Chapter 12

Can You See Me Now?

Haewon brushed her fingers delicately across her boyfriend's sleeping face, smiling at how he reacted to her touch. It has been a week since they last saw each other, and she missed him dearly. Shifting his position uncomfortably, Jiho slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by his girlfriend's face.

"Hey honey.. Why are you appearing in my dream again?" Jiho mumbled softly. He reached out and touched Haewon's face, pleased and surprised at the same time. "Oh my mother, it even feels real.."

"It's real, Jiho.. Now wake up, time for school!" She laughed.

"Don't. Wake me up when I dream.. It's my dream, you know.. I could just delete you.." And he mumbled more.

"Say that again, Jiho!" She yelled loudly, startling the dreaming boy. Jiho rubbed his eyes fearfully and looked up at his girlfriend. He screamed.

"Aahhh what?" Haewon crossed her arms. "Delete me? Fine, then I'll delete your morning kiss!"

"OH HEY HONEY~" Jiho jumped out from his bed swiftly and hugged his girlfriend, her back facing him.

"Whose your honey? Hmm?" She snorted.

"When did you come, honey? He asked her cheerfully, ignoring her question. "I was just dreaming of you! And did I hear.. morning kiss?"

"No, I said your morning breathe stinks." She turned around and hit his arms lightly, giggling when she saw Jiho trying to smell his own mouth.

"You look silly."

"It's okay when I'm in front of you."

"I don't like you."

"I love you too, honey." He pulled Haewon towards him and kissed her affectionately on the lips.

Jihoon, Taeil, Jiho and Haewon walked to school together that day. During breakfast, the guys were surprised that Jiho could actually wake up on time, without having to curse or chase someone around the house. Yookwon had mentioned that maybe Haewon should come and wake him up everyday, that would've save them a lot of trouble. Jiho kept quiet throughout breakfast, and while he accidentally chewed on a small piece of parsley, and screamed at poor Jihoon for putting parsley into every meal and what's the point nobody would eat them anyway, and then Jihoon attacked and said that the food would look prettier with them and there's a lot more left in the kitchen, he had made a mental note to slaughter all of them later when Haewon's not around. 

"Woah! Look at that guy's leg!" Taeil whispered to the group and pointed covertly at the guy in front of them.

"That's one huge tattoo!" Jihoon said, his voice filling with awe.

"That must've hurt so badly." Jiho added. "And expensive too."

"I know right." Haewon said. "But aside from the tattoo, his legs are so hairy!"

Jiho looked at his girlfriend, dumbfounded. "Y-You.. Don't like hairy legs?"


It has been three weeks since school started, three weeks since Kyung met them, and three weeks since Kyung lied. That thick-skinned guy. He admired himself for those brilliant lies that he had made. School lessons had been consistently boring for Minhyuk. For Yookwon, as long as his Juliet was there, everyday it's sunshine day. The final bell rang throughout the campus, ending the long hours of school and awakening the souls of students. The flight of stairs outside Star High University was instantly filled with people, some waiting for their friends, some bidding goodbye to each other. Haneul was one of these people, sitting outside the campus waiting for her brother.

Her phone started ringing, again. She looked at the screen and sighed, it was the eighth time for the day. Jaehyo has been calling her since five days ago, after that night. No matter how much Haneul wanted to hear his voice, she didn't dare to pick up the call. What could she say? Sure, I'll help you talk to your girlfriend, I know she still loves you like how you fall head over heels in love with her? Or No! I won't help you, Jae. If she wants to break up with you, there's nothing you can do. I'm here for you and I really like you! You can be with me instead?

"I'm so sorry, Jae.." She whispered gently and sighed, putting her phone inside her bag.

"Haneul!" Kyung waved his hands and called out to her from a distance, jogging down the flight of stairs comically. Behind him was Yookwon and Minhyuk.

"HANEUL?!" Yookwon and Minhyuk exclaimed in unison.

"Oh !" Kyung covered his mouth with both hands, turning around slowly towards the two guys. "Oh! That girl, you see!" He pointed at some random girl behind his sister, and said "H-Her name is Haneul, Kim Haneul. She poked my eyes this morning, that !"

Yookwon and Minhyuk raised an eyebrow, staring weirdly at Kyung. He made his way towards that random girl and yelled at her, displaying exaggerating actions as though he was going to war. That girl glared at Kyung strangely and stepped on his feet before walking away.

"See? She's so mean!" Kyung rubbed his feet as he made his way back to them. Haneul followed behind him.

"Hi Alessandra!" Yookwon smiled brightly at Haneul, earning some 'Oh, look at that smile!' 'Is it getting hot around here?' comments from girls around them. The four of them laughed.

"Hi, my name is Minhyuk." Minhyuk offered a hand-shake and Haneul accepted it, smiling back at the both of them.

"Dammit! I left my phone in class!" Kyung cursed. "My dear Alessandra, wait for me here! 5 minutes!"

"I'll come with you. I think the teacher have already locked the room, you'll go check the classroom first? I'll ask Mrs. Lee for the keys."

"Thanks Yookwon!" And both of them left. Minhyuk and Haneul smiled at each other awkwardly, looking around. He sat down on the stairs and Haneul joined him.

"How have you been all these years?" Minhyuk asked her. And Haneul looked at him, surprised.

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu