Chapter 3

Yah, I'm Your Manager!

[Hannan P.O.V]

"But, there's something I worried about..." I said.

"What?" Chen asked. 

We all stand as we are going out for eat.

"I don't think I can go out in public with you guys. What will your fan say?" I told them. 

"Our fans will understand. They accept whatever we do. That's what I love about them. BUT!-" Kris shouted the "but"  part and that make me jump and hugged Suho, again. 

They laughed at my startled face. I didn't released Suho. I was so startled. I thought my heart will fall out. "Suho, can we sit, I don't think I can release you yet" That's just how I am, if I startled, I will hug the person that sit beside me for quite long time. 

Suho take a sit and stay by my side. "Yah, we only know you for 5 hours but we know a lot of thing about you. This is interesting" Lay said. He finally talked!

"As I said, I love our fan but, you have to be careful with sasaeng. They're not good. Just stay away." Kris said. I nodded and slowly release Suho. But still, I stayed beside him, "I'm sorry guys but don't make me startled or someone would get my unpleasant hug." I explained why I hugged Suho.

"I think I will stay beside Hannan wherever we go" Suho said with playful smile. "Hyung, shut up" Kai said. I just laughed.

There's a knocked on the door. "I will get it," Xiumin stand up and went to open the door. 

"Noona, why are you here?" Xiumin asked something to that lady. 

"CEO called Suho and Hannan. He want they meet him in his office" 

"Okay noona~ I will tell them. Thank you"  Xiumin close the door and said,

"Suho and Hannan, CEO want to meet you guys." 

Me and Suho stand up and walked to CEO office.

[Suho P.O.V]

She's nice. And she's funny. A laid-back person. I think we will have less stress after this.

"Suho, why did the CEO want to meet us?" Hannan asked. "I don't even know. Maybe he want to talk about the schedule." She nodded and we now in front of CEO office. I knocked and open the door for her to go in.

"Oh Hannan, Suho, have a seat." The CEO greet us politely. We take a sit and face him. "You guys must be wondering why I called you guys here." 

"Yes." Suho answered. "Well before we get into the real matter, what did you think about Hannan, Suho?" 

"I think we can cooperate with her well and maybe our stress will be less cause she's seem like a laid-back person" Suho told.

[Hannan P.O.V]

"Indeed, I am a laid back person." I smile to Suho. 

"I'm glad you guys can accept the new manager well." CEO said. "Let's get straight to the matter. Well, you guys have been told that the promotion will start in two weeks, right?"

Suho nodded. "Well there's a bit change. You guys have to go to Malaysia in 3 days which is eleven days earlier than the actual date." He continued. "3 days? But we didn't make any preparation yet." Suho told the CEO. Yah, I'm tired calling him CEO. I took the note that I make about the interview earlier and look at his name. Ha Kyung. Alright, I know his name now.

"It's okay, in this 3 days you guys just have to pack your guys clothes. In Malaysia, we already rent a studio for three weeks for you guys praticing. Oh, and the good news is, you guys didn't go straight to the studio for practicing , you guys will get 3 days off. In that 3 days, you guys can do whatever you guys want"

"Woah, really?" Suho smiled brightly. Ha Kyung just nodded. "I want EXO and Hannan have a good time first, get known each other." 

Suho nodded and thanks him. 

"Oh and Hannan, I think you can go home and pack ALL your belongings." HE told me. "Why?" I asked confusedly. 

"As a manager, you have to move in with these guys. So, you can monitor them." He explained. "Can I think about it first?" I asked him. How can I, a girl live with 12 boys? Doesn't make sense at all.

"It's not a suggestion, It's an order, Hannan. Manager HAVE to live with the idol" Suho said facing me. "I will...just think about it first" I said and smile at the CEO and pull Suho out of the room.

"Are you crazy? How can I, a girl live in a same dorm with 12 boys? It's not a good thing" I told him. 

"Its an order, Hannan." Suho said to me. I nodded and entered the room with a souless face.

"Hyung, why is her face like that?" Sehun asked Suho.

Suho explained it all. 

"3 days!?"

"Malaysia in 3 days!?"

"She have to live with us?!"

That's the reaction we got. "I don't think I can live with you guys, I'm a girl."

I looked at my watched and it's already 6 in the evening.

"I guess I have to get home. It's late. This is my phone number and address, anything call me or find me there." I take my  belonging and left the room.


She's stand up and left the room. And she just left us with her adress. Ah why, we want talk to her moreee.

"Luhan, I'm jealous with Suho and Kris" Chanyeol said. "Aish, why did you jealous with us?" Kris asked. 

"For Kris, she's comfortable with you cause you met her first and Suho, she hug you! Hug!" Chanyeol explained in jokingly way. 

"Is that what jealous of? Then, you should be jealous!" Suho told Chanyeol that make him goes, "Dude, you wanna fight , huh?" Chanyeol stand up and start chasing Suho. 

All the members laugh. "What did you think about our new manager?" Kris asked. 

Luhan : She's cute, I've got the feeling that we will comfortable with her. And It's make me happy cause if we homesick, She will be homesick too. Cause we're foreigner. Addition, she's pretty.

Tao: She's a laid back person.

Sehun: I thought she's a noona , but she's a year younger than me. 

Chen: The female version of Chanyeol. Definitely.

Lay: I don't know. 

"I agreed with all of you. Oh and did you know she's not our fan?" Kris asked the member. "Not our fan? Then, why did she be our manager then?" Xiumin asked. 

"Yes, she's not our fan, she's don't even know me when I took her to Ha Kyung office. She's just know I'm one of the EXO member and that's it." Kris explained.

"So that's why she have to memorized our name!" Chanyeol suddenly came with an heavy breathing after he chase Suho.

"Whatever it is, she's still like me more cause she said my name first when she's memorizing our name and she hugged me twice. " Suho bragging about it that make Luhan, Xiumin, Chanyeol look at him sharply.

"Yah, you really don't learn when I chase you huh?" Chanyeol, Xiumin and Luhan stand up then chase Suho again.

Yes, that's Suho are, he loves to joke around. We laughed looking at them and that how our night goes. Full of laughed.


To Be Continued....





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so yeah, idk how to put the pic and editing yet, i hope u guys can help me! :))


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avisdawn #1
Please update soon :)
Chapter 19: oh my!!!! hehehe... better solve it. kyungsoo angd luhan... thanks for the update!!
Chapter 18: update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
Chapter 12: kekeke.....luhan and hannan
Chapter 3: its cute,,,a cute story... love it!!!
Aliiioooo #6
Chapter 18: wahh, no more chapters left.... i was reading this story... sooo damn good!
Chapter 18: Kyaa gosh cute
Chapter 17: Aww..that was very cute...
Chapter 17: uuuuuuuuuu.. what news Park flying Chan freaking Yeol
Chapter 16: Aw, don't worry! I won't un-subscribe. Promise! :D