Our First Night

Only You (Sequel to Crush on You)

Pray for me, readers....I even have to go to a certain ministry of my country's government for my essay....wish me luck on my essay *keep praying*


In Young stares to him. She has a blank stare, because she is shocked of what he just said. He still loves me? For all of these six years? That is lie! He even slept with another girl six years ago, completely broken my heart!

"Please, Se Hun-sshi."  She uses formal call to him, "I cut my hair now because I find it easy to be taken care of. I mean, I don't have to get frustrated about the breaking hair."  She tries to joke, obviously.....

Se Hun is smiling, replaying the fake smile that In Young just gave to him, "oh yes, of course. That is your right. I just give you my opinion, In Young-sshi."  And we go back to square one. 

"Well,"  Se Hun has given a space to In Young, "maybe we should go back. They must have been waiting for us."

"You are right. Let's go." 



"No matter how I see it, Se Hun is at the wrong side!"

"Seriously, Min Ah? We should talk about this? I'm tired and now I'm driving." 

"Oppa! I'm serious! He didn't even apologize to her."

"You are wrong. He has done it thousand times."  Min Ah blinks her eyes toward Jong In. "Realy? In Young never tells me."

"Maybe because you are short-tempered and six years ago if you heard his name, you would probably kill him."

"Damn you are right!"  Jong In smirks to his new girlfriend. Min Ah looks completely pissed about what happened earlier in the party. In Young's runaway and sudden comeback with the person she should hate most in this world, Oh Se Hun. Jong In knows how destroyed both parties because of that stupid incident (he had punished Se Hun with horrible way, maybe you should not know about that), and how Se Hun has punished himself too. And he knows that Se Hun had asked forgiveness to In Young. Well, she forgave him, at least, but naturally, they always avoid each other, as if in their own hearts, they are not forgiving. 

With one look to In Young, Jong In can also say that In Young somehow punishes herself too. The incident, actually, was so stupid. Se Hun slept with another girl, that it was. But long before it, both of them had a same issue: trust. Trust to each other. People might seen their reason to break up was because Se Hun was impatient to sleep with her, but In Young was a bit shy (Jong In doesn't know about her current / love condition, he doesn't want to ask Min Ah) about the topic. And yes, even in their mind, they use that horrible reason as their reason of breaking up. However, their closest people know the truth, excluding Min Ah because around that incident happened, Min Ah was not around. She got summer school in America, thus she missed the whole point. Because of that, she is now, with all other people, blaming Se Hun completely. 

Se Hun didn't believe In Young, because she had found her first love. At that time, people knew, finally, that Se Hun was not, and is not, her first love. He is her senior in junior high school, named Min Sun Woo. And she was so comfortable toward him at that time. 

In Young didn't believe in Se Hun, because sometimes Se Hun still thought about Sung Joo. Yeah, she has passed away, but Se Hun couldn't completely forget her. 

These terms made their relationship crumble, and the heat exploded when....yeah, you know. 

"Oppa, please don't daydream too deep. I don't want to get into any car accident."  Min Ah's voice is realizing Jong In. He smiles warmly to her, and takes her hand. 

"No way I will let you get any accident." 



In Young has gotten to her house, thanks to Chan Yeol and Hee Joo. They were okay to give a ride to her, and later they made her promise to visit their house, and help Hee Joo prepares baby stuff more, because Chan Yeol is really busy now. He has a fenomenal case that he need to do in the court. His client is a celebrity who gets accused of stealing and robbery. Yeah, even celebrity can also steal and rob. 

"You have two messages."

PIIP  "Hello, Han In Young! It's me, Hye Ri, Lee Hye Ri. I want to say to you, to remind you, actually, that our boss will have an important meeting with the foreign company's representatives tommorow, at 10 o'clock. I hope you are not late, and as you collaguaes I have to remind you hehe. Bye then!"

PIIP  "In Young-ah, this is your mother. Don't forget your cousin's birthday party is about to come. You do remember that you promise to visit them at his birthday party? Please don't forget. I am fine here. I love you my daughter." 

She smiles after hearing those messages. She tries to open her clothes, her bridesmaid gown, but not to avail. The dress is so hard to be opened. The zipper is stuck. 

KNOCK! KNOCK! Who is it? Ah, maybe Hee Joo-sshi. Maybe I forget something. So she walks freely to the door, and opens it. Next thing she knows, she is face-to-face with Se Hun, who brings her purse. 

"Hey, I'm sorry, Yu Ri-sshi said that you forget your purse in the chamber. And she forces me to return it to you. She even gave me your address."  Se Hun quickly explains why he is there, and later sees that In Young's dress is half-open. 

"Errr, are you okay? Your dress--"  In Young's panic reaction cut his words. But the zip is having treachery toward her. It is really stuck. 

"Let me help you."

"No, thanks."

"In Young-sshi, you sure do have struggle to open the dress. Unless you want Woo Young to help you, because if you want somebody else to help you, I don't see anyone else."  In Young realizes it, of course. Her neighbourhood is somehow not the kind and warm one. They are living by themseleves, more because they are all single and working. And Woo Young's help....she better have someone who has known her (and her body) to help her. 

"Please come in."

"Thanks."  And Se Hun comes into her apartment. In the car, Woo Young are quite confused what takes Se Hun so long. Later he thinks that Se Hun probably has kissed In Young. He giggles because of his wild imagination, and leaves the scene, thinking that his imagination is true (this is one bad or good friend). 

Se Hun looks the apartment around. She definitely is single. I mean, look at the stuff! There is no indicator that a man lives or regularly visits here

"I'm sorry."  In Young turns around, showing her back. Believe or not, Se Hun gulps because of nervousness. He can see half of In Young's back (because the zipper is stuck in the middle) and he is pushed, by his feeling, to touch her, her skin. He wants to feel her skin, is it still as smooth as I remember?

"Se Hun-sshi?"

"Ah yes. Please stay still."  Se Hun is snapped from his own thought. He carefully tries to open the zipper, but he has no luck too. The zipper is officialy broken. In Young gasps many times because of Se Hun's hands movements. She doesn't want to think dirty but she can't help it. Her brain is not cooperating with her conciousness right now. 

"Do you have any knife?"  What? Why would he need a knife?  "In the kitchen."

"I'll be right back."  And Se Hun approaches kitchen. He finds what she means. A knife, just a small knife. Then he returns. 

"Just stay still. I don't want to hurt you. And put your hands at your...chest. Hold the dress."  In Young, without thinking, puts her hand as Se Hun has instructed. Later she feels that Se Hun is literally ripping the dress.

"That's it."  In Young can feel coldness on her back. Yes, there is no single stitch to cover her back. What Se Hun sees is what he never thinks he will see it again. 

"I better change my clothes. Thank you."

"Ye...ah. You're welcome."  And In Young runs toward her bedroom, and slams the door. Se Hun is lost in his thought, but later he snaps back and put the knife back at its place. Not long after that, In Young comes out, fully-dressed. 

"I guess I should leave."

"Yeah. Please send my regards to Woo Young-sshi."

"I will."  And Se Hun runs to the door. In Young sighs when he disappears, thinking about how lucky things have been. However, her thought is broken again because of someone knocking the door. She opens it and sees Se Hun is there, again. 

"Woo Young has left me behind."  He shows his pitiful cute smile, and In Young can't help but laughing. Hard. 

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. I guess he has his own problem. I come here because I don't know this place. I mean, we got here because of GPS machine so that we could reach your place. I want to ask you about the transportation, maybe I can catch up." 

"There is a bus stop, but it so far away. I can go there with you."

"No thanks. It's already late, and you are a girl. Something might have been happened to you. Remember you and the gank? Me and the twins were helping you?"  Of course I remember that

"It's okay, Se Hun-sshi. This is my neighbourhood. I can take care of myself. I am 26 years old now, not 19 years old anymore."


"You do want to go home, right? I can help you with that." 



The road feels so far for both of them. They keep silence until they reach the bus stop. 

"Thank you, In Young-sshi."

"No problem. I can wait the bus too."

"Please, don't. You should go back."

"I just want to assure myself you can go back. You ended up here is partially my fault for leaving my purse."  Se Hun smiles to In Young. They should be like this, in friendly way, but this feeling called love is meddling betweeen them. They are, until now, not friends. They are just strangers who happened to fall in love and still does until now. 

"You really don't have to."

"I insist, Se Hun-sshi."  Se Hun gives up. In Young is still the stubborn girl he has known. He smiles and sees the scenery. All of the shops and cafes there are closed, contrast to Se Hun's place, where everything are open 24/7. 

"This place is so quiet."

"Yes. This is the reason I choose this neighbourhood. And there is no bad guys, because this place is too quiet. I bet your place is crowded as hell." 

"Yes. It is so crowded."

"How is your sister? Sae Byuk eonnie?"  asks In Young. 

"She is fine. She has another best-seller book and she is so happy about it."

"I have heard that. I am happy for her too. Maybe I will buy the book. And the others?"

"My brother-in-law is still working as CEO, and Eun Gyeong-ah, she has gotten so tall."  


"Yeah. And she is so talkative like her mother. I even wonder how my brother-in-law can live peacefully with those two."  In Young laughs. She can imagine how it is. Se Hun looks to her while she is laughing, and smile warmly. 


"No, I just think your laugh has never changed. It is still as same as I remember."  In Young is flustered. Se Hun says that honestly, "and you? How about Yoon ahjumma? Is she alright?"

"Yes. She is still working as a maid, though I want her not to, but she said that she enjoyed the job so I just can let her be. My uncle and his family are fine. My cousin's birthday is about to come, actually."

"Really? Who?"

"The youngest one. He will turn into fourteen years old."

