Chapter 10

Can You See Me Now?

Both of them had not uttered a word since 10 minutes ago, and Haneul was getting more anxious than before. Why am I so nervous? It is because it's getting awkward? Or because of his presence? She thought to herself. The surrounding atmosphere was quiet and motionless, and the wind which seemed to be in a rage a while ago had finally calmed down, leaving the two of them alone in the dark. The pine scented cologne from the boy beside her filled her nostrils, calming her down a little.

"So.. It's getting awkward isn't it?" Jaehyo finally broke the silence and smiled at the beautiful lady beside him. Haneul was taken aback for a few second before opening . She thought that Jaehyo had read her mind.

"I think so.." She answered.

"Frankly speaking, if you're Kyung's girlfriend, then that makes you my friend too? Am I right?"

"I suppose.."

"Right. Friends don't get awkward with each other. Kyung told me a lot of stuff about you, you know."

"Why would he do that?" Haneul laughed faint-heartedly, feeling uneasy. "OH WAIT! How do you know the way to my house though?!" She suddenly noticed the situation and began panicking, sweat forming on her palms.

"Kyung told me over dinner just now. You lived next door to his house right?"


"No? Did I remember wrongly?"

"Oh~ No, of course not! It's just next door, you're right." Haneul was getting annoyed at her brother for lying more and more.

"You sounded just like his sister when you're confuse." Jaehyo added.

"Sounded like.. who?" She turned her head and looked at the tall guy beside her, surprised.

"Haneul. She said before that she's really close with you.. Maybe that's the reason for the slight resemblance I guess." He looked at her and smile. "I don't understand why, but it seems like both of you have the same eyes too.."

"R-Really? I see.." Haneul's heart started fluttering messily, ready to pass out any moment. She heard her name, once again.

"It's true. Both of you have really beautiful eyes." He looked down at his feet. Memories of his childhood began hovering by, he certainly missed them. "Haneul's a good friend, right?"

"Of course.."

It seemed like both of them had slowed down, pacing unhurriedly and slowly around the neighborhood. This feeling was abruptly familiar to them, that nostalgic past. Everything around them appeared to be clearer and more noticeable all of a sudden, allowing both of them to appreciate the beauty of mother nature.

"So.. How close are you with Haneul?" The boy asked.

"Let's say we both are like twins." The girl smiled tautly, pangs of guilt hitting her non-stop.

"Good to hear that." And Jaehyo felt relieved. "You know something? When Haneul was younger, she would always complain to Kyung about not having friends. Everyone says she's weird because she likes to smile a lot. As in A LOT!" He grinned, and Haneul smile slightly. "Everyone thought that was freaky, but I thought she has a beautiful smile."

"It's not pretty at all, you know."

"See? You even talk like her! But it really is."

"Oh.." Haneul was smiling gleefully inside. "D-Do you miss her?" She looked down at her feet, cursing herself for saying something wrong.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? So much.. She's really a good friend to me."

Even though Haneul knew herself that she shouldn't continue the conversation, she wanted to know more.

"You know.. She misses you too.. Perhaps, even more than you do.."

"Really?" Jaehyo seemed surprise.

"Y-Yes. She told me a lot of stuff about you.. You guys used to tell each other everything, right?"

"Right, I still remember what she told me about Kyung's sleeping habits.. I bet you would never want to know."

"About his little chicken soft toy?"

"She told you?!"

"Oh.. I found out myself! She didn't tell me anything!" Haneul scolded herself mentally.

"I see. His old habits never die till now? He's weird."

"He's always weird, I can tell you that."

"Right." And both of them kept quiet again for a few moment.

"How I wish I could talk to Haneul like I'm talking to you now." Jaehyo sighed. "Maybe she could've help me out."

"Help you? With what?"

He looked at the girl beside him, not sure whether to speak up his mind. But he still did.

"I-I'm.. in love with a girl.. But I don't think my parents will approve of her.." Jaehyo started speaking, his focus was on everywhere but Haneul. "W-We really love each other, but because she's an orphan and poor, my parents will not approve of her.. She's breaking up with me.." He could feel his heart aching in pain, it hurts so much.

He continued. "But I don't want to let her go. I love her, so much.. I wouldn't want to live without her, I just couldn't do it.." Tears were b in his eyes, bluring his vision. "I've told her many times that we can go through this together, but she never believed it. She said that she had never stopped loving me.. but it's not possible for us anymore.."

The wind that left them moments ago came back again, but this time, more gently. It softly and smoothly greeted both of them, its fingers brushing against their faces as though they were the most delicate object ever. It danced around them, wrapping the both of them in its embrace. However, the two human beings doesn't seem to appreciate or realise its existence. Soothingly, it wiped away the boy's tears, drying all of them.

"..So.. What do you want.. H-Haneul to do.." These few words left Haneul's mouth in extreme difficulty. She was suffocating, from pain and hurt. What was worst is that, she couldn't show her emotions in front of the boy she like so much, for so long. She was controlling her tears from falling, and her body was paralysed with pain. Her heart, do I need to say more? She felt like she was living in a lie of her own, and now she had finally woke up. It was as though her feelings for all these time were wasted and thrown away like it was nothing at all.

"I was hoping that she would help me persuade her, to stay by my side." He admitted.

"Oh.." Her words barely made it out of . "I-I suppose she will.. S-She's your friend after all.."

"I know, she's good with words.. And I guess girls talk better with girls right.."


"We've reached." Jaehyo said, rubbing the tears away from his face. "Thank you for your time, really appreciate it."

"No problem.." Haneul smiled weakly at him. "Thanks for sending me home."

"Not a problem, goodbye. And thanks for listening.. I feel better now after letting it all out.."

"Okay.." She walked towards her neighbor's house and stood there, watching him turned his back and walked towards where they came from. Walking further and further away from her, not only did he take Haneul's happiness with him, but also her hope.

"Jaehyo!" She called out to him with all the little energy left in her exhausted body.

"G-Goodbye.." Was all she could only say. From afar, she saw him smiling at her and waved goodbye, walking away..


She collasped onto her bed, hugging herself tightly and cried into her pillow. She felt abandoned, hopeless, and pained. No words could described how she felt at that moment, and so she cried and cried and cried. The door in her room slowly creaked open, and Kyung walked in. He put a comforting hand on his sister he loved so much, and held her close to him carefully, afraid that he would break her if he used too much force.

"Are you okay, Haneul? What happened?" Kyung asked worriedly but she didn't say anything.

"You called Jaehyo yesterday?" He continued talking. "He told me about it just now.. I'm so sorry, Haneul. I shouldn't have lied to him in the first place. I shouldn't even have dragged you in, and now you've to cover up the lies for me.."

"I-It's okay.." She placed her hand over Kyung's, and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know that it will affect you so much." Kyung looked away from his sister guiltily. "Alright, I should let you sleep now okay? I'll leave now.." He placed his sister's head carefully onto her pillow and stood up. "I'll call Jaehyo tomorrow and explain everything to him. Don't worry about it anymore."

Kyung walked towards the door, but stopped when his sister called out to him.

"It's okay, Kyung. You don't have to. I'll just be Han Soyoung for now.."

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu