Chapter 4

I Don't Hate You -Hiatus

                                                                                                  Author POV

"Yah !! Wh-what are trying to do!!!" Ji Hye shouted. "Mwo? You're the one who want it right?" Daehyun replied and smirked. "I didn't mean it this way you fool. Now, just go to sleep." She sighed and turned body, not facing to Daehyun.

Daehyun was confused and stayed silent. He stared at Ji Hye's back and thought, I wonder why... I wonder why I felt comfortable being with you. But, damn. My plan failed.

"It's been awhile since I shared my bed with someone else" Daehyun spoke, while staring at the bedroom's ceiling. Ji Hye didn't turn but stayed silently, listening to Daehyun's confession.

"My parents is alway there, no they aren't. They were always working. Are they even human? I'd say, probably a robot. I missed them, so much that I always cried whenever I visit them. Everyone left me. Even my bestfriend choose his school over me."He continued.

"Tch. I'm sorry. I'm being shameless again. J-just.. forget what I said." He said and closed his eyes.

I understand you. Ji Hye thought. Ji Hye took a glance on the clock next to her and realised it was so late.
 Tomorrow is Friday, and the day after tomorrow is finally Saturday. She thought.

They both sleep and snoring sound is heard, as they're both tired from all the works they did today.

                                                                      ~ The next day~ Hanna POV 

"Eomma eottoke?" I asked my mom, since I still feel the pain from today's accident. "I already contacted and school so you can stay home today." My mom replied and end the call before I give her my reply. Well, my mother is a busy person so it's understandable. 

I decided to text Ji Hye and inform about my absenty today. Few minutes passed by but still no reply from Ji Hye. "Is she in school already?" I asked myself. I tried to call her number but it was dead. Out of battery, I think? I went downstairs and went to the kitchen to get some foods.

"Oh dear! I forgot to fill it! " I sighed, looking at the empty fridge. So, I asked my chauffeur to buy some food for probably a month? 

Ahhh, so boring. So, in the end, I went to Ji Hye's house to borrow her game stuffs. Well, Ji Hye is a gamer so, she will never get bored. 

I saw Mr.Kim cleaning the car so I called him, "Mr.Kim ! Let me in please, I want to borrow some stuffs from Ji Hye-ssi." I shouted. "Oh! sure." He replied and opened the gate. "Uhm, your school is having holiday today?" Mr.Kim asked.

"Ani, I'm not feeling well today so I took a day off." I replied. "Ah jinjja? But Ji Hye is also taking her day off." "Ehhhhh?!!! Jinjja yo!?" I shocked and run toward the house and later, stood infront of her bedroom door. 


"Yah! Open the door ! Gwenchana?! Are you not feeling well today? Oh, you must be tired from yesterday work.. B-but, why didn't you tell me?! J-just open th-" I shout and suddenly, the door opened and I widen my eyes to see a boy standing infront of me, rubbing his eyes.

"Mwoya... Aish." Ji Hye spoke from the bed. "Y-y-yah! Who are you!? and what are you doing here?! aaaaaaah!!!" I shouted, not expecting this situation to happen. 

Both of them finally awake and quickly tried to explain the whole situation. I calmed myself and waited for them in the living room. Eotteoke. How could... how could they do that. B-but, maybe I should just wait for their explaination. I thought. 

"Ahh, it's already late. Damn it. But I don't feel like I'm going to school today. Freaking tired." Ji Hye spoke from the kitchen and served a tea for me.

"Mianhae Hanna yah, it's not like what you're thinking. We didn't do anything." Ji Hye started to explained and later, I heard the whole story. But, isn't it suspicious? Why would he just agree to stay with Ji Hye? And I don't think Ji Hye could actually do this kind of thing too. I thought.

                                                                                         Author POV

Ji Hye told Hanna the whole story, except the one that their school principle is actually Daehyun's grandfather. She told her that, a relative of Daehyun didn't let him to go home and also asked Ji Hye to take care of Daehyun since she also receive a punishment.

Ji Hye didn't lied but, she didn't tell the WHOLE story. But Hanna nodded, telling Ji Hye that she understands. 

"But Ji Hye yah, he's still dangerous. I did some research about him last night but there is only few information about him. And also, there is a case where his parent is involved with a murderer too!" Hanna whispered to Ji Hye.

"Jinjja? B-but, we cannot trust the internet 100% you know." Ji Hye can hard believed whan Hanna just said. "I know, but look, we still don't know him. So, I hope you wouldn't fell for him or something. Arasso?" Hanna told her. 

