Chapter 5

Can You See Me Now?

Haneul accompanied her brother to the university on that day. After getting lost for 20 minutes inside the campus, both of them finally found the General Office which was located at the entrance of the university.

"Are you ing me? Why didn't I see it just now?" Kyung wailed.

The siblings curse out loud before entering the office with smiles plastered on their faces. After a good one hour, both of them came out from the office.

"Wait for me here, have to find Mrs. Jung Blah Blah for the timetable."

"Hurry up please! I'm hungry!" Haneul was running out of patience.

"Alright, alright. 5 minutes! Just sit here and wait!"


It felt like eternity. Kyung isn't back yet.

"He must be lost! Oh Kyung, why did I forget that you've no sense of direction?" Haneul sighed. She was getting impatient and decided to look for Kyung instead. She stood up from the bench, wanting to turn around but suddenly someone ran into her.

"OUCH!" Haneul and that person yelled in unison. Both of them had fallen flat onto the ground.

Haneul was in pain, from the impact and her stomach hunger. She was cursing inside her mind by combining all the bad words she knew of since birth.

"I'M SORRY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" She saw that person standing up and offered his hand to her. Haneul could see that the guy was apologetic, and he seems sincere with his words of concern.

She gradually took his hand and stood up slowly, taking a good look at that guy. He was about the same height as Kyung, with slightly brown hair. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white wife-beater beneath it. Then he smiled at Haneul, asking if she was okay and where she was hurt.

THAT'S RIGHT! THAT SMILE! Haneul swear that he looked oddly familiar. That smile, she was very sure that she have seen it somewhere before.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE! WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY SISTER'S HAND?" Haneul turned around and saw a furious Kyung charging towards them. He broke the contact between the two of them and stood in front of his sister.

"I bumped into her and she fell. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Could you ask your sister if she was alright? She hasn't answer me!" That guy asked nervously, joining all his words together.

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry too much, I guess I was too hungry to feel the pain." Haneul replied. "It's okay. You don't have to feel bad."

"NO! What if you have a concussion or something! YOU COULD'VE DIED! OH MY GOSH, I CAN'T BREATHE!" Kyung said dramatically, resting the back of his hand on his forehead.

"Don't be silly! Only you would think that way!" Haneul shot him a don't-you-embarrass-me-in-front-of-a-stranger stare.

"I DON'T CARE!" Kyung looked at that guy. "Tell me kid, tell me what's your name! And you're studying here? So we're going to be schoolmates or something?"

That guy was startled by Kyung's behavior. "Y-yes, I'm studying here. This year will be my first year." He answered. "And my name is Yookwon. Kim Yookwon."


For a moment, the world seems to stop. Kyung and Haneul felt like it really did.

"Kim Yookwon~?" Kyung's tone went one pitch higher at the end. "Are you sure~?"

"Why wouldn't I be sure of my name?"

Kyung couldn't believe his luck. Is he really his good friend? That hyper-active little Yookwon? He stared at him once more, trying to find similarities that would clear his doubt. Similarities that matched with little Yookwon.

"Smile for me." Kyung demanded. Yookwon and Haneul threw him a what-the- look.

"Are you crazy?" Yookwon said, but he still smiled for him, an exaggerated one. "Are you gay or something? I'm not!"

"I'm too hot to be gay, kid!" Kyung tried to hold back his excitement. That smile, he knew it belonged to little Yookwon.

"Okay kid! I've something to discuss with my sister! You can sit down here and wait. But don't run away! I'll be watching you!" Kyung ordered Yookwon, pointing his two fingers into his lensless glasses and back to Yookwon. He pulled Haneul away from the bench and to a distance, making sure that Yookwon couldn't hear them.

"What are you doing, Kyung! What is there to discuss!" Haneul whispered harshly to him. "Just go and jump on him or whatever! That's what you boys always do whenever you see each other right! THAT'S YOOKWON THERE!"

"OH MY ING GOSH! Hold me, I think I'm about to faint!" Kyung couldn't stop grinning. "No no, we can't tell him yet! Let's keep quiet about this first, we'll tell him the truth until we've meet everyone!"

"Are you serious? WHAT'S THE POINT!"

"It'll be fun!" Kyung exclaimed and pulled Haneul back to the bench.

"Done with your mini discussion? You look kinda excited over there, what are you exactly thinking about?" Yookwon raised an eyebrow, and Haneul thought that was pretty hot. "And besides, I'm really sorry for bumping into your sister. If she's alright, c-can I go now?"

"You can't!" Kyung said. "I've to make a deal with you, is it possible?"


"The deal? Oh, it's nothing. You've to let me hang out with you and your friends during school. I'm new here and I've no friends. Is it okay?"

"That's it?"

"YES!" Kyung gave him a huge smile.

"Errr.. It's possible. My friends are nice anyway. I'm sure they wouldn't mind meeting new people." Yookwon told him. "What's your name?"

"Simon! Simon Park! Nice to meet you!" Kyung offered a hand-shake and Yookwon gladly accepted it. "And this is my sister, Alessandra!" After saying her name, Kyung couldn't help but laughed at his own choice. Haneul pinched her brother's arm and shot spicky arrows through her eyes.

"Guess I'll see you in school then, Simon!"

"Sure! Thanks Yookwon, you're such a nice guy!"

After exchanging numbers, Kyung and Haneul walked back home.

"What the is that name!" Haneul screamed at him.

"It's classy okay. You've to keep it classy."

"Whatever!" Haneul stomped in front of Kyung and led the way home. Reaching the pathway, she suddenly stopped walking.

If Kyung's going to see his childhood friends again, does it mean that he's going to see Jaehyo too?

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu