
Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)

I am back! Thank you for waiting! 


In Young opens her eyes slowly as the ray of sunlight hits her face. Se Hun is sleeping beside her with hands wrapping her from behind. They have been moving in together for almost one and a half month and everything is going fine.....or you can say that. 

Min Ah is still not talking the truth about her condition to anyone, including to Jong In. Their relationship is on the edge, but Jong In repeatedly says to Se Hun just to back off and let him finish the problem. Min Ah is like Missing In Action and she has quited her job just after the baby shower. That is the cause of their rough relationship. She is just gone, PUFF! 

"Let go of my body. I have a meeting."

"I have it too."  Se Hun is insisting on not letting her go. She chuckles. "You really are a child. Let me go."

"Just for one hour,"  Se Hun kisses her and takes the action as he ditches the blanket. In Young giggles, "we really need to get ready for work."

"They can wait. I can't wait." 




"This is hurt." 

"Should I call Mr. Xi, then?"  the butler asks and Ji Eun rolls her eyes, "no. He will be freaking out like a crazy man. You should see how he was when Xiao Feng was born. He was running and jumping like a lost bunny."

"I think every man waiting for their children will be like that. Please, Ma'am, let me call your husband."  Ji Eun gets up, but she fails. The pain is all over her body. She should have gotten used to it but no, she is not. 

"Or please let me call dr. Kim. He can tell you what you should do."

"No. The time is not like what he predicted. This is just eight and half months."

"I think we should call--"

"I SAY NO! NOW HELP ME TO GET INTO THE BEDROOM!"  Ji Eun yells to the butler. He then obeys her and helps her to get into the bed. She wants to do bed-rest. Maybe it will decrease the pain. 

The phone is ringing and she takes it. At least, she still can take the phone. "Hello?"


"Who is this?"

"This is me, Min Ah."  Ji Eun is almost jumping out of happiness since the girl is practically missing for these month but she feels pain again. She flinches. 

"Oh, hi. Where have you been? We've been looking for you."

"I am sorry, unnie, but can I ask you something?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Can I stay for couple days in your house? Just for couple of days and then I move."

"What? No! You should stay at your place and show up! Jong In is crazy looking for you!" 

"Unnie, I can't."  And then Ji Eun hears crying sound. 

"Okay, do not cry. You could tell me what happened." 

"Please do not call oppa. I don't want him to find out that I am still in Seoul."

"He is still thinking you are in Seoul. Min Ah, what is happening? Is something bad happened? Is Jong In cheating on you? Are you two having a fight? Is he hurting your feeling? What is it?"  

Min Ah is still sobbing, "No, unnie. He is still as kind as ever. It's me. I have my own problem. Please, can I crash at your place for several days?"

Ji Eun still wants to lecture her but she knows this is the only chance to make Min Ah is on the grip. She could be lost somewhere again. If she is staying at her house, it will give access to know the truth and makes it easier for Jong In to communicate to her. 

"Okay. Do you need any help to get here? I can ask my driver."

"You have your own driver? Isn't he Lu Han oppa's?"

"He is, but my husband has lent him to me, if I need it to rush to hospital to bear his child."  There is a dead silence from Min Ah. Hearing someone is almost on her way for bearing children is hurting her, and then add with the fact that her best friend is also waiting for a baby. She hasn't gotten any contact with both Yu Ri and In Young, but she is pretty sure Yu Ri has told everyone about her pregnancy. Her heart aches again. She is not like her friends. 

"Hello?"  Ji Eun's voice awakens her. "Yes, unnie. I think I need a ride."

"Okay, where are you now?"  




"You are late."


"Sorry doesn't make any differences. If sorry is working, all jails in the world will be empty."

"You and your bad mood. Hyung, I don't really want to hear this. Let's just work."  Se Hun sighs as Jong In is throwing tantrum to him. He has to get used to it since Min Ah is still lost. 

"Why are you late? Was In Young begging you not to leave her?" 

"Why are you keeping this thing? No, I was the one who wanted to spend time more with her."  Jong In looks to him suspiciously. 

"What?"  Se Hun glares back. He adjusts his eyeglasses and sighs, "hyung, we need to discuss this document. Your secretary gave it to me just before I entered your room."

"Does In Young not know where she is?" 

"Hyung! How many times do I need to say none of us know where Min Ah-sshi is? We are also searching for her, okay?"

Jong In stares to Se Hun and sighs. He slams his body into the chair, "I know. I am sorry. I just--"

"I know, hyung. I have felt that for these six years."

"But that time, it was your fault. Now, I don't even know if I did something wrong or not. She just suddenly left her apartment and turned off her phone. Her parents don't know where she is, her friends are searching for her. What should I do now?"  He really looks exhausted. Se Hun sighs again. He really thinks he should tell the main reason of this sudden disapperance of Min Ah, but he feels like he doesn't deserve to tell him. After all, this is between them, and Se Hun thinks he has no right to meddle into their relationship. 

Only he can find Min Ah and put some senses to the girl's brain.....maybe this misey will end nicely. 

Se Hun knows how Jong In loves children, since he is surrounded by big family with many children around. However, he doubts that Jong In will throw Min Ah just like that once he finds out that Min Ah can't beat any children. He is adult; mature guy. He will think about this thoroughly rather than do spontanious things like ditching Min Ah. 

"Have you heard any news from Chan Yeol hyung or Lu Han ge?"  Jong In asks when he seems like okay to go on to another topic. Se Hun shakes his head while sits down on the other chair, "Nope. They have never called us since. They actually have said to all of us that they will call us once their wives get into the hospital, so we should just wait." 

"Kyung Soo hyung will take care of Hee Joo noona, right?"

"Yes. They plan to do that since the predictions say that they will be likely bear their children at the same day." 

"Speaking of doctor, I have found Joon Myun hyung's number on Min Ah's daily planner."  Se Hun looks up and his face is bit brightened, "really? You do find that?" 

"Why are you so excited? Is there something related to Joon Myun hyung?"  

"No, but go on. What did you find?" 

"I didn't find anything other than that. But Joon Myun hyung denied that he had met Min Ah."


"Yes, he said that. He said that Min Ah had never called him or contacted him. Is it strange? Why did she keep his number when he wasn't gotten called by her? Or maybe Joon Myun hyung is lying to me?"  YES! Se Hun wants to shout that but he keeps his mouth shut. He keeps his silence. 

"I don't know. You might want to call him back if you feel like that."

"I know, but it is like I push him. I don't really like pushing someone just to get some information."  Jong In then closes his eyes with his hands. He really looks so desperate. "Well, let's get started. We surely don't want to miss our work, right?"





In Young throws up again. For these days, she has been throwing up on her work place, since she usually leaves in the morning and gets her breakfast on the road. 

Hye Ri looks to her with concern look, "are you sure you are okay? You have been like this for days. Don't you want Se Hun to know?" 

"No. It's just a small thing. I don't want him to get freaked out. His work is pilled these days and he is now not in town, and Min Ah hasn't been found, plus Hee Joo unnie has been hospitalized. We are really busy now."

"Yeah, but he should know your condition." 

"No, that's okay. I will take medicine. I am just having this weird sick."


"Can you please do one thing?"


"Your perfume. Please get rid of it. It doesn't smell good."  Hye Ri looks really surprised, "really? Because you are the one who gave this perfume when I finally can be with Woo Young and share our apartment together. You just gave it to me last week."

"Seriously? It doesn't smell like that. You must be wrong. You might be wearing another perfume."

"No. This is the very same perfume you bought for me."  Hye Ri's eyes then are about to pop out, "I know it! You are pregnant!"


"Admit it. You clearly did it with Se Hun-sshi without protection these days, right?"

"No!"  Then she stops. That morning, the morning when Se Hun whinned not to get up early, that time they didn't--oh no, "I mean, maybe we did it--"

"SEE? YOU ARE PREGNANT! Let me buy you the test kit and we'll see what happens, okay?"  


"Just sit at your desk. I will be there shortly."  Hye Ri then dashes out to find a nearby pharmacy, while In Young slowly gets back to her desk. Her feelings is mixed right now. She knows she will be happy if she is really pregnant, but she is not married to him; they are not kind of ready to marry. She doesn't want to have children when she is not married. She is happy yet confused.

She keeps sitting on her chair when her phone is ringing.


"In Young-sshi! This is Lu Han."

"Ah, Lu Han ge, what is it?"

"My wife has just checked into the hospital. Well, she keeps yelling to me that I have to tell you since you were helping us for the baby shower." 

"Ah, okay. Is she okay?"

"Both of them are fine. They just have to wait for another sign, which is the water-break."

"Them? What do you mean?"

"It seems like Ji Eun and Hee Joo will bear the children at the same time. Joon Myun and Kyung Soo have prepared everything. Our families are here too, waiting for the news. I will call Se Hun and Jong In, since they are outside the town, I don't really think they will come, but just in case, I will call them. Are you okay if you get here once your work is over?"

"What about I go there now? My boss is kind. He knows I will take one or two days for this kind of event."

"Really? Thank you then!"

"Okay, that's fine."  Hye Ri then comes in with the test kit, "ah, ge, I need to go. See you later at the hospital."

"Okay, bye."  

"Who is it?"  Hye Ri asks, "it's Lu Han ge. His wife has checked into the hospital."

"Oh, okay. Now we need to take care of your problem. Here, take it. I will be with you." 




Jong In and Se Hun leaves their hotel just after Lu Han called. They are really excited to see this kind of thing: two women will bear the babies at the same time. Or might be. Whatever it is, it makes them excited. 

When they arrive, people have gathered on both rooms. Joon Myun and Kyung Soo have arranged the room to be side-by-side so the family can visit both of them easily. Jong In rushes to Hee Joo's room first while Se Hun goes to Ji Eun's. 

What Se Hun doesn't expect is to see Min Ah there. 

"Min Ah-sshi? You are here?"

"Oh, hi, Se Hun-shhi. I didnt' think that you will be here."

"I just rushed since they said that both of them will bear the children--how are you ended up here? Why are you here? Why don't you contact us? Ge, you know she is here for the whole time? Why don't you call Jong In hyung? He is so desperate to find her!"

"Calm down,"  Lu Han steps into the conversation, "let us talk outside. Ji Eun is still sleeping."  Lu Han guides him to get outside the room, "look. She has been with us for these days. She helps Ji Eun."

"That doesn't mean you mustn't tell us."

"I know. She asked us not to tell anyone about her whereabout."

"Jong In hyung is searching for her."

"I know." 

"But why?"

"Se Hun, she said she wasn't ready to face Jong In. I don't know why, but Ji Eun prevents me from telling everyone about her. I just follow my wife's decision. And I--"  His words stop when Jong In gets out from Hee Joo's room and goes toward Ji Eun's, "Jong In!"

"Oh, hi, hyung!"

"So good to see you!"  Lu Han clearly tries to keep Jong In from going into his wife's room. Se Hun just scoffs. 

"Yeah, hyung. I think we just met three days ago. I am still fine like three days ago."

"Ah, yes, but still, you went with Se Hun and I just miss you!"

"Hyung, you are weird. You didn't tell me this when you got back from Beijing months ago."  Jong In clearly notices that Lu Han is trying to do useless thing for preventing him entering Ji Eun's room. Something is not right. 

"I want to see noona."

"No, you can't."


"Ge, he wants to see your wife. Last time I checked, she is sleeping so it is okay for him to take glances."  Se Hun says and Lu Han glares angrily to him. He then smiles to Jong In, "Ji Eun needs her sleep. We rather--"  He doesn't finish his words because Min Ah gets outside the room. She gasps as she sees her boyfriend is there. She doesn't think Jong In will come out from Hee Joo's room so quickly. The truth is, she wants to hide herself at Lu Han's car. 

But that is not happening at all. 

"Min Ah? You are here? What--"  Then Jong In understands. "GE! HOW COULD YOU!"

"Wait, Jong In! I can explain!" 

"You have hidden her for these days and you didn't even think to tell me?"

"No! I mean, I want to, but--"

"What is this?"  Chan Yeol comes out and he gasps, "MIN AH! YOU ARE HERE! HOW?"  

"That is what I need to know--WAIT!"  Min Ah runs into the hall and Jong In chases her. Lu Han seems to be feeling guilty and Chan Yeol is confused as always. Se Hun is just standing there until In Young comes with Hye Ri. 

"Se Hun, there is something I need to tell you."  In Young whispers to him after she said greetings to Lu Han and Chan Yeol. 

"No. We should wait first. Min Ah is here and Jong In hyung is chasing her."


"Yes. Turns out Lu Han ge's family is the one who hids her all these days."

"Ge? Really? Why?" 

"I don't know. My wife asked me not to tell everyone about it, but now suddenly people find it out." 

"Se Hun, you really have to talk with In Young. This is important."  Hye Ri says and Se Hun looks confused. In Young just stares into the floor. "Okay. What is it?"

"We need to separate first. I need to talk to you only."  

"Okay."  Se Hun takes In Young to the end of the hall where no one is there, "what is it?"

In Young bites her lips, a sign says that she is confused and nervous, "what is it?"  

"Don't get too surprised, okay?"

"Okay. What is it?"

"It's....I am..."


"I am pregnant, Oh Se Hun. This is your child." 




I don't know why I make her pregnant, but yeah.....

the is getting closer! Maybe two chapters again and you will see how I will separate these two again *laughing evilly*


@KawKaw: thank you for patiently waiting! I will update as soon as possible :) do you like this chapter?


and for others, thank you!!!!!




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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..