Chapter 16

I Don't Hate You -Hiatus

                                                                          Author POV

Few hours ago.  

"Um, Ji Hye-ssi, have you seen Jung Daehyun anywhere?" A teacher asked. Ji Hye shook her head and walks away quickly. The teacher looked at her, confused. "What. Did I say something unnecessary? Kids these days, really." She sighed.

Ji Hye went straight away to her next period class that is English. On her way to the classroom, she bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going." Ji Hye said coldly, no even facing the to person.

"Wow. Isn't that too much for our first meeting? Well, I guess I'm going to play your game if you insists." The talks to herself. Yes it's the ing named Park Ji Yeon.

"Okay class. Don't forget to hand in your homework by next week. Class dismissed." 

"Madam, why so early? We still have another half an hour." A student said. 

"The teachers will be having a short meeting in few minutes. Class rep, please take care of the class." She said and went out.


"Darn. This is so boring~" Hanna pouted. "Why don't you text Youngjae?" Ji Hye suggested. Hanna shooked her head. "He's studying! Huwaaa.." She said and later were scolded by the class rep for making noises.

"Hey, have you heard? There's a new Queenka in the school!" A student whispered with each other infront of Ji Hye. "Mwo?" Hanna shouted. 

"Kim Hanna please be queit!" The class rep said in anger. "Shh! Not now. Hey, what did you said about new Queenka just now? Who!?" Hanna asked in curiousity. She doesn't like it when there's another person becoming a Queenka since Ji Hye used to be the ice Queenka so most attention will be on her. Not really.

The rumor about the new Queenka is now spreading like wild fire. "Um, excuse me? May I meet with Ji Hye?" A student said. "Ji Hye-ssi~" the class rep said and Ji Hye went to meet the person. "Yes?"

"Um, unnie. The police said he want to meet Daehyun's friend. They're waiting near the school hall." The girl said. "Oh. O-okay. Thank you." Ji Hye smiled weakly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hanna asked her once she packed her stuffs. "The police wants to meet me. Come along?" She replied and Hanna nodded while packing her stuffs too. "Let's go."


"Um, sir. I'm Daehyun's friend." Ji Hye said slowly. 

"There you are. We already asked the teacher to look for Daehyun but now they had a meeting. Do you know where is he now?" The officer explained.

"Ah, I-I don't...know, sir."

"Um, well, can you try to contact him Ji Hye?" Hanna said.

"Ah, y-yes."

Ji Hye tried to called him countless time but none of the call was picked up. The police can only sighed. "We'll check the school building." "De." Ji Hye bowed but Hanna wants to join the police to look for him.

"Daehyun is seriously ugh. What's gotten into him today?! That brat." Hanna complained. Ji Hye and her went to the garden, cafeteria and later the rooftop.

"Why is it so high! Damn this." Hanna non-stop complaining and Ji Hye can only sighed. "That's him." Ji Hye said slowly. But, Daehyun seems to be talking alone. No, maybe he's daydreaming. Hanna stopped Ji Hye from walking and leaned her ear toward the door to listen to Daehyun's talk.

"You should listen too. Who knows he's talking about you." Hanna whispered. Ji Hye sighed and listen to him. 

", eomma. I'll get the girl no matter what. I'll get my revenge to her. I got the feeling that she's not that far from me. Don't worry, I'll live happily...." 

Daehyun was dreaming about his parents. He's in tears. While Hanna decided to texted the police about his whereabout, Ji Hye was staring at him with tears. Jung Taehyung. She thought.

Few days ago, when Daehyun and Youngjae is at the States, Ji Hye meet someone who can help her getting personal information from.

"Jung Daehyun is his name. This. The guy in this picture is him." Ji Hye told the man things that needed for him to get more information. Ji Hye was feeling bad about it but she needed to know. That night, Youngjae also told her about Daehyun's grandfather or actually, his family member was murdered by this one gang.

However, Youngjae didn't tell her anything about her being suspected by Daehyun.

Few days went by and the man is back with new information of Daehyun.
"Jung Taehyung?! and this my elementry school...what? I-Is this true?" She asked in disbelief and the man nodded. "O-okay. Here is your money. Thank you." She left with her unfamous sour face.

