Chapter 13

Yah, I'm Your Manager!

Please read the Author Note :)

[Baekhyun P.O.V]

"Hannan, why!?" I panicked as I see her face became pale. "My mom's d-d-doctor called me. B-bad news." She's kind of losing his breath. "Hannan calm down" I hold her and Luhan pick up the phone. I was too busy to calmed her down so I don't really focused on Luhan. "Hannan, stay calm. Took a deep breath" She just stay still in my arms. All of us is panic. We surrounded her meanwhile, Luhan is talking to the doctor.

After Luhan hung up, he said, "Take your handbag, we're going to hospital" with that, Hannan face became so pale. There's still something we don't know about her.  I help her stand up and take her handbag. "Let's go" Luhan hold Hannan, we walked out the house. How come we laughed and talked suddenly, this come. What happen to Mom?

"What happen?" Chanyeol asked me. All of us is curious. Only Luhan know the truth. "Uncle, Mom's hospital now" Luhan told the driver and all of us went in. "Luhan, what happen?" I asked Luhan. Hannan still quiet. "Mom have a heart attack" He whispered to me. I nodded and told all of them by whispering.

"We're arrived, Hannan let's go" Luhan took Hannan hands and run. Yah, why don't you take Hannan handbag? I look like gay bringing this. 

Since this is private hospital, all of us can went in. "Doctor, what happen to my mom?" Hannan rushed to the doctor and asked him. I went beside her. "I'm sorry, but who are them?" He asked Hannan looking at us. "They're my closest family right now. Harries and Hudson is on their way from Johor Bharu" Family. Awwwh. He nodded

"It seems like your mom didn't eat her medicine. Without medicine, her heart became weaker and weaker. I'm sorry to say this, but she's in critical state. She's in coma now. I'll tell you information soon. Stay strong" With that he walked out. All of us gasped with what we have heard. 

Lucky I'm standing beside her, I hold her from fall. We walked slowly to Mom's bed where all of them standing. She take a sit beside the bed. "Mommy, wake up. You can't leave me now. Please" Her tears flowing down. It's breaks our heart. Almost all of us tear up too. 

"Mommy, please wake up. I need you." She holding her mom hands. 


[Luhan P.O.V]

Just a while ago we laughed. Now, she's crying. All of us teared up. I went beside her and hold her shoulder. "Hannan, calm down. Your mom will be okay" I said wiping her tears. "Why didn't she eat her medicine. She knows she need it but she still didn't eat it" Hannan still holding her mom's hand.

"Hannan, don't be sad. We're here if you need us" D.O told her. We nodded agreed with what he said. "I can't lose you, Mommy. Please just wake up. I know you hear me. Please" She shook her mom's hand. Wait, where's Dad?

"Sehunnie, called Dad and asked him where he is." I told Sehun. He's nodded and took Hannan's phone.

"Mommy, you promised me to stay until I got married, You promised to stay until I've got my first born. Mostly, you promised to stay until I found someone that loves me for me" She still talking to Mom. It's breaking my heart to se girl that I love like this. Wait, I love her? Luhan, stop thinking about that first.

"Princess, believe us, Mom going to be be okay." Kris said. Tao and Baekhyun already broke into tears seeing the strongest girl we've ever met crying beside her mom who can't even talk.

"Mommy, please, wake up. I beg you" She start sobbing. I her shoulder. Me myself broke into tears. You know, people who's in coma can hear what we talked. And I guess that's why there's tears came out from Mom's eyes.

"Hannan, you're strong girl. Stay strong for your mom." Dad suddenly come in and said that. She stood up and hugged her dad. "Daddy, please asked Mommy to wake up. Please." She told him. 

Even Chanyeol and Kris cried looking at Dad and Hannan crying. "Shh, she will wake up to see her one and only princess get married." Dad soothed Hannan.

But suddenly, there's a loud beep from Mom's machine. All of us panicked. I pushed the button. But it seems doesn't work so so D.O ran out from the room and come with a doctor. "Everyone step aside." He start his job. Hannan is already sobbing in Kris hand meanwhile Dad is calling Hudson and Harries. 

Then, there's a 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp' sound. Hannan start running to Mom. "No! Mom! It's not the time yet! Mommy, wake up! You can't leave me!" I tried to calm her down. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Andrew. We did our best but we can't save her" That's what I heard. Hannan knees start to weaken. I hold her in my arms. "She can't leave me. I need her. Please. Luhan, I need her" She sobbing in my arms. She's still young to lost her mom. 

