
† A Wolf's Temptation †


Ji Hye held a breath. Kai. She has never been so happy seeing someone. When their eyes met, his dark look was saying: ,Don‘t be afraid, I‘m with you‘.

,,Yah! Who the hell are you?‘‘ V shouted at Kai.

Kai‘s eyes turned to V. Ji Hye just blinked, she closed her eyes only for a second and when she opened them again, Kai was standing in front of V. Ji Hye didn‘t even notice him moving. The rest of BTS too. V stepped back from Kai, frightened.

,,H-how did you do it?‘‘ Suga stuttered.

Kai smirked. ,,Are you sure that you want to know it?‘‘ he said in so creepy, dark and dangerous tone that everyone was getting goosebumps. Suga dry swallowed and looked away. Kai looked at all the boys and his glance stopped at JungKook. Just a glance was enough. JungKook quickly let Ji Hye go and stepped back from her.

Rap Monster looked at his gang. ,,Yah! What are you doing? That strange guy is alone and we‘re outnumbered. We can take him down!‘‘

It was like a spell. Kai appeared in front of Rap Monster without any moves.

,,H-hyung…‘‘ Jimin pointed at Kai and his eyes were wide and full of fear.

Rap Monster slowly turned his head and looked right at Kai. His eyes widened.

,,Strange guy?‘‘ Kai repeated and he leaned towards him. ,,You‘re talking about me?‘‘

,,Don‘t stick your nose into other people‘s business, bro,‘‘ Rap Monster growled.

A dead silence followed. Kai‘s eyes turned crimson red. Deathly darkness was hidden in them. Death. He threw a ferocious glance at the boys. Growling erupted from his throat.

,,That pretty lady,‘‘ he pointed at Ji Hye with his thumb over his shoulder, ,,is my girl. If anyone of you tries to talk to her or just look at her… I will kill him,‘‘ he hissed threateningly. And he meant it really seriously. ,,Understood?‘‘

,,Yessir,‘‘ BTS nodded, scared to death.

,,Now get out.‘‘

BTS exchanged looks between each other then they quickly turned and ran away.

,,That guy isn‘t human,‘‘ Jin‘s voice was shaking.

Ji Hye was standing nearby so she didn‘t see what have happened with Kai‘s face. She didn‘t understand how BTS could be so scared of Kai that they ran away.

Kai suddenly turned to face her. His face was good-looking as always, no red eyes. He slowly walked towards her. In dark shadows he looked more handsomely than usually.

,,Gwenchanayo?‘‘ he asked, worried.

,,Gwenchana… I think,‘‘ Ji Hye nodded slightly.

,,Umm… aren‘t you going to cry or something like that?‘‘

She shaked her head.

,,Thank god,‘‘ Kai sighed with relief.

,,Kai?‘‘ Ji Hye looked up at him.

,,Nae?‘‘ Kai looked down at her.

,,Gamsa. Gamsahamnida. You have no idea how much thankful I am. If you didn‘t come in time…‘‘

Kai suddenly put his finger on her lips and she surprisedly blinked at him.

,,But I came, so don‘t think about it too much, okay?‘‘ he smiled at her.

Ji Hye nodded slowly and asked: ,,Umm… how did you know where I am?‘‘

,,Me? Well… I was just walking around…‘‘ Kai scratched his head.

,,Oh, I see. Just walking around,‘‘ Ji Hye tried not to smile. She knew he‘s lying. She had so many questions to ask him about but she didn‘t know which one to ask first. She just began: ,,Kai-sshi, wae…‘‘ But then she sneezed loudly.

Kai was looking at her for a long time. He looked her from head to toe.

,,Uhm… weo?‘‘ she looked at him nervously.

Kai sighed and took off his leather jacket. He wrapped it around surprised Ji Hye‘s shoulders. ,,It‘s cold outside and you‘re standing here in dress. You‘re going to catch a cold!‘‘ he flicked her head playfully.

Ji Hye‘s heart started to beat fast and her cheeks reddened. ,,Mianhae and… g-gomawo.‘‘

Suddenly, Kai grabbed her waist and dragged her somewhere.

,,Where are we going?‘‘ Ji Hye blurted out.

,,To my place,‘‘ Kai answered with his angelic voice.










• TITLE SONG: ZE:A - Invincible

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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!