Jung Taehyung why... She thought and went back her home crying. Hanna and Hongbin is very worried about her but Ji Hye didn't tell them anything about Daehyun. When the school starts, she really didn't expect to see Daehyun coming to school already.

Her feelings keep on hitting her. That memory she want to forget came everytime she sees Daehyun. She decided to talk to him but she can't. ( Back then at the garden )

Without Hanna realised, Ji Hye pushed the door and went to the rooftop. She was totally blank. She keep on saying,"Jung Taehyung.. Jung Taehyung.. Jung Taehyung. I hate you. I can't wait anymore. I hope I could've killed you." That is when Daehyun awake from his dream and saw Ji Hye.

The moment he saw her, he's hallucinating again. He would never stopped accusing her being Ji Yeon. He saw her holding knives, wanting to kill him since he's to only member left from the Jung family. "S-stop!" He shouted. Until then, Hanna realised the two and went to them.

"Hey Ji Hye-ssi. What are you doing!?" Hanna said and saw Ji Hye grabbed Daehyun's neck. Ji Hye was crying. She feel really sad and keep on shaking Daehyun's body forward and backward. It made Daehyun back to reality.

"You're..the reason why my parents were killed!  They died because of you! If only you weren't so stupid that time .. if only! But, I'm wrong. The moment when you confessed, I thought you're my happiness. But everything didn't get better... it's get extremely worse! I lost everything! Everything!! " Ji Hye shouted in tears.

Daehyun didn't know about Ji Hyun being the one whom rejected her but he though it was because of him playing around with her love. "Ji Hee.. I-I'm sorry." That moment is when he realised it was the real her. Not Ji Yeon but it's trully Ji Hee.

The police saw the incident and bring Ji Hye back home.

Hanna was suprised and confused with their action.


"Wait. So, Daehyun is that ing guy that you told me before?!" Ji Hye nodded slowly. "Yah! What are you doing! You're supposed to calmed her." Hongbin said and patted Ji Hye's back.

"Hey, don't cry anymore. It's sad to see you like this. The moment when you changed, it's already hurt me. Please smile for me." He said while cupping her face. He made a derp face made Ji Hye to chuckle. "Thanks oppa." Ji Hye said weakly.

"How about.. an ice cream? You like ice cream right?" Hongbin suggested.

Ji Hye face went back to sour. That every moment she looked at ice cream made her feel hurts more. Well, since most of the time, there will always be romantic moment she had with Daehyun when she's having an ice cream.

Her first kiss from Daehyun is also when they're eating ice cream. 

"Um, Ji Hye-ssi? Gwencahana?" Hongbin said. Hanna knows the reason why she's like that when Hongbin asked. Hanna nudged him and said,"Hey, let's watch some movies. You promised it long ago you know." 

Ji Hye nodded weakly and they went to the cinema. Well, they watched a comedy drama so that Ji Hye is at least won't be that sad anymore. 

"Hahaha. The show was awsome! I'm tearing up from laughing!" Hanna laughed again. They were joking around and having a nice conversation.

But they didn't know that someone is watching them from afar.


Important notes.

1. I will not update tomorrow. ( Finally! Holidays!) I will continue updating on 15 Dec.
2. I renewed my foreword ! Have a look ~ 




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Chapter 20: monthly? hmm... yeah i thin its fine ^_^ as long as you update im fine with it~ but wait... daedae gon commit suicide...? O__O Nohh~~~ T^T
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 20: omo...poor daedae....ji hye wae...???? soon authornim....
JoannaLim #3
Chapter 20: yay! hwaiting authornim^^^
dae_bt101 #4
Chapter 19: Continue!!! I really like this story! Keep it up!
Hannah93 #5
Chapter 19: Please continue this story...I really like it... :)
Chapter 19: please update soon, author nim! im dying for and update! but if ur too busy then, sure, ill understand... :/ just please update if u can!
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 19: omo...just continue the story authornim.....but a happy ending please.....
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo.....i miss daedae and jihye moment....
Chapter 15: omg pls don't die! Update soon ><
Chapter 17: lol, the girl's jiyeon? am i right? XD idk, lol updte soon!