Chapter 3

Can You See Me Now?

Dearest diary Mimi

Today is Friday, 23th May. Kyung oppa brought me to the playground to see his friends. I was wearing an ugly pink dress. I was so scared because mommy was not with me. It was my first time alone. But then prince charming came and he gave me a lollipop. His name is Jaehyo. I have fun with Kyung oppa's friends too! I didn't fall down today and I am very proud of myself. Prince charming told me to never let go of his hands no matter what happens and I listened to him. His hands were not sweaty unlike Kyung oppa. He is very nice right, Mimi?...


Flipping through the pages, Haneul was smiling and recalling all the memories she have had. It has been a year since she met them. The diary was scribbled with different notes, all happy ones. All about her friends.

"Haneul, let's go! Have to meet the boys now!" Kyung called from downstairs. "Hurry up! Or else everyone's leaving without saying goodbye!"

"No way! They wouldn't!" Haneul came rushing down the stairs, and both of them paced hurriedly towards the playground.

That evening was very still, the darkness carried the faint perfume of the flowers and the scent of the dew-rinsed earth. The playground was unusually quiet around that time, and it seemed to be aware of their parting. Kyung was walking right in front, and when he caught the sight of his friends at the playground, he started running towards them.

"KYUNG!! COME HUG ME COME! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I'M FEELING RIGHT NOW!" Jiho cried out loud and jumped on Kyung. Both of them cried in each other's embrace, knowing that this would be the last time they'll hug each other.

"I can't believe this, we're actually separating! WHY WHY WHY?" Jihoon said while crying.

Haneul couldn't hold back her tears anymore. With them, she was the happiest. But now she has to say goodbye to her friends that made her who she was, all the happiest childhood memories she had was with them. She looked over at Jaehyo, her oh so perfect prince charming, and knowing that she'll never see him again, it breaks her heart. Haneul couldn't stop staring at him, she couldn't. She wanted to make sure that all his images, his eyes, his face, the way he smiles, his scent, would be imprinted onto her brain. Part of her brain was filled up with Jaehyo, she was so sure. She couldn't bring her prince charming along with her, she has to watch him leave, knowing that he'll find his own princess. Haneul could not have him for herself anymore.

"I'll miss you little Haneul, don't ever forget me!" Jaehyo said and wiped away the tears on Haneul's face. She didn't realise that he was standing in front of her. He led Haneul towads the group and all of them sat down on the ground, talking about the new schools they'll be attending and their future. Of course, they had promised each other to reunite in the near future.

"Goodbye my love~ Goodbye my friends~ I'll always be here, don't you ever forget~" Taeil sang out loud, knowing that he sounded horrible with his voice drowning with tears. Everyone started laughing at him, but were clapping at his wonderful attempt. All of them were like that, doing whatever they like, not caring about people's opinion.

"I'll see you guys soon!" Yookwon shouted, as he walked futher away from them.

"Don't ever forget me!" Minhyuk threatened the rest and left, walking to the opposite direction where Yookwon left.

Everyone bid farewell and left. It was a moment to remember, and all of them knew that it'll never be forgotten.

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu