This Feeling Called Jelaousy

Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)


In Young opens her eyes slowly. She feels so heavy this morning. She manages to see the alarm, which is now ringing at eight o'clock. She sighs, and spreads her hands throughout another side of the bed. It's empty. He has left. 

In Young opens her blanket lazily, revealing.....of course, her and her sleeping clothes from this dawn. She gets up from her bed, walks slowly toward the kitchen, and finds something. A very warm cup of coffee and two slices of toasts. There is a note. She smiles after seeing the note, and drinks the coffee slowly. Then she takes a bite of the toast. Not bad, she thinks. His cooking skill must be better. 



Last night...or maybe you want to say at that dawn....

In Young hugged Se Hun tightly, as same as she said before, she would not let him go. Se Hun was frozen. He didn't have any ideas what to do. Then he did what he wanted to do for a long time: hi kissed her forehead. 

"Se Hun-ah...."

"Shush.....Come, you should sleep."

"But, promise me."  She sulked. 

"I can't. You know I can't, In Young-ah."


"Why do you have to ask? You have aldready known the answer."  Yes, I know. I know exactly the reason. He kept hugging her, like for a long time. Suddenly, her phone was ringing. It was gone into the voice mail. 

"I'm sorry, but I think I have to remind you again about the meeting today, at ten o'clock. See you!"  Se Hun smiled. In Young needed to sleep, or she would miss her important meeting. 

"You have to sleep."

"And then you will leave me again. For another girl."

"Then you don't believe me at all, that is why I can't give you my promise. You can't believe that I will stay for you."


"Of course I will not leave you. You have to sleep now. You will have a big meeting later."  In Young nodded slowly, then Se Hun took her with bridal-style to her bedroom and lay her on her bed. She kept sulking that he should sleep beside her, and he did that. 

"Thank you."

"No problem."  He hugged her, making his arm as her pillow, and they fell to sleep together. 

But in the middle of her sleep, Se Hun managed to whisper, "I love you." 



In Young runs quickly to the confrence room. She is not late, but still, she doesn't want to waste any time. Hye Ri has been waiting for her. 

"God! Thank God you are early!"

"I'm sorry! I'm not late, right?"  Hye Ri shakes her head, "of course not. The boards haven't come yet."

"That's a relief."

"But I think you haven't heard who will be coming with us."

"Who? What do you mean?"

"I mean another participant of this meeting."

"Don't you say they are foreigners?"

"Yes, but there is another one. They will become some kind of moderators. Our company is mergered to that another participant, and this meeting is also important to them. That is why they need two interpreter."  That just hits In Young's head. She maybe is still a slow-thinker. She smile guiltly. Hye Ri pats her, "it's okay. You should not be here, actually. It should be another interpreter, but she is sick since yesterday. That is why I called you." 

Not long after that, their director and the rest are coming. They quickly bow to them. 

"Yes, let us come inside."  The director is none other than Min Sun Woo's father, and Sun Woo is following him from behind. Oh yeah, In Young is working at his company. It was actually not planned. It just happened that In Young's application was also sent into this company. Actually, Sun Woo and In Young rarely talk or see each other. They have their own life, beside--

"Lee Hye Ri-sshi, Han In Young-sshi. I think both of you should be on that desk. There are microphones for you all. You can work there."  Sun Woo directs the placement of the meeting. The two girls nod, and place themselves at the place that they usually do. 

Some time later, the door opens, and...what? Seo Gong Chan? 

"Mr. Seo, nice to meet you!"  The director is greeting Gong Chan. Both of them bow to each other, showing respect. 

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Min. Oh, they haven't come yet?"

"No. Maybe traffic jam is holding them now."

And In Young sees Se Hun comes in too. He is just wearing a blue polo shirt and black trousers. He wears his big eyeglassess. 

"Ah!"  Both Hye Ri and In Young shout, and then stare confusedly at each other. 

"Wait, you know him?"  ask In Young. 

"Errr, yeah. I sort of knowing him. And you? How do you know him?"

"In Young? Han In Young?"  It's Gong Chan's voice. In Young turns her head and smiles to her previous employer, "hello, Mr. Seo Gong Chan."

"Please call me oppa, like you used to be."

"Excuse me,"  the director is interrupting, "do both of you know each other?'

"Oh yeah,"  Gong Chan smiles, "she is, my daughter's friend. They are kind of good friend."  Gong Chan decides not to tell In Young's previous job as his daughter's nanny. He is afraid that it will bring harm to In Young and her career. 

On the other side, Se Hun looks completely shocked because of Hye Ri and In Young. He doesn't know Hye Ri works here, even though he had taken her to her workplace several times. She always asks him to take her to coffee shop instead of her office. And he shocks to with Sun Woo. He has no idea that Director Min's only son is his....well you can say some sort of enemy, even though he didn't do anything wrong six years ago, their relationship was broken, partially because of his presence. 

"Ah, friend? I really think Seo Eun Gyeong is miniature of her mother. Always cheerful and friendly to everyone."  Gong Chan smiles because of Director Min's compliment, and later he notices his brother-in-law is frozen near the door. 

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you to my financial advisor for this one year, slash my only brother-in-law, Oh Se Hun."  Se Hun immediately snaps back to the reality and bow to the participants, which bow again to him. A financial advisor to CEO of one of the largest company in Korea is something. Hye Ri's jaw is likely about to drop. Never in her thought that her humble and friendly neighbour is someone so important. 

