Their First Encounter

Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)

The wedding party goes well. Both groom and the bride are happy, also with their families. Chan Yeol smiles when he sees Mrs. Byun, Baek Hyun's mother is producing tears. Maybe she had never thought that his only son will get married. Baek Hyun was a playboy since....maybe since he was born. And only Song Yu Ri, now the new Mrs. Byun Baek Hyun, can tame the playboy. Chan Yeol remembers again how pathetic Baek Hyun was when Yu Ri left him. Well, that is over now. They are happy together.

"Don't smile creppily like that," his wife snaps him out, "you look weird. Haven't I told you that for thousand times?" 

"Why are you so bothered with the way I smile? If I recall, you fall for me because my stunning smile."  Hee Joo pouts. 

"Really, Park Chan Yeol? Are you always this proud?"

"And you pretend you don't know that. We have been together for six years, Tinkerbell."

"And please--"

"You are always my Tinkerbell."  Chan Yeol kisses her cheek lovingly. She pouts again, but then smiles, "whatever, you Peter Pan."

On the other hand Lu Han and his little family are enjoying the scenery too. Suddenly, Ji Eun puts her head on Lu Han's shoulder. 

"What? Are you tired? Should I call Joon Myun here?"

"Shut up. Don't be so scared. Geez, like you haven't been in this situation before."

"It's always like the first time for me. Are you okay?"  Lu Han's face becomes so worried. Ji Eun sighs. 

"I am just tired. Flying to Seoul is tiring, and that includes keeping your daughter."  Lu Han smiles again, "don't say 'your daughter.' She is yours too."

"Mom! Dad! Yi Lin is alone there!"

"God, why Eun Soo doesn't keep her daughter? Where is she?"  Lu Han growls. Ji Eun giggles seeing how worried Lu Han. Xiao Feng just came from the bar line, which means Eun Soo, Lu Han's cousin, is leaving her daughter behind there. 

"Maybe it should be Yi Fan ge who takes care of their daughter." 


Yi Fan, or you can call Kris, is actually talking to Se Hun. They are both in the corner, drinking the wedding drinks, while seeing the bride and the groom who share their love story. 

"This wedding is beautiful."

"You never told me that you have already had a daughter, ge."

"Sorry. Things got so busy in Canada. Even Eun Soo can't go back earlier here as she promised to her family."  Kris drinks, "how about you? Any news?"

"Nothing special."

"No girls, perhaps?"  Kris asks curiously. Se Hun smiles, a pity smile, "nope. There is none."

"You should forgive yourself,"  Kris gives an advice, "this is your weakness. You alawys live in your past. You have to move on. Look, the girl has moved on too, if I can see. She smiles happily there."  

"No, her hair is still short."

"Has it even been occured to you that she maybe find short-cut hair is fine for her?"  Kris knows about the incident six years ago. He still remembers how Se Hun cried to him over the phone. An international phone. Kris swears this Seo family is so rich, but he doesn't really want to meddle in that wealth things. That is why he asks Eun Soo to stay in Canada instead going back to Korea. 

"Thanks ge, but no. Whenever I see her with short hair, I always remember it."  Since you like my long hair so much, I will cut it, so you will like me no more.

Kris keeps silent. He knows that Se Hun is now dancing in his memories. His gaze is so intensely directed to In Young, who doesn't really realize much because she is there, laughing happily with Yu Ri and Min Ah. 

On that side, the bridesmaids and the bride are having fun with photos. Jong Dae takes the photo, while Baek Hyun and Kyung Soo are giggling seeing how immature those girls can be. 

"Well, that is the last one."  Those three friends are protesting, "hey! It should be us now! The groom and his friends!"  Jong Dae yells to them. 

"Alright, alright,"  Kyung Soo walks into the middle, becoming the moderator again, "maybe Jong Dae is right. We should change places. I will call Chan Yeol first."  And he waves to Chan Yeol, who immediately realizes and walks toward the podium. 

"I will take the photo."  In Young offers herself, only to be blocked by Kyung Soo, "please, I will take the photo. You just have to get ready preparing another ridiculous poses with your friends."

"Thank you, oppa."  She steps aside and walks to her friends in the left side, while Baek Hyun, Jong Dae and Chan Yeol are crazily posing. In Young can't get over how Chan Yeol has married to Hee Joo, the most mature one, while he is....still a child. Jong Dae too. He has married, to his longtime Japanese girlfriend, who they (the gank) had just known one year ago, despite the fact that they have been together since high school, and he still is a immature one. They found out about Mrs. Kim Jong Dae in Chan Yeol's wedding. His wife isn't here, for your information. She stays in Tokyo because of her work.

And that is when her eyes catch Se Hun's intense gaze. She becomes flustered. Truthfully, this is the first time they finally meet after they broke up. Both of them, for this six years, have naturally avoided each other. When Lu Han's wedding five years ago, for example, Se Hun was there, of course, and naturally he left early just to make time for In Young to come and congratulate the young couple (at that time), and came back at almost exact time when In Young left. And it is always like that. He is not there, when she is there, and vise versa.

Both in Baek Hyun's wedding, looks like their synchronization is gone. They end up in the same place at the same time. Of course, In Young can't excuse herself because it is her best friend wedding. And Se Hun probably can't leave too because Lu Han's family is here for the first time after Xiao Feng's birth. He is really close to Lu Han and Ji Eun, so leaving early maybe is not his option now.

"Hey! Are you daydreaming now? Your friends are ready to take some photos again."  In Young knows it is Kyung Soo's voice, reminding her that the ridiculous photo's session is about to begin again. But she can't take her eyes from Se Hun's eyes, as his gaze is also fixed to In Young. 

Suddenly, she feels her eyes are filled with tears. She remembers, suddenly, about the incident. About that horrifying picture of Se Hun and the other girl there. In the bed, together.....

She runs away from the podium, without giving excuse, making her friends are calling her desperately. 


In Young has repaired her make-up. It was destroyed by her tears in the public bathroom. She doesn't really care when people are knocking her stall. And now she is ready to see the world, when she sees a foreigner in the same bathroom, washing her hands while In Young is getting her cosmetics' kit. She smiles to  In Young. 

"Mia, right?"  In Young talks in English. As her work is now as an interpreter, english is no problem again for her. She smiles and bows to her, "hello there. You must be my fiancee's friend, because you know my name."  Turns out she can speak korean well. Kyung Soo has taught her well to speak his mother tounge. 

"Yes, I am Kyung Soo oppa's friend. My name is Han In Young."

"Ah! Han In Young! Do you know that it was a quite difficult job to erase you from his heart?"  In Young just can smile. Mia, on the other hand, is smiling proudly. In Young feels a bit uncomfortable, but Mia's smile assure her that there is not hard feeling, but still, she has to keep a distance from Kyung Soo now, especially in front of Mia. 

"I have to go first."

"We can just be together. I also want to go back to the hall."  In Young can't say no. She comes out from the bathroom with Mia, only to find a certain guy is leaning on the wall across the entrance. 

Se Hun is there. 

In Young gulps. He definitely waits for her. Mia says hi to Se Hun, and realizes that the girl beside her is freezing. Understanding the situation, Mia excuses herself to go to the hall, leaving both In Young and Se Hun starring at each other. 

"Hi."  That is the word that comes out from In Young's mouth. For six years they have never talked before, that is the first word between them.

"Hi too. How are you?"  Se Hun asks, as he gets closer to In Young. In Young, on the other hand, walks back from him. 

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine too. Where are you living now? What is your job?"

"I'm living...alone."  Pathetic, In Young says in her heart. He is asking where is it, not with whom I am living!  "and I'm now an interpreter. From Chinese to Korean and English to Korean. For a corporation."

"That is good."  And now In Young's back is kissing the wall. There is no turning back. Se Hun's body is getting closer to her. In Young gulps, "how about you?"

"Me? I'm living with Woo Young now,"  he answers as the same way with In Young. Out of nowhere, In Young is relieved. He is not living with any random girls, "and I'm working, together, with him, as financial advisors."

"Oh yeah? Where is it?"

"Unfortunately, it is a secret."  He smirks. In Young still remember freshly how he smirks, and even though it has been for six years, his smirks is not changed at all. 

"Why is that?"

"Well, that is what is written in the contract. You can't ask again."


"How about boyfriend? Do you have one? Because if you have, I haven't seen him here."  Se Hun asks again. In Young is torn between punching him in the face or blurting to him, or just kissing him because only God knows she misses him a lot. And even he broke her heart again, she is still longing for him. As Min Ah said six years ago, it looks like you live just to love him, In Young. No matter how his attitude to you, you always find yourself fall for him, again and again. Don't deny that. The time will come, when you realize you can't release yourself from him

And she is right. Maybe Min Ah has to try to work as a psychic. Because she can excacty extrapolate the moment, like right now. 

And the winner is....."no. I have no boyfriend, now."  She emphazises 'now'. Se Hun is smiling again. 

"And I'm single too." 

"Yeah, I can predict that. You are living with Woo Young, that means--"

"I'm sorry, In Young-ah. About what happened six years ago."  In Young's face becomes hardened. He brings this topic again. Se Hun can't even forget it too. 

"That has nothing to do--"

"Of course it has! I was a fool at that time. I was angry to you, yes. But I shouldn't do--"

"We broke up because we have different views of our relationship. You wanted to do it early, when I didn't want."

"And I was a fool because of that. I'm really sorry, even though I know I can't even get your trust again, but just this."  And he touches her hair. She shivers suddenly. 

"What are you doing?"

"Your hair."  He talks softly, "please, just release it from your anger. No matter what kind of hair you have, I still like you, In Young-ah."  

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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..