pls don't die! Update soon ><
Chapter 17: lol, the girl's jiyeon? am i right? XD idk, lol updte soon!