Basically, ALL of us tearing up. We just met Mom for awhile but she's so nice. Hannan is just like her mom. Funny, sarcastic and caring. Hannan ran to her mom after nurses and doctor left the room. "Mom, I promised I will be as strong as you. I promised I will find someone that loves me soon. Mom, I need you. Thanks for this eighteen wonderful years" She let her last tear drop and kissd her mom's forehead. 

"Hannan, Mom's funeral will be at Thailand. I don't think you can go." Why can't Hannan go? It's her mom funeral.

"Guys, Hannan hates funeral. She hates saying goodbyes since her grandad died. So please, take care of her while all of us went to Thailand" Ah, so that's why. Dad explained everything. I know he loves his wife a lot. He didn't cried because they've promised to each other that they won't cry if one of them go first. That's love, acos.

"Can I kiss mom for the last time before you guys took her?" She asked the doctor who came in to take Mom to somewhere that I don't even bother to know. "Yes you can." Hannan went and kiss her mom's forehead, cheeks and eyes. While her tears drop on her mother face. 

Then, all of us kiss her too. Truth be said, All of our tear drop while kiss her. After that, Dad went and kiss Mom. "I love you" BAM! A tsunami tides in my eyes. You can watched that once in a lifetime. It really heart-breaking to see Dad and Hannan hugging each other sobbing. 

So, we take decision to stay out from the room. "Hyung, what should we do? I don't think Hannan can do anything for this couple days. We already start practising tomorrow" Baekhyun told me. I nodded. "Before she came, we still can manage ourselves well. It's not a problem if she can't managing us for awhile" I told them. "I think our new leader is Luhan, huh?" Suho said playfully. I smiled and shook my head. 

All of us stay silence. "Poor Hannan." Chanyeol said. He let out sigh. "I asked her to believe Mom will be okay and damn, she's not. She only met Mom once after she came back from Korea, and this what she get?" Kris said. Just thinking about Hannan make my tears drop.

"God won't give us test if we can't face it" Suddenly, a voice said. I look at my right and saw Hudson who just came out from the room. When the heck he arrived? He hugged me. "This is why I asked you to love and protect her" He whisper to me. I nodded. 

His eyes is glassy with tears. A man version of Hannan. "I just leave home this morning to JB for work, and this happen." His tears come out again. "Calm down. I'm sure Hannan will be more sad if she see you crying" Chen patted Hudson's back. Chen, you yourself is tearing and you asked other to calm down. 

"Where's Harries and you guys' sisters?" I asked Hudson. "Harries is talking to the doctor. Our sisters is taking a flight straight to Thailand from UK" He looks so miserable. "Luhan, go in and take Hannan out. Dad want to talk to the doctor" He read the message in his phone. He can do it and still he asked me? 

I nodded and went in. I looked at Hannan who staring at the wall blankly. Her tears still flowing. I take her shoulder and pull her out with me. "Hannan, let's go home, okay?" I asked her. She just nodded silently. Hudson stood up and hugged Hannan. "Little princess, be strong for mum. Show her you can be a queen." Hudson said to Hannan. His tears came down after looking at Hannan's miserable face.

"Luhan, take her home and let her rest. One of you must accompany she's sleep. If one of you want to talk to her, talk softly and not loud." Hudson really know how to take care of Hannan. He's her brother after all, duh. We nodded and take Hannan to the car. It's like only her body is here and her soul is flew away.



So I write this super fast cause I can't wait to let you guys know about Hannan and Luhan. Oh and suggest ship names for them? Enjoy and comment! Kamsahamida.

Oh! I decide to call you guys [to all the person that read and enjoyed this story] Blinkers! Or should I called you guys something else? Please respond! :)

Sincerely, Qay

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so yeah, idk how to put the pic and editing yet, i hope u guys can help me! :))


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avisdawn #1
Please update soon :)
Chapter 19: oh my!!!! hehehe... better solve it. kyungsoo angd luhan... thanks for the update!!
Chapter 18: update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
Chapter 12: kekeke.....luhan and hannan
Chapter 3: its cute,,,a cute story... love it!!!
Aliiioooo #6
Chapter 18: wahh, no more chapters left.... i was reading this story... sooo damn good!
Chapter 18: Kyaa gosh cute
Chapter 17: Aww..that was very cute...
Chapter 17: uuuuuuuuuu.. what news Park flying Chan freaking Yeol
Chapter 16: Aw, don't worry! I won't un-subscribe. Promise! :D