She is telling me not to fell for him like she is actually she one who fell for him. I wonder. Ji Hye thought.

 "Are you talking behind my back, gossip girls?" Daehyun said as he joined the girls in the living room. "Tch. None of your bussiness. We can talk about you anytime we want." Ji Hye replied in a cold tone.

"Oh~ Welcome back! I missed you so much, you know." Daehyun made a fake smile and later watch the television. "What do you mean?" Ji Hye asked. "You're weird last night." Daehyun laughed. But before Ji Hye could replied, he phone ring from upstairs, probably from her bedroom. So, she went upstairs to pick it up.

 "Uhm, D-daehyun-ssi." Hanna start to make a conversation. "Mwo." Daehyun replied, coldly. Not even facing toward Hanna. "I'm sorry but, please don't fell in love with Ji Hye-ssi. I-I mean, she's not good with guys and she's probably have someone else she like too." Hanna said. 

Daehyun finally turned his head, facing Hanna as he heard something he shouldn't heard. "Are you ordering me?" Daehyun said in an angry tone. "Aniya!! I didn't mea-" "I know you like me, but I can do everything I want, arasso?" Daehyun cut off her line and went upstairs, probably Ji Hye's bedroom. 

I just.. don't want Ji Hye to get hurt again. Hanna thought and stayed silent waiting for Ji Hye to come back. 

 "Oh? What are you doing here.. did Hanna went home already?" Ji Hye asked as Daehyun went into her room. Daehyun didn't say anything and Ji Hye went downstairs. "Hanna-ssi, what's wrong?" Ji Hye asked curiously. "N-nothing. Are you done?" Hanna replied and Ji Hye nodded.

How dare she. Just wait, looks who's the boss here. Daehyun thought as he was pissed. He got changed and later went downstairs to meet the girls.

Hanna turned her head down as she saw Daehyun. Daehyun smirked and said,"Hey, lets eat some ice cream ? I am hungry and there's no ice cream her nor even cheesecake! Damn." "Oh, you're right." Ji Hye nodded and get ready.

"Hanna should come too. I don't want people to mistake us a couple. Hahaha. Not Ji Hye." Daehyun joked. "D-dae." Hanna agreed and went upstairs with Ji Hye. "I heard that, you fool." Ji Hye said.

In the room, Hanna asked," Why did you agreed?" 

"Hanna yah, gwenchana. He's right, there's no dessert in the fridge and I'm hungry now too. I haven't eat my breakfast yet." Ji Hye replied once she is finished. Hanna didn't reply and just sighed. I hope things will be alright. Hanna thought.

"Ice cream Ice cream ~" Ji Hye sang Hyuna's song in the car, on their way to the destination.

They went to one of Ji Hye's mall and went to a dessert shop. "I want this and this.. and don't forget to add this and also.....this." Daehyun ordered and later, went to the table where the girls at. "That's huge." Ji Hye said, meantioning Daehyun's ice cream. "So?" Daehyun defended and Ji Hye only smirked.

"Yah! We haven't told principle that we are absent today." Ji Hye just realised about it.

"It's okay. I 'know' him, remember? I'll tell him that we overslept." 

"How insane can you be?! He's probably thought of something else! 'Sigh'"

"Hahaha. He's probably not that stupid. I'll tell him we are tired since work too much."

"Are you sure?"

"Believe me. We ARE freaking tired especially from what happen 'last night'. " Daehyun highlighted the last night part. She was just so crazy last night, but I can't get mad at her. Grandpa's order is not something I can say no to. He thought. 

"Tch. I wonder what happen if your fangirlss know it. Probably, they would be like 'Oh~ I want to be her.' Ew" She mocked as she thought that Daehyun is talking about him being her slave. He wash all the dishes and even cook for me. Hahaha. Of course he's tired. She thought.

"Oh~ you're right. Those JEALOUS fangirls is just so pathetic." Daehyun replied as he thought Hanna would realise that he is talking about her as the 'jealous fangirls'.

You finally realised. Ji Hye thought. Ji Hye nodded her head and added," Absolutely pathetic" as she really hate Daehyun fangirls. The one from the school though.

Both of them was having a only-us-know-about-this conversation that make Hanna sit silently, eating her ice cream. They gotta be kidding me. No way they're doing 'it' right? There must be something else. But why do I feel bad about this.  Hanna thought.

