
† A Wolf's Temptation †


,,Uee, do you believe in true love?‘‘ Ji Hye asked her best friend when they walked along the school coridor.

,,True love? Mm-hm, I do,‘‘ Uee nodded. ,,I believe that every single person has their soulmate somewhere in the world. It‘s just hard to find one. But if two people have written in the stars to be together, there must be a reason for them to find each other.‘‘

,,So when two people are destined for each other, something will surely bring them together? Their feelings?‘‘ Ji Hye was thinking aloud.

,,It‘s the same principe like with a magnet. When they turn their back on each other, they‘re not destined to be together. But when they turn to each other, something mysterious starts to drag them together. They are soulmates.‘‘ Uee abruptly looked at Ji Hye. ,,Why are you asking?‘‘

,,Me? No reason,‘‘ Ji Hye said innocently.

,,You like Kai!‘‘ Uee accused her.

,,Weo?‘‘ Ji hye quickly covered Uee‘s mouth with her hand and hysterically laughed. ,,It‘s not true.‘‘

,,It is! I know it! For the first time you‘re interested in some boy,‘‘ Uee murmured and couldn‘t shut .

,,Unnie~‘‘ Ji Hye moaned in embarrassment. ,,He… I just like his dancing.‘‘

Uee pushed Ji Hye‘s hand away. ,,Kai dances? How do you know it?‘‘

,,Umm… today is such a beautiful day, right? Aww, I hope it‘ll rain. I want to see a rainbow!‘‘ Ji Hye changed topic.

Uee ignored her. ,,It‘s okay you like Kai. Every second girl on Hanyang university likes him,‘‘ she shruged.

Ji Hye opened to start complaning about Kai‘s popularity with the girls but at that moment someone disturbed her.

,,Uee, principal is looking for you,‘‘ Nana from the third class ran to girls. ,,SeHun went to do modeling instead of school again.

,,That babo,‘‘ Uee sighed. ,,Aish!‘‘

Ji Hye made a face at her and continued walking when Uee left. And at that moment she saw HIM. Kai. He was leaning on a wall and a bunch of annoying girls was around him, trying to comunicate with him. Unssuccesfully. Kai had a blank expression on his face, earphones in his ears and he was absolutely ignoring his fangirls. Even though Ji Hye felt a weird feeling inside her chest. Jealousy?

Suddenly Kai turned his head and looked right into Ji Hye‘s eyes. As if he knew that she‘s looking at him. They were looking at each other and then Kai smirked at her.

Ji Hye smiled back at him but then quickly looked away because she started to blush. She felt like she‘s turning into jelly. KAI SMIRKED AT HER! OMO! But her joy was destroyed when she saw Yong JunHyung walking to her. He still has to be mad because of what happened yesterday and Ji Hye didn‘t want to make any scenes. She didn‘t want to talk to him because of how he acted yesterday. She bit her lower lip, turned back…and bumped into someone.

Kai wrapped his arms around her and pressed her closer to him. ,,Don‘t move,‘‘ his lips whispered to her ear.

Even though she wanted to, Ji Hye couldn‘t move. She freezed. She felt Kai‘s warmth. She felt safe. As no one and nothing could ever hurt her when Kai holds her.

But suddenly something separated them.

JunHyung pushed Kai away from Ji Hye and Kai stumbled backwards. Flames of anger and hatred blazed in JunHyung‘s eyes. He was looking at Ji Hye for a while but then he turned to Kai and screamed at him: ,,You punk!‘‘ He rushed to Kai and threw his fist at Kai‘s sharp and handsome face.

Kai didn‘t move at all, he didn‘t even blink. He was just smiling maliciously at JunHyung.

Everything was so fast. Ji Hye didn‘t think. She knew the only thing – she doesn‘t want Kai to be hurt. She jumped in front of Kai with her arms outstretched to the sides. She was courageously looking up at JunHyung, waiting for pain to come.

JunHyung stopped his fist a little bit in front of Ji Hye‘s face and he was blinking surprisedly at her. ,,Ji Hye-ya! Go away from him!‘‘ he growled when he recovered from the shock that he nearly hit a girl.

,,Aniyo!‘‘ Ji Hye said bravely. ,,,You will not hurt him, JunHyung-sshi. Please.‘‘

JunHyung frowned. ,,Wae?‘‘

Ji Hye stayed silent. She didn‘t know what reason should she have.

JunHyung went closer to her and touched her cheek. ,,You love him?‘‘

Ji Hye opened to say ‚aniyo‘ but she couldn‘t say a word. What exactly is the feeling that she feels to Kai? She wasn‘t sure.

Kai, standing behind Ji Hye and surprised that she‘s protecting him, pushed JunHyung away from the girl. ,,Stay away from Ji Hye. You touch her again and I WILL KILL YOU. Understood?‘‘ His every word was sharp like a razor. Then he leaned to JunHyung with a provocative smirk as he said clearly and slowly: ,,She is mine.‘‘

,,Weo?‘‘ Ji Hye blinked. She quickly covered with her hands.

JunHyung smirked back at Kai. ,,We‘ll see. I‘m not going to give up until I hear from Ji Hye that she loves you.‘‘ He lowered his voice. ,,And she doesn‘t look like she‘s gonna say it soon.‘‘ He gave a last look to Ji Hye and then turned and walked away, full of confidence.

Ji Hye closed her eyes for a second to feel less embarrassed. But when she opened them, wanting to say something to Kai… no one was there. She was standing alone in the corridor.

Kai was gone. Again.








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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!