Chapter 8

Can You See Me Now?

Should I call? Or should I not? Should I?

Haneul was pacing nervously in her room, her right hand clutching tightly onto a piece of paper with numbers written on it. A few nights ago, Kyung went out with his friends and forgot his phone, again. While doing her homework, she heard his phone ringing non-stop so she helped him answered the call. After finishing, a new text message came in. Not knowing how to use her brother's phone properly, she accidentally pressed on some buttons and saw the content.

 From Jaehyo (that long-looking kid):

 Hey! It's Jaehyo here.

Free for dinner on Friday?

We've only talk for awhile since that day, I don't think that's enough of catching up!

How's Haneul? Didn't really mention her that day..

Bring her along too okay? I wanna see her..

Yes.. And I hope you can make it. Reply!

PS. I've not tell the rest about bumping into you yet (;


When Kyung returned home that night, he sweared that he almost lost all his hair. "Fine, fine! We'll just tell him the truth on Friday! It's not a big deal, why are you overreacting?"

"You shouldn't even lied to him in the first place! What are you trying to do? It's unnecessary!"

"Relax, Persian cat! Keep your claws to yourself dammit!" Kyung was standing in front of the full-length mirror brushing through his hair, and then he suddenly screamed. "OH MY ING BLIMEY #%@%! I see a freaking bald patch! Dammit you round cat GET OUTAAHERREEEEAHHHHH!!"


Haneul stopped walking and sat down on her bed, phone on her left hand. Even though the night was still and her room was quiet, she could feel the disruptive atmosphere circulating inside her. Since that day she saw Jaehyo, that feeling never left her and she was feeling frustrated. It seemed like all those words that she said to herself about puppy love and just a crush, that's all became worthless. She kept telling herself how this one-sided feeling is stupid, but on the other hand she couldn't stop what she was feeling for her prince charming. Looking at Jaehyo's number which she had taken without permission, Haneul dialled the number on her phone and waited anxiously for the other line to pick up. She had hesitated for a few days, debating whether to call him or not, but now it seemed like she had finally made her choice. I want to hear his voice, I want to talk to him. I want to tell him how much I've missed him. I want to know how he has been. Is he happy? These simple reasons have made Haneul overcome her fear and chose her desire.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered. The sound of your voice. You don't know how much I miss hearing it, how much I like it.

"Hello?" The person on the other line repeated. "H-Haneul?" Her name came out from his lips softly, like a whisper.


"Haneul? Is that you?" Jaehyo immediately shuffled and sat upright.

"Yes, it's me.." She felt wetness in her eyes, but she don't know why. Maybe it's because she heard his voice again, or maybe because he called her name. "How do you know it's me?"

"Oh.. Instinct I guess." He let out a nervous chuckled. "Glad you called. I've not heard your voice for so long. It still sound pretty like it used to be. How have you been? Time really flies, Haneul." And her name left his lips again.

"It's not pretty at all, Jae." Haneul replied him. The messy feeling that she had tangled even more within her, overlapping every emotions she always had for him. "E-Everything has been great, with Kyung and his hair. How are you though? Did I wake you up?"

"It's okay, I think I took a very long nap. Oh, did your brother mention to you about the dinner? Make sure you come tomorrow, we've lots of catching up to do!"

"The dinner! Yes, I remember." And then she paused.

"Haneul? Are you there?"

"Actually, I called to tell you that I can't make it for the dinner." OH MY GOSH what am I saying? "Yes.."


"I'm busy with my school projects and all you see. I've to meet my friends to finish an assignment tomorrow." Wow Haneul, what kind of excuse is this? You're beginning to sound like your brother.

"Oh.. In that case you'll owe me one dinner then. Tell me when you'll be free? Just you and me, it's a promise!"

"What? Do you always eat dinner alone?" Great Haneul. Dammit you've just dig your own grave, all the way to Africa. "I'll call you again, Jae? I've to finish my homework now!" Lies and more lies. From the start till the end.

"Promise that you'll always call me, not just for dinner's sake. And yes, other than with the boys, I always eat alone. Pity me and accompany me will you?"

I would even accompany you for the rest of my life. "You have the boys, ask them!"

"Of course they will. But it's different, you know?" He chuckled nervously again. "Anyway, I've booked a table for three. Since you can't make it, I'll ask Kyung's girlfriend instead. She wouldn't mind right?"

"NO!" Haneul suddenly squealed.

"Ouch! That kinda hurt my ear, babe. Why not?"

Babe? Did Jaehyo just called me babe? No, wait! I cannot be jelly now, there's an important thing on hand. "S-She's usually not free on Friday. Family dinner you see." Lie more Haneul, you're doing just fine.

"I see.. It'll just be Kyung and me then. You seem really close with his girlfriend isn't it?"

"Right. We're really close." Haneul made a mental note to leave no hair on her brother's scalpe later.

"Okay then.. I'll wait for your call? And I really mean it! Remember the promise, babe!" Haneul can be jelly now. "Don't stay up too late! See you soon. You can end the call now."

"Bye, Jae. You too.." And then she ended the call reluctantly. Haneul would never want to end Jaehyo's call just like that. She wouldn't allow herself to end something she would kill to hear every moment in her life. But now, she could only sigh and scold herself for being such a liar.

Why is she so afraid of telling him things? Is she scared because she'll say something wrong? Why is she always nervous around him? Why is she always so clumsy? This is the feeling of liking someone behind his back, isn't it?


Hi guys! Sorry for the wait. Sent my laptop for repair last week and I just got it back! 

Yay! So that means more update! ^^

I've thought of starting another new fanfic too. Should I?

It will be about Block B also ^^ Don't stop commenting! Thankyou~

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Yes minhyuk isn't all a Pabo guy!:)
Minhyuk isnt stupid. Thats right!
junhuidu #3
MinHyuk isn't an idiot :'D
Minhyuk is smart :D
Oh lord kyung you betch xD<br />
I thought this time they'll know it's Haneul DD:<br />
<br />
Anyways update soon babe. <3
flightlessbird #6
Minhyuk realized that it's kyung sister right? :p
wow by any chance, does minhyuk know another girl called alessandra or did he realise it through kyung's "KIM HANEUL" xD
jeniscool100 #8
I just wanted you to know that I really love your story! :D I love the plot twist and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story is going to unfold. This is seriously great for a first fic! You really know what you're doing, girl! =D <br />
I really can't wait for your next update! I've gotta know what happens between Haneul and Jaehyo! <3333
I know exactly what hanuel feel. Same story as me but at the end i just let him go. Huhu