"He has gotten that big?"  In Young nods again. And there is silence again. The watch has shown that it is one o'clock in the dawn. Obviously, there will be no public transportation there. Maybe in the morning, but in this hour, there is no. 

"I think there will be no vehicle. I mean, it's in the dawn."


There is a long pause again. "I think you can crash into my place for this once."

"Oh no, it's okay. I can search hotels or something else. Woo Young will be so dead because he turned off his phone!"  Yes, the other reason why they keep together is because Woo Young turns his phone off. 

"You can, Se Hun-sshi. I don't want to see you sleeping in this very bus station. And yes you can kill him in the morning. I will wake you up for the first bus."  



"There, you can sleep on the sofa. Is this blanket okay?"

"Yeah sure. Thank you, In Young-sshi."

"No problem."  Then she enters her room. She needs to recollect her feelings. She is so nervous now. Oh Se Hun is sleeping on her sofa. The guy that has been in her mind but completely broke her heart is there. The door is the only one that keep them separated. She can't let him lost in the road, right? 

"You can lock the door, In Young-sshi."  Se Hun's voice snaps her, "ah yes. Thank you." But contrary to what she just answered, she opens the door, just to take a peep. 

Se Hun opens his coat, and throws it into the couch. He has managed the blanket and the pillow. Later he does his shirt, just half, so that he can breath a bit normal. He, of course, can't sleep like the way he uses to. Then he crashes his own body into the sofa. In Young feels her cheeks are blushing so great. 

She closes the door, and walks around her bedroom, like a crazy mental person. Then she opens the door again, to make sure that Se Hun has slept, and turns out she is right. Se Hun has gone to sleep state. She approaches him, and looks closely into his face. His face is still the same, that perfectly chiseled face is still there. However, she can see some small wrinkles, probably because of laughing. Oh Se Hun laughs a lot. Something that she can't never imagine but she is interested to see more. 

She later sees contact lenses' pack there. Ah, his eyes have gotten worse. Of course, it has been for six years. She also spots a thick eyeglassess, that belong to Se Hun. And she later notices that his hand muscles are completely shown; six years ago he is still not this well-built. She had not noticed before, due to the coat that he wore before. 

"How long do you plan to examine me like this?"  

"WHOA!"  In Young suddenly jumps, but unfortunately, her head is bumped into the coffee table, "OUCH!"

"What? What happened to you?"  Se Hun immediately gets up and reaches her, who is now in pain. "Where is it?"


"Shush, don't cry. The pain will go soon."  He rubs her head gently, and as he does that, he hugs her. In Young can smeel his perfume from his shirt. She closes her eyes. 

"There. It's not hurt anymore, right?"  But In Young does something different. She hugs him, tieing her hands. 

"In Young? In Young-ah?" 

"Please don't go again. Please don't go from me again for another girl, Se Hun-ah." 


I can't believe that I can write this "butterfly in my stomach mode on" moment! Even me as the writer is giggling of entire time writing this. 

I hope you like the chapter as much as I do (I now pronounce that this is one of the best chapters I have ever written) and agree with me :) 

please do comment! I really like it when you guys give comment! :)))))))


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I am sorry but my laptop is broken and now it is at the service center. I open aff from my mom's tablet so I can't update. Thank you


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Chapter 17: Woah seriously this story is so emotional. Everyone facing obstacles ( in young and sehun jong in and min ah) but they manage to overcome all the obstacles. I'm so glad i found this story tho im a bit late
Chapter 17: This is sooo great! But I was too surprised when it just ends suddenly? Overall, it was jjang!!

Chapter 17: no
nengshannen #4
Chapter 17: Finish ??? Andwae... want more ..haha.. BTW,the story is nice..
Chapter 16: This is a great sequel full of Happy Endings but like you said the end for In Young and Sehun was super cliff hanging I was expecting a epilogue where In young gave birth to their son/daughter and they got married but at least they are together in the end of here.
You really like to have a twist and turns but it was good on the story.
I like when you sometimes give a hint on your a/n it makes me more interested to the next chapters I don't think it was a spoiler.
I'm reading the side story "Can I be Your Tinkerbell?" so see you again there.
Keep it up the good work.
areumdaunnabi_ #6
Chapter 13: "waiting for their girlfriend to open the door."

Kristina97only #7
Chapter 16: end?? end??!! aaah add more lil. like after their wedding, their childs born, blablabla that should be calm after the ending:)
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 15: i was busy packing sorry.
aaaaaaah i superb love it!!! /kiss kiss kiss kiss/
i love you /? i mean i love this story and updates. lol xD
keep update!!! :*
pnohsehun #9
Chapter 16: i cant even imagine its the end!
i want more parts!
how can sehun just leave in young like that?
that brat is really something!!
and i love your story so much....keep writing with sehun cast oke?
haynakujosh #10
Chapter 15: Update fast authornim..cant wait for the ending..