Chapter 17

I Don't Hate You -Hiatus

                                                              Author POV 

the next day, at the cafeteria. 



"Yah, why girls aaalways walk slowly, huh?" Hongbin complained. 

"Tch. We musn't run in the hallway, you know?"

"I didn't ask you to run, but to walk faster."

"Well, if we run faster, we may tripped and there's no goodie at all."

"At least, your fans could saw your ." Hongbin giggled. Hanna slapped his arm and Ji Hye calmed her. 

"Pabo." Ji Hye whispered to herself but Hongbin heard it. He leaned his face toward Ji Hye with a serious face. "Mwo?" He said. Ji Hye shook her head and laughed. "Bad girl." He said again and Ji Hye rolled her eyes. "Am not." She stick out her tounge.

Hongbin poke her cheek, made Ji Hye to get prepared for revenge. "No. One . Touch . Mah . Cheek ." She said the word one by one and pinch his nose. "Ouch, oh no. I'm gonna die now~" Hongbin said dramatically made Ji Hye laughed along.

Hanna was watching the two while smiling sheepishly. "Yah, you two suit each other." She said while eating, not facing them. "I don't mind having Ji Hye as my sister in-law." She added. Ji Hye nudged her arm and turned Hanna's head to face her.

"Would you mind then, if, I told him about your 'boyfriend'?" She said in a scary tone. "A-a-arasso." Hongbin was chuckled at Ji Hye who is threatening his own sister. "Well, I don't mind to have Ji Hye as my girlfriend too." He added. 

Ji Hye glared at him but only made Hongbin to stick his tongue out to her. Ji Hye rolled her eyes and continue eating. 

Daehyun was staring at them with a sad face. "What have I done." He said to himself. Youngjae patted his back and said,"Hey, it's not too late to apologize." Daehyun shook his head. "She won't forgive me. I, myself, won't forgive myself for what had I done to her." He said and walks away.

Youngjae followed him and silent while walking besides him. Suddenly, a crowd of their fans surrounded them.

"Oppa ~" 

"Oppa take this please."

"Oppa, saranghaeyo!"

"Oppa, cheesecake!"

There's too much of them that made Daehyun getting more and more annoyed. He never get annoyed by his own fan but things changed. He stopped walking and face the crowd. "Leave, or I will cut each of you into pieces and feed your meat to the animals." Youngjae was shocked at Daehyun's word and so does the crowd. 

However, there's this another person who doesn't seem to be scared at all. Park Ji Yeon. She came forward and smirked. "My pleasure." She said. The other girls were scared at her respond and wait for Daehyun's reply.

Daehyun smirked too. "What if, I cut myself into pieces and feed you with it?" Ji Yeon smiled even wider and left. Daehyun was curious at her respond and stared at her walking away.

Youngjae shooed the fans and pulled Daehyun's arm to Daehyun's class. "Look. You better not do what that just said.. I mean, you said but still.. don't!" Youngjae said while crossing his arm. Daehyun looked at him blankly. He felt that something bad is gonna happen.

Youngjae sighed at Daehyun and take went to his class. The class went normally but not for Daehyun. He have alot of things in his mind. 

"..hyun...Jung Daehyun!" The teacher shouted make Daehyun to snapped back from his deep thought. "Huh?" He said. The teacher shook her head in dissapointment. "What happened? You don't want to study anymore?" The teacher said angrily and asked him to get out from her class.

Daehyun sighed heavily. But then, a girl walk passed by. It was Ji Yeon, skipping classes. Daehyun crossed his arm and hissed."Look who we have here, skipping her class. You must be stupid." He said. Ji Yeon smiled and face him.

"Well, unlike someone who got scolded by the teacher just now. You must be embarrassing." She shot him back. "How do you know?" He said in curiousity. Ji Yeon rolled her eyes and left. "That girl. The next time I saw her, I need to know that 's name." He said to himself.

The class finally over and students went to the next period classes.

Daehyun sat silently thinking about the . Is she that desperate to get my attention? Even dare to skip her classes to stalk me.. Insane. 

Then, he shook her head to stop with his thought. Why am I thinking about that ing , darn. I should've thought about Ji, Ji Hee.

Right when he thought of the name, Ji Hye walked pass by his class. But not alone, with a friend. Not Hanna but Hongbin. Hongbin is a senior of them. Why are they walking together? It's not like they're classmate either. He thought.

While he was thinking about it, the fangirls in the class started to spazz in whisper. They're not that far from Daehyun and he can hear them clearly. 

"Oh my god! Look! They look so cute together."

"Omomo. So true."

"I know right! I prefer her to be with Hongbin more than Daehyun. Hehe."

"Well, a cold person need a cheerful one to live happily! Not another cold person."

Hearing to their words, Daehyun slammed the table hardly. The whole class were in shock. "Jung Daehyun, what's the matter?" The teacher said while crossing his arm.

Daehyun smirked at him. "Well teacher, I think some students in our class just got bored from your class and had the ing guts to judge other people life." He said sarcastically.

The girls turned their head down and the teacher noticed. He sighed and asked Daehyun to sit down. "If you have any interesting stories to be shared, walk to the front." The teacher said and stared at the girls. The girls apologize to the teacher and Daehyun.

The class went by and school finally ended for today.

"Hey, how is your class today?"