And In Young notices it too. She feels this hot, boiling, ready-to-explode feeling. She feels jelaous, for sure. Why does she see him with this awe looking? Is she starstruck by him?

"Hello, everyone. My name is Oh Se Hun, nice to meet you all."

"Ive never heard Oh Sae Byuk has a brother. I mean, she is famous."  One of the participants is asking bluntly. Both Gong Chan and Se Hun are smiling, "they decide that he doesn't need any spotlight." 


"Well, shall we sit? We should just wait the foreigner's participants."

"Yes, thank you, Director Min." 



For the whole meeting, In Young can't feel anything other than jelaousy. Hye Ri is sometimes blushing to see Se Hun and sometimes daydreaming, after that giggling. Maybe she thinks about her dream life with Se Hun. That is really making In Young angry. No other women can take him from me! Never!

"In Young-sshi?"  Wait, who calls me?

"In Young-sshi!"  It's Sun Woo's voice through the microphone. He tries to wake In Young up from her mind. She is panicked and drops everything, every files into the floor. Great, just great.

"What happened there?"  one of the foreigner's participant is noticing In Young's mistake. Oh God, this is the worst

"Oh, I'm sorry."  Hye Ri talks instead of In Young, "I accidentally pushed her so that her files are dropped. Please, continue, don't mind us."  She should thank her, but her thought about Hye Ri wanting Se Hun blocks it. 

"It's okay, In Young-sshi."  In Young just nods. She doesn't really want to talk to her now. Later they continue the work, and the meeting, you can call it is a success, even though there will be another meeting for discussing the same topic, but everyone can see all of the participants are satisfied. 

"Thank you too, to you, interpreters. These ladies are great."  The head participant from the foreigner's side is praising both In Young and Hye Ri. Both the girls show their attitude and gratitude by bowing. "Thank you Sir."

And they are leaving the room, leaving the Korean's side. Well, as the korean side is just some secretaries and Se Hun, along with In Young and Hye Ri. As Se Hun is ready to leave, Hye Ri calls him. In Young rolls her eyes. Really?

Se Hun turns his head, and smiles warmly to Hye Ri, doesn't catch In Young's dismay. 

"Yes, what is ti, Hye Ri-sshi?"

"Can we go home together? You will go home, right?" 

"Yeah, but I don't bring my motorcycle. Maybe I should pick you up later."

"That is good! I will cook for all of us."


"Yeah, for my gratitude about what you have done yesterday."  She winks to him, flirtily. In Young's fist is formed. 

"What? What did I do?"

"You don't remember? Pity you. I will tell you, remind you later. I have to go to bathroom."  

"Okay."  And Hye Ri leaves, with cheerfully and happily humming. Se Hun turns his head into In Young, and smiles warmly, "how are you?"

"I'm okay."  She answers it with cold voice, and Se Hun notices that. 

"What? What is happened? Are you okay?"

"No. Tell me--"

"In Young-sshi?"  That is Sun Woo's voice. He has come back from following his father. He smiles warmly to In Young, and bows to Se Hun even though he notices this young man doesn't really like him, no reason why. 

"Yes, sunbae?"

"I think I need to take you home today. I have something to talk to you."


"About....that."  Sun Woo makes a weird gesture, and obviously only In Young who can understand that. She looks so shocked and shouts, "oh yes! Of course! How could I forget?"

"Yeah, I think you do really forget it."

"I'm sorry, sunbae. I just had some matters to be meddling with."

"No problem. I hope you are okay if I bring you to the restaurant, just in case."  In Young nods enthuastically, making Se Hun confused. What the hell are they talking about? Restaurant? They will have a date? And yet she told me last night she needed me? What kind of game are you playing with, In Young-ah?

"Okay, sunbae."

"Thanks. And nice to see you, Oh Se Hun-sshi."  Again, he nods to the younger man. Later he walks out, feeling confused why on earth Se Hun seems not liking him even though this is the first time they met. 

"What is it?"


"You will have a date with him, right? Your favourite sunbae."

"What? What are you talking about, Se Hun-ah?"

"Ah yes. Again. With that voice."

"You are wrong. He is just a sunbae for me."

"And your first love."

"Oh Se Hun-sshi, not every first love is so giving impact like the one you have."

"Don't ever talk like that."

"And now, who is Hye Ri-sshi to you? I thought you said you were single."

"Yes, I am single."

"Then why is she okay coming in or out in your place?"

"She is my--"

"Se Hun! We should go home."  That is Gong Chan. He stops the argument, partially accidental, partially not accidental. Se Hun takes his belongings and leave. Gong Chan nods to In Young, before chasing his brother-in-law. In Young falls down. 

Again. This topic again. When they are about to start again. 


Se Hun's note this morning:


Good morning, In Young-ah!

I have left when you see this message. I'm sorry, my job is somehow like a thunder. 

They can come everytime that they want. 

Anyway, I make you coffee and toasts, maybe you are hungry. 

About last night, I have thought about it: let's date. Again. We should know each other better. 

Maybe what we need is baby-step. I hope you call me to talk about the date. 


I love you. 



Muahahahaha! The conflict! I like the conflict so much

But Se Hun's something. Really *I can't believe I wrote that in one minute* 

thank you! I hope you like the update!

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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..