She shook her head for the thought and excused herself to go to the washroom. This is weird. She thought again.

On other hand, Daehyun smirked thinking that things turn out to be as planned. "She's jealous?" Daehyun asked Ji Hye. The girl looked at Daehyun and then looked at the washroom. Is he talking about Hanna? She thought. "I was curious too. Now, if you excuse me." Ji Hye said and about to go the washroom but Daehyun grabbed her wrist.

"Let her be. I don't want her to like me anyway. You wouldn't want her to fell for someone as bad as me too, right?" Daehyun tried to convinced her, but failed. "She's my friend and I know, I don't want her to fell for someone like you either but, I don't want to hurt her feelings." She said, not looking at Daehyun. 

Daehyun saw Hanna coming out from the washroom and stood up. Ji Hye was shocked that Daehyun's lip met her lips. They kissed, with Hanna watching them from afar. Daehyun hold Ji Hye's neck as strongly as he can but failed once Ji Hye stepped on his feet. "Darn!" Ji Hye said, in frustation.

Maybe I was the only one who thought it's wrong. I shouldn't have the bad feeling. Fate probably let them to fell for each other. I was being stubborn. I shouldn't do that to Ji Hye, she's my bestfriend. Hanna thought and went to her home without saying goodbye at the two. 

"What . Are . You . Doing." Ji Hye said, in a very annoyed tone. But before Daehyun can even spoke, Ji Hye's cellphone ringed.


"Yah! Hanna yah...gwenchana?" Ji Hye asked.

"Ah! S-sorry Ji Hye yah. My mom called just now so, I need to go to the washroom so, she wouldn't know I'm actually outside right now. She said she will be back for lunch so, I in rush to go home now. I am very sorry so see you next week."

"Ahh, b-but. Next week?! Wae?"

"My family and I will be visiting my grandparents in Mokpo tomorrow. But don't worry! I will be back soon. Maybe Tuesday?" Hanna explained.

"Ahh.. arasso. See you.." and Ji Hye ended the call.

"Wae yo?" Daehyun asked after he finished his 3rd ice cream. "Well you're wrong. She's not jealous of what-so-ever as you said. Her mother called her so, she need to go back now." Ji Hye replied and sighed.

"I'm actually jealous of your friendship with her." Daehyun made a confession again. "I don't have a friend, I think. They're more like my fans. They wouldn't care about me actually. Just my looks, and money. I wish my bestfriend could be here, with me." He continued and let out a loud sigh.

"I just plan to be your friend for today and look at Hanna's reaction about it, and she did jealous. Which mean, she really is being a good friend to you."  He lied.

Ji Hye looked at him and chuckled. And yet, I thought he meant something else just now. I'm being dumb again. "How about, you called that friend of yours and tell him that you're being bullied." Ji Hye suggested and laughed.

"I'm strong and loved. Why would I tell him that I'm being bullied?! You're not as smart as I thought you are." Daehyun replied in frustation. "Yah! Who said I'm not smart!?  If you don't want to listen to my plan, it's okay." Ji Hye said and stood up, ready to walks away.

"Arasso..Arasso! Now tell me." Daehyun stood and walks with Ji Hye.

"Ok. First, you tell him that you're being bullied because someone is jealous of you. Then, you tell him that you don't have any friends here as all are fake. Lastly, you ask him something he want in return so he could leave his school. He's your bestfriend so I'm sure he at least cared you" Ji Hye let out her long speech while walking around the mall.

"Hmm. Not bad." He nodded. "Then, what are you waiting for? It's better now or never." Ji Hye added.
"Dae..arraso young mistress~" Daehyun searched for his bestfriend's number and called him. 

He used loud speaker so that Ji Hye could also heard the conversation.

"Yeoboseyo." Daehyun start talking.

"Yah! I'm studying right now! Call me later. Arasso?"

"W-wait ! Please !! I have a problem right now, so if you ignore me, I'll commit  suicide!!"

"Y-yah!! Okay okay !! I'll listen !"

Ji Hye accidently chuckled at how smart Daehyun convinced his bestfriend but Daehyun didn't noticed her.

"Look. I'm bullied in my school and they're those people who are jealous of me. I mean look at me, I'm handsome and smart and rich and everything. So, it's understandable right? Come here with me please! I'll give something in return." 

"Yah! You should've report it to the teachers! Are you out of your mind? You're not hurt right?"

Oh crap. I didn't think about that before.  Both of them thought.

