The Baby Shower (The Event)

Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)

"Na Jung-ah! Stop running! You could make Aunt Hee Joo tripped!"


"Watch out there! Or you will lose your brother!"  Chan Sung shouts and Chan Yeol, his little brother, hits his head. "What?"

"Are you really wishing I will lose my first child?"

"No! Why would I do that?"  

It is now the baby shower that people have been awaiting for. All presents and gifts are mounted on the corner of the room. Both Park family and Xi family have rented a big ballroom from, well, one of their families' hotel to do the baby shower. Both proud mothers are sitting in the front, smiling to all guests that come. As the unnoficial maids of honor (since I don't know how to call this role), In Young and Min Ah frantically run here and there to help making the perfect baby shower happened. 

Like this condition: Park Na Jung, Chan Yeol's only niece, is running here and there with little lady from Xi family, playing around with their toys. In Young, who has experiences with running children (remember her scene with Eun Gyeong years ago?), has run following there also shouting to them to stop or they can cause harm. 

"Okay, we stop!"  Xiao Feng shouts and stops suddenly with Na Jung. In Young has to stop immediately too, or she would be the one who cause mess. 

"Good. Please, Xiao Feng-sshi and Na Jung-sshi. You two have to calm down. You do not want cause any harm to the mothers, right?"

"No! I am waiting for my little cousin!"

"I am waiting enough for my little brother! I want to see him so much!"  In Young nods and then she takes the children's hands, "I know, and so you have to follow me. Let's rest with other kids, shall we?"  They nod, and dilligently follows In Young, who brings her to children's area, where there are lots of other small children and being watched by a girl named Go Jin Yi, who is now Sae Byuk's personal assistant /  Eun Gyeong's new babysitter. 

"There they are."

"Thank you unnie. You must be exhausted,"  Jin Yi talks. In Young just smiles, but then she feels a pair of hands hugs her from behind. 

"I think she is."  Se Hun is the culprit there. Jin Yi just chuckles and leaves the scene; leaves the couple there. 

"Let go of me. I need to arrange this baby shower."

"Min Ah is doing that. You need to rest. Come on."  In Young is being dragged by Se Hun to the food table. He then begins to feed In Young like she herself can't do eat. 

"See? Your brother is so exaggerating,"  Gong Chan whispers to Sae Byuk, which Sae Byuk replies with a smile, "he just knows how precious she is. Let him enjoy it." 

On the stage, both mothers with their big bumps are smiling like today is the happiest day of their lives. Their husbands are sitting not far from them, watching them closely. Who knows suddenly one of them feels like they will do labour? 

"Hi there."  Joon Myun greets the proud fathers while carrying his soon, Kim Joon. 

"Hyung! I thought you were busy!"  Chan Yeol so happily greets him back, while Lu Han smiles and gives a gesture for Joon to be with him. Joon easily slips himself and later he sits happily on Lu Han's lap. Joon is quite close to Lu Han, since his father is also Ji Eun's personal doctor when comes to pregnancy. Joon is frequently taken to Beijing or Hong Kong for accompanying his father. 

"How could I not come? Both of them are my patients!"  Chan Yeol then gives a seat for him. "So, how are you?"  asks Joon Myun. 

"Same thing, I am so busy with this case."

"You should pay more attention to your wife." 

"Don't worry, hyung. Hee Joo is a strong woman. At least, I am not the guy who has to be around the world when someone calls."  Chan Yeol then do mehrong to Lu Han, who is the one he described earlier. Lu Han then hits his head. "That's the payback."

"Payback time!"  Joon shouts happily. He then follows his favourite Chinese uncle: he hits Chan Yeol's arm.

"Great! I am attacked by two people!"  Joon Myun just laughs, but then he sees Min Ah helps Hee Joo arranging the mount of gifts. Joon Myun then loses his smile. He remembers about the test result. 

"Where is Kyung Soo, by the way?"  he asks. 

"I don't know. He said he would be here at any minute, but I haven't seen him,"  Chan Yeol is the one who answers. 

"He might be busy with his marriage preparation. If I am not wrong, he said that he and Mia will get married here, right?"  Joon Myun nods. 

"Hello there!" 

"Yi Xing!!!" 




Baek Hyun and Yu Ri are just watching the madness of the baby shower. Yu Ri sometimes takes some glances to her husband, and that makes him curious. 

"What is it?"


"Why are you silently taking glances at me?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Do not try to lie, Byun Yu Ri."

"I am not lying. You just feel that I watched you."

"I am not hallucinating. You were--"

"Hello there!"  In Young approaches at the perfect time. Yu Ri smiles happily, like she is being saved by a punishment, while Baek Hyun gets curious more. "Yu Ri-ah, can you help me? Those Chinese relatives are driving me mad."

"I can see it from here. Where is your boyfriend, by the way?"

"Talking to Kyung Soo oppa."

"I am so surprised they can get along, after all, six years ago they were fighting intensely to get you."  Baek Hyun comments, and then he lets his wife goes along with In Young. In Young then asks her help to package the souvenirs, since they were unpacked. It was a disaster, actually. Min Ah, the one who was on charge on the souvenirs, suddenly messed up in the preparation. Good thing none of the parents-to-be are angry. They forgive Min Ah, although they are curious. Min Ah is not usual to become so messy like this. Messy is for In Young, just look at her six years of life. It was a messy life. Min Ah is now helping the mothers for mounting their gifts, and because she has messed with the souvenirs, In Young thinks maybe her help to the souvenir section would not hurt. At least, it can help Min Ah a bit. 

"She hasn't told you anything? Really?"  asks In Young to Yu Ri. Yu Ri nods, "Yes, she hasn't told me anything. After we came back from our honeymoon, she was so excited about the possibility of Jong In sunbaenim's proposal to her. But just few weeks after that, she looked so terrible, like having a downfall or something. I have tried to talk to her, but she dismissed the topic, saying that everything was alright." 

"She said that exact thing to me too. Se Hun has heard all complaints and uneasiness from Jong In oppa. He talked to me whether I could get some infromation, but I guess it didn't work. Is there anything you remember, Yu Ri-ah? Like something? I ask this because, frankly, I was so busy with Se Hun and his moving into my apartment. I haven't gotten any time to really--"

"I get it. No, nothing particular happened,"  and then she gaped, "maybe there is something."


"I have checked myself to Joon Myun sunbaenim before I got married to, you know, just to ensure things. I just don't want to keep secret from Baek Hyun oppa about my....mine."  In Young nods; she understands, "and I told her that she should check herself too, because you know...."

"Yeah. I understand. So she checked to Joon Myun sunbaenim?"

"She has never told me, but I think she has. Maybe something happened. Maybe the result makes her like this. After I remember again, she was changed after my suggestion."   In Young then sees Min Ah. She looks so exhausted yet tries her best to smile to everyone. Min Ah is like a person who carried a big burden. 

"Yu Ri-ah, we need to do our usual thing."

"Our what? Ah! That thing! Where will it take the place?" 

"I will ask some waitress and sevants here to clear a room for us. Maybe we can use it for a while." 




"Why are you telling me this, hyung? I am not even qualified to know this!"  Se Hun yells to Kyung Soo, who sighs heavily. 

"You are the closest person Jong In has, well, since you are working for him and practically, you are his cousin-in-law, who is also dating his girlfriend's best friend. Joon Myun hyung absolutely can't tell everyone about this, since it is classified and he himself has vowed Min Ah-sshi to keep it as a secret." 

"But, why? What is your intention of telling me this?"

"I mean you can tell Jong In at the right time."

"For what? It will ruin their relationship! Min Ah-sshi herself has to tell it to him directly!"

"Or maybe,"  Kyung Soo talks, "you can tell In Young about this. She can comfort her friend, along with Yu Ri."  Then he stops, "wait. Yu Ri will be in disadvantage condition."  Se Hun groans. 

"And why is that? Is she having the same condition with Min Ah and she hasn't told Baek Hyun hyung? That is a disaster since you know how fond Baek Hyun hyung is to--"

"Yu Ri is pregnant. I am her gynecologist. She is about to tell Baek Hyun about this, along with her friends."  Se Hun feels like his body is getting hit by a truck. "What?"

On the other side, I mean, another room, Min Ah is asked to sit in the middle of smaller room next to the venue. Min Ah looks confused with her two friends. 

"Okay, what is this?"  She asks when her friends drag chairs and sit circling her. 

"Remember this? This is how we have spilled every secrets in our life, and we will vow to keep it secret."  In Young says. "So, I think we have some secrets ready to be spilled."

"Guys, really,"  Min Ah speaks, "we don't have to do it. We have nothing to hide."

"Well, I have,"  Yu Ri smiles, and In Young and Min Ah looks to her curiously, "so sit down because I will spill it. I will tell you before my husband knows. God, I will get yelled by him after doing this."

"What is it?" 

"I am pregnant!"  In Young and Min Ah looks so shocked, but then one of them is smiling genuinely, while another one is smiling bitterly. 

"Congratulations! That is why you look to him like you want to tell him something!"  In Young talks happily, "Who has guessed you will be the first one to have a child? Congratulations, Yu Ri-ah!"  In Young hugs her, and then both of them look to Min Ah, who is still frozen at her seat. "Min Ah? Is there anything you want to say to our best friend here?"

However Min Ah just sits there, and then she begins to cry. 

"What? What is it, Min Ah?" 

"Stop....stop it...."

"Stop what?"

"STOP TORTURING ME WITH THESE BABIES' THINGS! STOP THIS!"  She frantically yells and then pushes Yu Ri. Good thing Yu Ri doesn't fall down since she wears flat shoes and the push is not really that hard. However, that could harm her and the fetus, or baby, or whatever you want to call it. 