"Bad." Daehyun replied. The person shocked to see Daehyun answering his question. Hongbin looked at the lifeless Daehyun next to him. "I'm sorry but I'm not talking to you." Daehyun only nodded. He didn't notice who is talking nor Ji Hye is actually near him.

Youngjae catch up to him and pat his back. "Sorry, abit late. I met someone earlier." Daehyun nodded emotionlessly. Youngjae sighed heavily.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere today?"  Hongbin asked Ji Hye and Hanna who just joined their conversation. Ji Hye nodded. "Where to?" Hanna asked. Hongbin smiled and said," How about... beach?" Ji Hye and Hanna nodded and later, they talked about other things. Mr.Kim seems to be late today.

Youngjae heard the conversation. He looked at the emotionless Daehyun and whispered to him. "Hey, let's go to the beach today?" Daehyun only nodded. 

"Jung Daehyun~" Ji Yeon suddenly approached him. "Get off ." Youngjae warned. The other girls started murmuring and Ji Hye noticed it. The three saw Ji Yeon clinging over Daehyun like a

Youngjae tried to get Ji Yeon away from Daehyun but she's strong. "You better stop or I'll call the police." He warned and Ji Yeon smirked. "Wah, I'm so scared~"

"Tch. Park Ji Yeon, you're forever a ." Hongbin said as he walked toward them. Well, he knows her. They're both from JJ High. Ever since the old principle, Mr.Kang, dead, there's more and more new students come to the school with 'money' not 'brain'.

Park..Ji Yeon? Daehyun thought and carefully trying to remember whose name it was. On other hand, Ji Hye was shocked. She still remember her. She hurts more now.

A few minutes after, someone pushed Ji Hee to the ground. Her head hurts and her vision is fading. Once she turned, she saw Ji Hyun. No. She thought it was Taehyung. 

That time, Ji Hyun acted as Taehyung and breaks up with her. It was Ji Yeon plan to do so. One thing Ji Hyun doesn't know is that Ji Yeon was using him too. 

Ji Yeon came and Ji Hee starts crying. The two devil person left her alone. Sadly, her head hurts more and she fainted.

"Waah, did you came here to stalk me? I know you're my fan but please, this is too much." Ji Yeon said ly. Hongbin laughed at her words. "No way honey, I have my own girlfriend." "Oh really?" Hongbin nodded and pulled Ji Hye towards him. He smirked to see Ji Yeon shocked.

"Good job, then." Ji Yeon replied. She knows that what Hongbin just did helped her plan. Meanwhile Hongbin, he did it on purpose to see Daehyun get hurt. He hate him so much at what he just did to Ji Hye.

Youngjae went to Hanna and asked what just happened. Hanna only shrugged. The two sighed. The students near them also shocked to see the incident. Well, Kingkas versus Queenkas . 3 Queenkas with another 3 Kingkas.

"What. Did. You. Just. Said?" Daehyun said in angry tone. He was boiled in anger inside. Hongbin smirked at the result. But suddenly, Ji Hye spoke. "He said, I'm his girlfriend. Are you a deaf?" She said sarcastically. Hongbin chuckled at her words, to make Daehyun get angrier. "Deaf." Hongbin said

Without any words, Daehyun replied to Hongbin with a punch. He was totally mad. He keep on punching Honbin with all his might. The two were in a deep fight until the polices came. The police who in charged of taking care of Daehyun's safetiness.

The students started to murmuring again and so does Youngjae and Hanna, who is shocked. Meanwhile, Ji Yeon only smirked at them and so does Ji Hye. Ji Hye hate Daehyun so much that she thought, he deserve to get hit while Hongbin, she's happy to see Hongbin protecting over her.

Ji Yeon is waiting for the right time for Ji Hye and the other to stay away from Daehyun. 

Sadly, to Daehyun, alot of feelings hitting on him. More like, the same incident just happened like 7 years ago. The one he loves, was taken away. Away from him. His ego is really high but he cried. He can't endure it any longer. He keep on thinking that perhaps... by commiting suicide, he can get all this thing to be solved.

That night, he went to the modeling agency building. Ji Hye is working today but he isn't anymore. He just looked at her silently. Without noticing, he went to the rooftop to get fresh air from above. No, to do something as he planned. He stood silently, staring at the sky.

"I.. hate you."








updateee yayy!  
anyway, I'm thinking of monthly updates, what do you think?  

And also! Thank you for the readers who is supporting my work! I love you 

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I promised I will make the story to be really good >< so please support me : ))


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Chapter 20: monthly? hmm... yeah i thin its fine ^_^ as long as you update im fine with it~ but wait... daedae gon commit suicide...? O__O Nohh~~~ T^T
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 20: omo...poor daedae....ji hye wae...???? soon authornim....
JoannaLim #3
Chapter 20: yay! hwaiting authornim^^^
dae_bt101 #4
Chapter 19: Continue!!! I really like this story! Keep it up!
Hannah93 #5
Chapter 19: Please continue this story...I really like it... :)
Chapter 19: please update soon, author nim! im dying for and update! but if ur too busy then, sure, ill understand... :/ just please update if u can!
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 19: omo...just continue the story authornim.....but a happy ending please.....
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo.....i miss daedae and jihye moment....
Chapter 15: omg pls don't die! Update soon ><
Chapter 17: lol, the girl's jiyeon? am i right? XD idk, lol updte soon!