Chapter 9

Can You See Me Now?

Two o'clock in the afternoon. Yookwon was briskly looking for informations he needed for his literature assignment inside the campus library. The table was spread with various articles and novels ranging from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He took hold of one article written about the young thirtheen-year-old Juliet Capulet and he began to drown inside, into the story about her life. Looking at the drawing which portrayed the youthful girl, Yookwon was drawn into her eyes. Bright blue eyes like the sky. But too much sadness, too much words seemed to be left unsaid. Her eyes says it all. And then he looked at the girl sitting opposite him.

Rather than saying she's normal looking, Yookwon finds that she's quite attractive in her own way, or should I say attractive in Yookwon's way. The first time when he saw her, he was immediately attracted to her. Charming yet precious. Her eyes are deep dark brown and gorgeous, having a display of certain undefinable sparkles to them, competely different from Juliet Capulet's. Romeo had always believed that Juliet was an angel, the epitome of beauty and perfection. But to Yookwon, the lady sitting in front of him was stunning, flawless. Nobody knew how delighted he was when he found out that they were in the same class. He would always take a glimpse of her in class, and then chuckled happily like a little boy as if his pockets were full of sweets.

"Yookwon, aren't you going home yet? It's already 5:00pm!" The lady he fancy so much asked him after looking at her watch.

"Is it? I didn't even notice the time! How about you?" Yookwon smiled at her.

"I've to leave soon. Dad's coming to fetch me." She stood up from the chair and started packing, sorting and putting her books back into her backpack neatly. When she saw the mess on the table that they shared, she smiled and shocked her head. "You're really messy. I wonder who's the unlucky one in your house that cleans all those mess. Poor boy!"

"The house.. It's not as messy as you think you know." He saw her smiled and watched her stacked all the articles and novels scattering around the table carefully and neatly into a pile. Yookwon felt embarrassed and helped her.

"No, I don't believe you."

"It's true!"

"Really? So you purposely made all these mess so that I'll tidy it up for you?" Yookwon saw her smiling again.

"What if it's true?"

"Then that means you're bullying me!" She rubbed her pretty eyes and let out a fake cry.

"Ahh, Minhee. I would never allow myself to let you cry. Do you think I'll bully you then?" He pounted.

"Why?" She stopped what she was doing and looked at Yookwon. He, on the other hand, continued tidying the mess that he made.

"Just saying. And besides, I wouldn't want to."


"I don't want to see you cry."


"Because I bet your father might kill me." He laughed nervously, realising that he had gone too far into details.

"He wouldn't. My father won't lay hands on nice people." She smiled at him.

"Nice people? Haha, I like that."

"You are! And we're done!" Minhee exclaimed and swing her arms back and forth. "I've to go now, Yookwon! Dad's coming soon!"

"Aww.. See you on Monday then."

"Bye, Yookwon! Enjoy your weekend!" And with that, Minhee left and Yookwon was alone in the library. He felt lonely all of the sudden, as if all the warm radiant given to him by his sunshine was forcefully seized. He sighed and prepared himself to go back home.


"Dammit! Why do I have to lie in the first place? Stupid, stupid!" Haneul mentally cursed herself for not being able to think with her right mind and playing along with Kyung's plan. She has been sitting on the swing in the neighborhood playground since 6:00pm, and it was already 8:30pm now. Haneul told her brother regarding the school project issue therefore she couldn't make it for the dinner. Of course, Kyung wasn't happy but he couldn't do anything about it. School is always important and they can always meet up next time.

And there she was, because of her stupid lies. Haneul kept scolding herself for lying and now she has to waste her time at the playground alone. She felt the cold wind sweeping and embracing her, which she hated it. Slowly and steadily, she stood up from the swing and began walking home. For the past hours, Haneul have been in deep thoughts with her mind. She don't know why in the world she would lie to Jaehyo, the reasons why she was so afraid of asking him and telling him things. Although she really wanted to see and talk to Jaehyo, she just couldn't. It's like mission impossible for her.

Haneul made a turn from the corner and headed towards the convienent store around the neighborhood, and then her face went pale. She saw that person she would want to avoid for the rest of her life if possible. Yes, it's Jaehyo.

She gasped and looked around her, trying to find a hole to hide. But it's too late. Jaehyo saw her, and was walking towards her.

"Oh my lord, have mercy on me please! Grant me a hole or somethingandI'llloveyouforever." Haneul pleaded into thin air. Jaehyo was walking nearer and nearer to her.

"Hi. Soyoung if I'm not wrong?" Jaehyo asked that panicked girl in front of him.

"Who?" Haneul stared at him weirdly. His gaze pierced right through her I'm-about-to-faint-very-soon-call-the-ambulance-for-me eyes. It was stunning, very beautiful. She was like a stupid fly, attracted to the light emitting from the bug zapper. She would definitely fall into his trap, even if it means death in return.

"You? Han Soyoung right?" He asked. "Kyung's girlfriend?" He questioned her.


"Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Soyoung right? Kyung's girlfriend?"

"Y-Yes, that's me." Dammit, Kyung haven't tell him the truth?!

"Oh, right! Thought I've seen the wrong person!"

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I'm on my way home now. Just had dinner with Kyung! Catching up and stuff. Actually.. I had planned to ask you along but Haneul said you have a family dinner right?"

"Y-Yes! I've just finished.. Came downstairs to grab something from the store."

"Okay.. So you're going to buy something now?"

"No, it's alright. I forgot what I wanted to buy."

"You forgot?"

"Oh, I've to go home now! Bye!" Haneul waved her hand frantically and walked off, but she was stopped by Jaehyo.

"Hey. It's late now, I'll send you home? What if something happen to you? Kyung will be worried sick."

"What?" Haneul exclaimed. "It's alright, he doesn't care about me THAT much!"

"Who says? He talked quite a lot about you over dinner today, you know."

"He must be crazy."

"Crazily in love with you I suppose." He laughed. "Let's go?"

Haneul stopped talking in case she would say something wrong again. And so, both of them walked together. The street lights in the neighborhood flicked dimly, casting faint shadows of huge trees beside them. Faint perfume smell of flowers wafted delicately across the street. There were couples sitting on benches cuddling and laughing together, absorbed in their own world of happiness and had long forgotten about the fact of reality for that moment. It could've been a very romantic moment, but Haneul's nervousness overtook everything. A boy and a girl, with a different identity, but with a same heart longing for her prince charming which was just beside her, to look at her.

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu