Let's Break Up

Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)

Se Hun walks slowly in front of In Young's work floor in order to get to her cubicle. His hands are sweating and people around him can see that he is nervous. The might be thinking that he is on the way for job's interview, but this is way too big for him. He doesn't even care when Jong In's brother was kind of searching him earlier because he needed him. Woo Young can take the job from him if he wants. He now cares about his upcoming family. 

His hand secures a mysterious rectangle box that is hidden in his pocket. He is now wearing this long coat that so he will easily get that box out from his pocket. He asked Gong Chan's help on choosing the best thing for showing his commitment. Oh, you might be thinking that it is a ring, but it is not. He keeps moving his feet as he he is searching for her cubicle. He is so happy when he sees Hye Ri on the photocopy machine. He approaches her. 

"Hye Ri-sshi?" 

"Yes?"  She turns around, "OH MY GOD! YOU SCARE ME!" 

"How could I scare you? Do I have face-paint or something?"

"No! Your appearance makes me shocked!"  Then she smiles, "how are you?"

"Where is she?"  He looks really impatient. 

"She is in her cubicle,"  she answers, but then she sees frown in Se Hun's face, "what?"

"I know she is in her cubicle. I don't know where it is."

"Geez, have you ever picked her up from here?"

"I always wait at the parking lot."  She groans. At least, Woo Young is a bit more romantic than Se Hun. "Come on, follow me."  Se Hun obidiently follows her and she walks in front of him. "So, I have heard from her that you reject the baby. I guess you come here to ask an apology." 

"Yeah. I was so stupid, but now I know I have to be with her." 

"Good to know. For this one week, she doesn't do her job really well. Our Director is a bit angry but confused, but luckily, he knows that she is pregnant so he thinks that it is one of her mood swings." 

"The boss....do you mean....?"

"Yeah, the one and only Min Sun Woo. He understands that she is pregnant; he even offers to take her back to your place for several times."  She glances and chuckles to see more frowning Se Hun. "Hey, don't worry. Didn't I tell you that he has no interest at In Young or any other girls?"

"You just made it sound like he is my big competitor."

"Don't worry. You now need to worry whether she will forgive you or not."  Se Hun agrees in his heart. He should think about that. There is big possibility that she will not forgive him at all. 

He has broken her heart for four times. The first one, of course, you guys know, when he harshly and coldly rejected her in their graduation day. Second, when the noona kissed him and he didn't do anything; he even asked her to give some time *indirectly asked* to settle things down, and then.....six years ago. 

He was so angry to In Young because of her constant insecurity toward their relationship. After Lu Han got married *secretly married* to Ji Eun and was running away here and there, In Young asked to help by calling her friends. She found this Sun Woo and asked to help Lu Han, since she thought that Sun Woo could help him. That is why she suddenly got closer to him and made Se Hun jealous. Making it more complicated, In Young got influenced by him and his relationship with his past girlfriend. She thought that it was the perfect relationship and demanded Se Hun to be more like Sun Woo. Se Hun got it enough. He didn't want to be somebody else but her nagging was too much. 

And so, he drank too much at one point to release his anger and frustration, then ended up waking up beside a strange girl that he didn't even want to meet anymore. In Young found them (how she found them is complicated one) and ran away. When Se Hun finaly got her relative's address, he almost got hit by flower vases. That is how that throwing vases joke comes from. They broke up, but when time flows, Se Hun realizes it is all just their foolishness. 


And In Young realizes that too. She realizes her mistake. That is how they agree to be together again. 


Se Hun keeps following Hye Ri until they arrive in one point. In Young is in her serious mode as she continues typing on her computer. 

"Hey, someone here needs to see you."  In Young looks up and frowns to see awkwardly smiling Se Hun. He suddenly feels that the floor breaks and he was fallen into the ground. Her frown shows that she hasn't even forgiven him. 

"Uh, hi."

"What are you doing here?"  she asks coldly. Hye Ri takes it as the cue for her to leave. But somehow, she keeps eavesdropping. 

"We need to talk."

