It Would Be Nice If It Were You

† A Wolf's Temptation †


Kai lived in a block of flats in abandoned neighborhood surrounded by trees. It seemed gloomy like if no one else than Kai lived there. Scary house like from some horror movie.

But Ji Hye wasn‘t scared. Kai was with her.

,,Uhm… there's maybe a bit mess, so just ignore it,‘‘ Kai apologized while he was unlocking the door of his flat in the fourth floor.

,,It‘s okay, no worries,‘‘ Ji Hye said kindly.

Kai opened the door and gestured for Ji Hye to come in. She hesitatingly stepped in and started to look around curiously. The flat was small but perfect for a boy. In the living room joined with kitchen was a flat screen, Playstation, huge stereo and everything what a boy needs for life. Ji Hye was attracted by a small library. She came closer to it and started to check the books. Almost all of them were mangas and manhwas but she also found the normal books. The weird thing was that all of them were about supernatural.

,,You like reading?‘‘ she asked Kai.

Kai, who was picking up scattered clothes and kicking garbage under the couch, quickly took an encyclopedia about wolves from Ji Hye‘s hands. ,,Nae~ I read when I have some free time,‘‘ he said and then took her by the shoulders and pushed her to sit down on the chair in kitchen. ,,Do you want me to make you some tea…? To get warmed.‘‘

Ji Hye nodded. She was feeling a bit awkwardly. It was her first time being in an boy‘s apartment. But she was thankful that she‘s not outside alone. And she was happy that she‘s with Kai.

,,JongIn-sshi?‘‘ she said his name.

,,No need to be formal. What about calling me ‚oppa‘?‘‘ He laughed when Ji Hye surprisedly blinked at him. It was the most beautiful sound Ji Hye have ever heard. His eyes lit up like stars in the night sky and his face looked so amused. ,,It was a joke.‘‘

,,Don‘t laugh at me,‘‘ Ji Hye pouted, astonished by his happy face. He didn‘t seem to be the cold-blooded bad boy like at school.

,,Mianhae,‘‘ Kai tried not to laugh. ,,Just call me Kai. Friends call me so.‘‘

Ji Hye‘s heart skipped a beat. So it means that she's counted among his friends. Omo!

,,In that case, just call me Ji Hye,‘‘ she smiled at him.

,,Arasso,‘‘ Kai nodded, smiling.

There was a short silence between two of them during which Ji Hye tried to gain self-confidence to ask the question she was the most curious about. She took a deep breath. ,,Kai?‘‘


,,May I ask you something?‘‘

,,Um… sure.‘‘

,,Why do you keep protecting me from JunHyung? And… why did you tell him that you‘re my boyfriend?‘‘

Kai stopped what he was doing and then turned to Ji Hye. He had a thoughtful look on his face. ,,You wouldn‘t understand.‘‘

,,I‘m a pretty understanding person,‘‘ Ji Hye said.

Kai was staring at her for a while. ,,I… have an urge to protect you. I can‘t tell you why. It‘s like a spell.‘‘ Kai winked and smiled. ,,And that ‚fake dating‘… I‘m sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. I just don't want to be borthered by Yong JunHyung anymore. You‘re too good for him.‘‘ Kai put a cup of tea on the table in front of Ji Hye and sat opposite her.

,,Aww~ Gamsahamnida,‘‘ Ji Hye thanked quietly and drank the tea. She was drinking for a long time because she tried to get an idea what to say. Kai‘s words made her speechless. ,,To be honest,‘‘ she finally said, ,,I don‘t have any problem with it. It‘s nice how you take care of me though we don‘t know each other well. It‘s not like that I don‘t want to, but… Uhm… and I don‘t think I‘m too good for JunHyung. He just… isn‘t my dream prince.‘‘

Kai was listening to her every word. Then, he leaned over the table to Ji Hye. He was looking into her eyes from the maximum proximity. Ji Hye‘s heart stopped beating for a moment.

,,And who‘s your dream prince, Ji Hye?‘‘ he whispered.

It was the first time he called her name. She was feeling so special.

,,He… doesn‘t exist. My dream prince is too perfect to be real,‘‘ Ji Hye said quietly.

She found something new in Kai‘s eyes. Sadness? Understanding?

,,My soulmate doesn‘t exist too. Well… I though so until I saw her.‘‘

,,You found your soulmate?‘‘ Ji Hye‘s world became dark. Kai already found his girl. All the time she hoped that he could be her dream prince but now… her hope is dead. ,,And… who is it?‘‘

Kai looked down and a slight smile appeared on his face. ,,I think you‘ll find it out soon.‘‘

Ji Hye frowned. Is that soulmate someone she knows?

,,You… are nervous?‘‘ Kai suddenly asked.

,,Me? Aniyo… Wae?‘‘

,,Your heart‘s beating so fast that you‘re going to have a heart attack. Dugeun dugeun dugeun~‘‘

Ji Hye put her hands on the left side of her chest where her heart is, like if she wanted to slow down her heartbeat. ,,How do you know that my heart‘s pounding so rapidly?‘‘

,,Maybe I‘m not a human,‘‘ Kai smirked and leaned back from her. ,,I think you‘re nervous because you‘re alone in a flat with such a handsome boy like me,‘‘ he covered his mouth with the back of his hand and giggled.

She laughed and ruffled Kai‘s hair playfully. ,,Yah~ Don‘t be so cocky, Kai. And you‘re right, maybe you really are not a human.‘‘

Kai gave her a mysterious look. ,,What am I then?‘‘

Ji Hye was thinking and looked up while Kai was looking at her. She was so cute when she was thinking hard. Damn, Ji Hye was cute while doing anything! She suddenly looked at him and he quickly blinked and looked away. He hoped she didn‘t notice his dreamy look.

,,Mmm… a demon!‘‘ she said.

Kai raised an eyebrow, amused. ,,A demon? Wae?‘‘

,,Because demons have abilities to disappear and appear on a different place.‘‘

,,You mean teleportation…?‘‘ Kai‘s smile got bigger.

,,Nae! By the way, where do you always disappear to?‘‘

,,Weo? When did I do it?‘‘

,,For example, today at school or that day in the restroom or when you were dancing on the rooftop of the university…‘‘

Kai stayed staring at her. ,,How do you know about me dancing on the rooftop?‘‘

Ji Hye choked with tea that she was drinking. Oh no, she was discovered. ,,I… uhm… I… actually…‘‘ she was trying to get away from the awkward situation.

,,It‘s okay. I saw you on the rooftop that day,‘‘ he smiled at her playfully.

,,Seriously?‘‘ Ji Hye bit her lower lip, embarrassed.

,,I'm used to practice on that place because there‘s nobody there. It‘s a quiet place. But few days ago, a princess with blonde hair appeared there… Doesn‘t it sound like a fairytale?‘‘

Ji Hye smiled. ,,And that princess saw a handsome prince dancing so awesomely that she fell for him,‘‘ she daydreamed. ,,Um… we can go to the rooftop together…‘‘ There was no response for a long time so Ji Hye carefully looked at Kai.

Kai had his arms crossed on the table and his head was lying on them. He was sleeping.

Aww, he was probably tired. Ji Hye stood up, took a blanket lying on the ground and covered Kai with it. Then she sat opposite him and placed her head into her palms. He was so beautiful when he was sleeping. So innocent. Like an angel. Ji Hye was looking at his perfection for so long until she fell asleep as well.










• TITLE SONG: Shin HyeSung - It Would Be Nice If It Were You





Annyeong~ CarolineYang here! ^^*

I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my readers. For reading, subscribing and upvoting. I really appreciate that you read and like my fanfic. You have no idea how much this little thing means for me. 

Also, I'd love to hear what do you think about my story so please COMMENT. I'm interested in your opinion. Every kind word makes my heart skip a beat. It takes just few seconds and +1 karma point for you! Isn't it cool? 

I hope you all are happy and healthy!

Saranghaeyo~! *sends love, kisses & hugs to all of you*









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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!