"A-ani. I don't think the teacher would do anything! T-they would probably w-worsen the situation !!"

His bestfriend sighed, loud enough for both of them to heard. He took few minutes to reply as he's probably considering wether to agree or not.

"Fine. But! You must give me time to study alone and also, I will still report this matter to your school. I don't want to be their next victim to be bullied."

Daehyun gave Ji Hye a what-to-do-now look. Ji Hye thought about it and nodded.

"Okay!" Daehyun replied happily.

He looked so happy.  Ji Hye thought. Daehyun ended and call and hugged Ji Hye. "Let go." Ji Hye ordered, coldly. Ji Hye understand how happy Daehyun is, but she don't like to be stared by the crowds when they hugged. "Meanie." Daehyun pouted and later dragged Ji Hye to a restaurant. "Lunch time." Daehyun said.

Ji Hye rolled her eyes acting as if she's disgusted at how happy Daehyun look now. "Since you helped me, my treat !" Daehyun said and Ji Hye just nodded. They ordered ALOT of foods since they only had ice cream for today. Once they are full, Daehyun suggest to buy some clothes for him since he don't want to wear other's clothes.

That night, Daehyun went into Ji Hye bedroom and told her that he's going to airport tomorrow to pick his bestfriend. She nodded and continued her work as if she doesn't really care about it.

Daehyun looked at her and pouted, "Yah! Can't you at least happy that my bestfriend came by?" Ji Hye ignored at his immature talk and continued her work, more like, playing games. 

Daehyun sighed and throw himself to the bed. Ji Hye's bed. "You're sleeping in the guest room tonight." Ji Hye said, facing the computer.

"Wae? But I want to sleep here." He replied.

"No. And why not? The guest room is way bigger anyway. You probably like that room more than mine."

"Shiro!" Daehyun shouted like a 5 years old kid who is forced to eat vegestables. He even wrapped himself with the blanket.

"Then I'll sleep in the guest room." Ji Hye said, still busy playing her game.

"Why don't you want to sleep with me today." He asked in curiousity.

"Because you're a stranger to me." Ji Hye replied and stood up from her place. She grabbed her cellphone and went to the guest room downstairs.

Daehyun didn't do anything as he asked himself, "Why is she always acted weird at these time?" He went to the guest room but it's locked.

"Yah! Open the door!" He shouted as he knocked rapidly. "Go away! I want to sleep now! So noisy." She replied. "Don't tell me you're scared sleeping alone?" She added. "O-of course not!! Fine then. Whatever you want." He replied coldly and went back to Ji Hye's bedroom. 

Sigh. Daehyun sit on the bed and something catch his attention.
"Diary." He said to himself and took the diary. He read the the diary slowly, page by page until something made him in shock. "N-no. This can't be true" He mumbled to himself.


Ahhh ! To be cont ! ^^
Thankies for the subs, views and comment T__T I'm so touched.
I'll update soon ~ ( mybe double update tonight? I'm still unsure ><)

And again, sorry for any typos and if the intro is boring > n <
Please continue supporting my ff :)


Extra info
Hm ~ What happen to Hanna? Is she really fell for Daedae?! She even lied saying that her mom will come by lunch. omo eottoke >< ~

And also ! No one knows about principle-nim,Mr. Kang, is Dae's harabeoji except Ji Hye :D

The mystery is coming soon ! woohoo. and so does Jae ~

And don't forget that both Dae and Ji Hye is a cold person so, all those conversation.. please read it in a cold tone -_-)/
Annyeong! 8B


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Chapter 20: monthly? hmm... yeah i thin its fine ^_^ as long as you update im fine with it~ but wait... daedae gon commit suicide...? O__O Nohh~~~ T^T
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 20: omo...poor daedae....ji hye wae...???? soon authornim....
JoannaLim #3
Chapter 20: yay! hwaiting authornim^^^
dae_bt101 #4
Chapter 19: Continue!!! I really like this story! Keep it up!
Hannah93 #5
Chapter 19: Please continue this story...I really like it... :)
Chapter 19: please update soon, author nim! im dying for and update! but if ur too busy then, sure, ill understand... :/ just please update if u can!
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 19: omo...just continue the story authornim.....but a happy ending please.....
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo.....i miss daedae and jihye moment....
Chapter 15: omg pls don't die! Update soon ><
Chapter 17: lol, the girl's jiyeon? am i right? XD idk, lol updte soon!