Ⓐ Behind The Scenes

✎_Behind the mushroom _⍾ | Story & Applyfic Ideas

⤫ Behind The Scenes
by JangJiMin

(Warning : Do not stare at the gif for a long period of time. :3 )


Why is it that the well edited footage are recognized but not the editors?

Why are films noticed but not the people who filmed it?

Why are actors loved but not the people who actually directed them?

Why are pretty faces praised but not the people who helped them?

Why are trends regarded upon but not the people who started them?

Plot synopsis:

5 girls of completely different characters, ages, backgrounds and abilities are pulled together to form a team, serving different boy bands.
However, they don't just want to be the best, they want to shine, to be renown, to be famous.
Along this time period they face challenges, unrequited hatred, fame and... romance?
[ Co-A/N: Ok the plot synopsis is short, I know. *^* ]

The Editor }
The editor is one who's always in her office editing clips and footage for the media. Being locked away from society, this girl is socially awkward and lacks fashion sense. When she's suddenly introduced to the 'outside world', will she shy away from everyone or will she learn something new? Something perhaps about... love?

Personality: Naive, introverted, socially awkward

Trivia: She is a computer whiz.

The youngest out of the five, however also one of the maturest. Being the eldest child in her not-so-weatlhy family, she left school for work. Without much practical knowledge she relies on her hard work and passion for her monthly salary. What happens when she meets a conceited rich guy that defies and contradicts her every word and action?
Personality: Hardworking, mature, passionate

Trivia: Her family is not very wealthy.

The Director } 
Loud, bold and ambitious, the director knows exactly what she wants. However, it isn't being behind the scenes. She dreams of making it big in the K-Pop world. She has the voice, she doesn't dance half that bad and her looks are better than average. What's stopping her? A controlling family who's always deciding her path for her. That's not all her troubles, she has a secret admirer.
Personality: Brave ( Except when facing her family. ), straightforward, loud
Trivia: From a rich family.
The 'cutie' of the squad. With her young facial appearance - That makes her look younger than youngest of the group. - paired with her bubbly personality makes the public doubt her age. As the 'happy virus' of the group, her smile seems like it's permanently placed on her face. She was carefree. Until a certain 'prince charming' got her heart palpitating and her knees shaking.
Personality: Bubbly, cute, carefree
Trivia: She doesn't know a lot about love and relationships.
Being a wardrobe stylist has it's pros and cons. It means you get to deal with sweaty and stinky idols, but it also means half bodies of hot men everywhere. Sadly, it doesn't affect the wardrobe stylist. She's a 'man-hater'. Well not exactly, but she doesn't remember the last time she had romantic feelings for a guy, ( or girl - If you were wondering. ) and mind you, she has brilliant memory. Who will be the one to shake this 'heart of stone' up?
Personality: Cold, has no romantic feelings, blunt
Trivia: She is a workaholic who does not allow herself to think about relationships as she feels that it might disturb her work.

Genre: Romance and comedy?

Characters: The characters, their love interests and their love rivals (Optional)

Inspiration: This is a recent one compared to the others. So I was watching TV and some fancy background music and sound effects came out and I thought "Wow, the editors of this drama must have put in tons of effort into this, they should be credited more." Then BAM. It produced this. :3

Suggestions: I suggest that you shouldn't make the characters too young, after all, they are grown adults with full time jobs. The minimum age limit should be in my opinion.

The Director's family shouldn't be sweet and understanding ( Not saying that they should all be evil and torturous. ) but instead they should be more of the type of controlling parents that doesn't give their child much options. The type that plans out their child's life for them and expects them to follow it.
In the description, I had wrote 'unrequited hatred', it might be from the fans that are jealous and does not understand the relationship between the character and the love interests. It is optional though, if you would like to, feel free to remove that.

Status: Taken by -moostache (storylink)

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Chapter 17: I love this idea! Is it still up for adoption?
Btw, can you tel me where the if is from? It looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it, and it's bugging me >.<
Chapter 18: i'm not sure if this place is still alive, but can i just say i absolutely adore your ideas and if the admins of this place are still here, i'd like to adopt this story please!
quimsang #3
Chapter 2: i want to adopt this story!
the storyline gave me inspiration.
although i may tweak the storyline to fit,
if ever i get this idea, of course.
Chapter 27: Can I adopt Her Personal Apprentice ? Oh wow. Your ideas are brilliant *-*
Chapter 42: ahh why do i always end up giggling over your ideas
seriously this is so nice,,
id read the heck outta dis ; u ; <3
also 502 bad getaway could also be a cool story title imo
Chapter 17: may I adopt The Violets? *^*
Chapter 32: i'm plannin to adopt this story idea called, 'I Like You'
but i'm not sure yet.
i'm thinking about it though.
just not sure if i'll be able to have enough inspiration and ideas to build up the base of the story.
if ya know what i mean.
i do actually already have like one or two plans for the story. teehee
just letin my imagination build more ideas up and evolving them until there are enough for me to confirm that i can write this with not much writer's block in the way.
i don't even know if i'm making any sense.

by the way , you have a real good imagination there. ;7;
Chapter 41: omg this sounds so cute i hope someone adopts this <3