"Min Ah! What is wrong with you?"  In Young tries to be the middle woman because, well, she is the one in the fit condition. Yu Ri unconsiously gets herself far away from Min Ah, who struggles; she is like about to break things and In Young, who is gripping both of her hands. 

"Min Ah! Calm down!" 

"No! Let me go!" 

"In Young-ah!"  Yu Ri yells as In Young gets thrown into the side and her body hits the floor. She then struggles to get up. Yu Ri gets out to call for help, since In Young is injured and Min Ah is a mess; she is crying and yelling, saying sorry to In Young. 

"Help! Help!"  Yu Ri yells and Thank God, Kyung Soo and Se Hun are still at the hallway. They run and find the two girls. 

"In Young, I am so sorry. Please, I am so sorry."

"That's okay. Min Ah, tell me what happened,"  but before she can tell, Se Hun lifts In Young, "are you alright?"

"I am okay. It looks like my ankle is sprained."  Se Hun then looks so angry to Min Ah.

"What is it?"  

Jong In has come, and that makes In Young tries to calm Se Hun before he explodes. Min Ah is just crying, saying sorry to both Yu Ri and In Young. Jong In runs to his girlfriend, and hugs her, "are you okay? What happened?"  On the other side, Kyung Soo holds Yu Ri and tells her to go back, since her safety was on the edge before. 

Min Ah continuously cries. Jong In then takes her out from the room. In Young then is approached by both pregnant mothers. The baby shower is a mess now. 

"Does she need to go to hospital?"  asks Ji Eun. In Young shakes her head, "no need, unnie. I am sorry for ruining the party."

"Go to hell with the party! I know something is wrong with Min Ah now!"  Hee Joo speaks, "are you sure, In Young-sshi? I will ask Chan Yeol to lend his car to Se Hun. You need to get treatment." 

"Or maybe I can ask that stupid driver of my husband to deliver both of you to doctor. Bad thing Joon Myun has left. Where is Kyung Soo, by the way?"  Ji Eun offers too. In Young just smiles. She is not really worried about herself; it is just a light (well, not-so-light) sprained ankle. But Min Ah's condition, she got so irritated and broke down when she heard the news of Yu Ri's pregnancy. She yelled about stop torturing her with these babies. 

"I think I can get my brother-in-law's car, noona. I am so thankful about your concern. I am so sorry about the mess,"  Se Hun bows to everyone there, "I'll get the car. I will tell you what happened, but you have to promise me you will not leak it to everyone, got it?"  He whispers to her. In Young nods. Not long after that, Se Hun comes with car key at his hand. 

"What is it?"  asks In Young when they are in the car. 

"Where do you want to go? To the doctor clinic or hospital?"

"Se Hun!"

"I am asking!"

"Okay, doctor clinic will do. Now tell me. What has actually happened?"  

There is a silence before Se Hun decides to speak, "your friend, Min Ah, has herself checked by Joon Myun hyung."

"How do you know this? Joon Myun sunbaenim told you?"

"No, Kyung Soo hyung, but that is not the point now. Min Ah has gotten the result, and it was not a nice result."

"What? What is it?"  

"But, promise me, you will never leak this information to everyone. I want to hear Min Ah herself tells this to Jong In hyung."

"Okay, I promise. What is it? And why does this have something to do with Jong In oppa?"

"She can't have children, In Young. She can't have babies. That is the result. That is the explanation why she gets so agitated about this baby shower and distracted for the whole time. Jong In hyung really wants children, he even has told me about his dream to have a big, happy family, like grandmother. She must be feeling worthless after the result." 


In Young can't close . 


"That is why she was angry to Yu Ri."

"Has Yu Ri told you guys?" 

"Yes, she has."

"Then she has to know, before your friendship is broken. Min Ah is not at her right mind now."  




In Young secretly cries. Min Ah must be in lot of pain. Suddenly, her sprained ankle is not so hurt anymore. 



there! this is the update! I hope you guys like it, and do not worry, this thing actually can bring us to the biggest explosion, which is....their separation again, of course. I am so happy to torture our main couple, seriously, hahahahahaha *evil laugh* 

about the classified thing between doctor and patient, I do not know that, since I am not learning deeper about health law (yes there is class about health law but I didn't really pay attention at that class, just hit me if you want....hey! Have I told you that I am a law student? Yes, I am. There, I said it. I should know the regulation but yeah, I am a bad student) so I just took the knowledge from TV shows that I have watched, like CSI or Castle hahahaha

and yeah, Joon Myun told Kyung Soo so that some people of the group can know the condition. You will know why he did that.  


@naxralee: I have featured the bad story for Min Ah. I hope you have guessed it hehehe, and yes, I am so sorry for the long-lost before. 

@shikasic: thank you! I hope this chapter is making you more interested to this story! Welcome! 

@DekMaEXO: I am so sorry about the characters and everything. If this can help, please read Crush on You and some side-stories of it. The characters are featured there too hehe

@KawKaw: thank you for waiting! Here it is, the latest update! I hope you like it! 


comments are my happiness, so do please comment hehehehe


thank you! XOXO

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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..