"Then talk in here."  He sighes; he knows that he still has little chance to be together with her again. He follows what Gong Chan suggested earlier, that he had to wait for at least one week to offer himself to her again. Well, he keeps updating news by leaving messages and voice mail but she doesn't even reply any of them.

"In Young-ah, I am so sorry."  He begins to talk, "I know I am coward. I didn't want to have responsibility but I am afraid, and, will you listen to me first?"  He asks tha because he sees her trying to open , possibly to reply him. 

She closes and gives him signal to go on. "I am afraid because of my past. You know how my childhood life was. I was constantly being not loved by my own father and he acted like I was a germ and demon or something like that. I am afraid I will do that instead to the baby once I meet him. I don't wan to be my father, In Young. That memory haunts me. I am sorry but it's not like I don't want the baby; I don't believe on myself. I don't believe that I can raise him well. I don't believe that I can be a good father for him."  

In Young just sits at her chair and looks puzzled. 

"But Gong Chan hyung made me realized that no one can instantly become a good person without learning first. I have to learn to be a good father, and that is with you. I want this baby as much as you and I know I probably will not become the best father in all over the world but I am trying to be the best for him. Please, In Young, forgive me and let me back to you all." 


There is this painful silence. It seems like all people on that floor are listening to Se Hun's confession. 


"But....I don't want to be hurt again, Se Hun."  In Young finally says something. "I think we should just.....stay away from each other first."  

Se Hun can feel the pang in his heart. 

"You....you don't forgive me?"

"No! I now understand but I need time. I can't just let you get back again without realizing myself that I can trust you. Deep down, I--"  In Young stops. She has thought about this decision after hearing and reading tons of Se Hun's messages. She needs this arrangement. 

"I don't think I can trust you at all,"  she speaks, "I mean....it was just like a dream come true when you told me you wanted me six years ago. I still can't believe you, the most famous guy in the school, wanted me. And it still goes until now. I realize it. That is why I didn't want to hear your explanation at all. I still have this trust issue which makes me believe that you just....you just play with me." 

"What? Play with you? Do you think I--"  Se Hun loses words. He wants to yell at her but he is at the state of asking apology from her. He has been waiting for her for these six years and she still thinks that he plays with her heart? What kind of man does she think he is? 

"I am sorry. I forgive you and I understand your point. But now, I think I need time to be alone first. I need to rethink again." 

"How about our--"

"I will think about that. I am so sorry, Se Hun."  She cries and closes her face with her palms. Se Hun approches her and kneels in front of her. He takes out that mysterious box that he has been holding into. 



"I give this to you."  It is a necklace. The pendant is the birth stone of hers and his. Diamond. 

"What? What is this?"

"Well, I would like to give this to you as proposal gift but I guess you need time,"  Se Hun answers, "I somehow understand. We need time to rethink again. I need to be prepared and to convince myself that I can be a good father for the baby and you can make sure of your feeling."

"But....but what if I don't want to be together--"

"The baby is still ours,"  he smiles genuinely to her, "I will not walk back from you even though you don't want to be together with me again. I give you this just for a present. Don't feel burdened because of this present."

"But, Se Hun--"

"I say I understand. I will contact you later, okay?"  In Young is left dumbfounded. She is pretty sure Se Hun is angry to her so she cries more. Hye Ri comes from somewhere and soothes her. "Calm down, okay? It might stress the baby."

On the other hand, Se Hun walks out from the building with empty heart. In Young just told him to back off from her. She still doesn't believe even though for this time he tried his best to make sure his feelings is real.....until the baby news coming. But Se Hun knows he can't be still in guilty state. He has to move on. He has to do everything to make In Young sure that his feelings is real; that he is ready for her and the baby. 




Jong In receives a letter from his assistant. He frowns when he sees it. 

"What is it?"

"Uh, I don't know, Sir,"  she replies, "the mail carrier gave me this morning. He said that the person sent it only for you."  Jong In keeps frowning as he opens the letter. He reads the content and sighs. 

It is coming from Joon Myun. He says sorry about what happened and says that he should tell him sooner but he respects Min Ah's decision. Well, Min Ah called him, as he says in the letter, about everything so he feels guilty. He feels like he plays part in their messy relationship. 

Jong In immediately gets the phone and calls Joon Myun. A girl picks it up. 


"Is this Kim Joon Myun's house?"  Jong In has to ask because there has been never a girl at his house. Who is this girl? 

"Yes, this is Doctor Kim Joon Myun's house. Who am I speaking with?"

"I am Kim Jong In; I am his junior at university. Is he still at the house?"

"I am sorry, he has gone to the hospital. He said it was emergency, since one of his patients will bear. I am here to keep Joon, Mr. Kim Jong In."  Ah, so she might be a non-permanent babysitter, Jong In thinks. Joon Myun does that when no one inside of his family and his late wife's can keep Joon when he is working. 

"Okay then. Thank you for the information." 

"You're welcome."  Jong In then dials the hospital's phone number. Luckily, Joon Myun can be reached. 

"Hyung! It's me."

"I know. The nurse told me,"  Joon Myun answers, "what do you want to talk about? Is it about the letter?"

"Yeah, what else then?"

"Jong In, listen, I can't really say that I understand what you feel but Min Ah is as confused and sad as you too. She knows about your dream to have many children and then she found out she can't fulfill it. She was confused. I don't say what she did is right, but you might want to rethink again before you accuse her of not knowing you."

"Did she ask you to convince me?"

"Jong In, don't be so sarcastic. She called me because she wanted to move back to her grandmother's place." 


"Yeah, you hear me. She wanted to leave Seoul and live peacefully with her grandmother. Perhaps she thinks the best way to resolve this is to just run away. I will not really blame her, though, she thinks that you don't want to see her and as far as I know, your circle of friends is quite same, so she does what she thinks for the best."  Jong In just stays silent. "Hey, Jong In? Are you still there?"

"Hyung, where is her hometown?"

"Who knows? Should you be the one who knows?"  Joon Myun talks, "I have to go since....WHAT? OKAY! Uh, Jong In, maybe you want to come to hospital now."


"I am staying for one day in the hospital because of their condition. It goes to with Kyung Soo."

"What do you mean--"  Jong In realizes. He watches the clock and gulps. Ji Eun and Hee Joo will bear their children!

"Is it now?"

"It's more likely like that. I have to go. Could you inform anyone else since I don't really think the fathers here can be logical?"

"Okay. Good luck, hyung." 




Just this morning, In Young and Se Hun officially breaks up, but now they are side-by-side waiting for the deliveries. It is just so funny that both mothers want to deliver the babies at the same time and that leaves the fathers histerical. Chan Yeol yelled couple times to Lu Han since he thought that Lu Han would not be as histerical as he was. Well, no matter how many children you have, you will always be histerical when you find out the wife will bear the baby. 

People who are waiting for them can hear the shouting between the mothers and the fathers. In Young can feel the panic on the fathers as they keep supporting the mothers on pushing the babies.

And then, the baby cries are heard. Everyone is relieved. 

As the door opens, Joon Myun and Kyung Soo comes out and smiles. Then they give the way for the fathers to present their babies. Everyone is gasping and giving congratulations for those little boys. Chan Yeol and Lu Han are shining with happiness. 

In Young can't hold her tears as she sees the babies are on their fathers' hands. She immediately imagine on how her baby will be. Will he be carried by his father just like them? Or will he be just alone with her? 

Suddenly, Se Hun holds her shoulders, "don't ever think I will leave you. Even if you want me to leave from your life, I will always be there for you. I will be there for the baby too." He whispers. 




okay, one more and then it's finished (with epilogue too) 

Uh, I would like to thank to those who are patiently waiting for me. I am sorry I am a bad writer. 


@Naikha04: ehehehehe *I only can laugh at your request*  thank you for the compliment!

@Kristina97only: I am sorry it took long time to update :( but do you like this chapter? Let me know!


and for others, COMMENT, PLEASE XD

thank you






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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..