
† A Wolf's Temptation †


When JunHyung dragged Ji Hye out of the classroom, Ji Hye yanked her wrist so hard that she managed to get out of his grasp. But it was so sudden she lost her balance and she unintentionally took someone with her while falling.

,,Oww~‘‘ whimpered Ji Hye and whined as she lifted herself up on her elbow to not lie on the person she fell on. ,,Mian-‘‘ she began but then paused.

She was looking into the dark eyes of the boy with an angelic face. The boy whom she saw dancing on the rooftop.

He looked as surprised as Ji Hye and his eyes were wide which made him look cute. He was looking into her eyes with a mysterious look. Something was hidden behind these eyes. Something dark. It was something that prevented her to look away from his eyes.

When someone called Ji Hye‘s name, she returned to the reality. She realized that her face is just inches away from the boy‘s. It made her blush and she got up off the boy. ,,Mianhae,‘‘ Ji Hye mumbled quickly. Her face turned red even more when she saw Uee and SeHun staring on the whole scene with their mouths agape.

JunHyung‘s eyes were narrowed. He grabbed Ji Hye‘s hand and dragged her away again. ,,Let‘s go, jagiya.‘‘

Ji Hye jerked away. ,,I don‘t want to.‘‘ Her words cut through the air like a razor. Finally she decided to say 'NO'.

,,Weo?‘‘ JunHyung cocked his head to the side. ,,You don‘t want to? But I‘m not asking you. Be a good girl and come with me,‘‘ he reached out for her hand but something happened.

The boy, that was lying on the floor a while ago with Ji Hye on him, caught JunHyung‘s wrist before he could touch Ji Hye. ,,The lady said NO,‘‘ he said coldly, so terrifyingly that even Ji Hye caught her breath. ,,Don‘t you hear?‘‘

JunHyung chuckled derisively. ,,You want to die? Let go of my hand!‘‘

When the boy disobeyed, JunHyung wanted to rip his wrist from his grasp but he was holding him hardly. Though JunHyung tried his best, he couldn‘t get away from the boy‘s grasp. It made him more angry. So he raised the other hand but the boy stepped back in right time so JunHyung‘s fist flew just past him.

SeHun laughed and Uee elbowed him in the ribs.

,,You ******!!‘‘ JunHyung screamed to the boy‘s face. ,,Get lost from Ji Hye! Who are you? Her bodyguard? Or her boyfriend?‘‘

,,Nae,‘‘ the boy answered and smiled sweetly but gleefully at the same time, ,,I‘m her boyfriend. Do you have any problem?‘‘

Ji Hye, standing behind the boy, looked puzzled. The same with Uee and SeHun.

Why is that boy doing this? Why does he protect her? Indeed, they don‘t know each other…

,,What did you say?‘‘ JunHyung growled. ,,She‘s mine.‘‘

The boy was taller than JunHyung so he had an advantage. His face was cold and serious. ,,You want to get hurt? She IS MINE!‘‘ He uttered the last two words with such force that Ji Hye suddenly felt coldness on her skin. ,,Stay-away-from-her.‘‘

Ji Hye noticed something she's never seen in JunHyung‘s eyes before. Fear. But he quickly recovered when the rest of B2ST gang stood by his side.

,,Do you want to find out how much is Ji Hye yours? What are you going to do now? Huh?‘‘ JunHyung pushed the boy.

The boy turned his head a bit to make sure that Ji Hye is still standing behind him. They exchanged looks. Then the boy turned so fastly that Ji Hye hadn‘t a chance to even blink. He grabbed her hand and ran with her along the corridor.

,,YAH!! Catch them!‘‘ Ji Hye heard JunHyung‘s screaming behind them. When she looked over her shoulder in a hurry, she saw B2ST running after them.

But the boy could run really fast, Ji Hye couldn‘t run like that but she was trying her best. He zigzagged between people and luckily he didn‘t happen to run into anyone. Then he pushed some skinny, blonde and cute boy out of the way. Ji Hye knew him. He was SeHun‘s best friend – LuHan.

,,Yah~ Where are you running to? Did you kidnap another girl?‘‘ LuHan shouted at the boy.

,,Shut up, LuHan hyung,‘‘ the boy grinned at him over his shoulder.

Ji Hye ignored the noise behind her back. She could only concentrate on running…and that the handsome boy from the rooftop is holding her hand. She was looking at him and and a smile appeared on her face.

Finally the boy kicked some door open and dragged Ji Hye in. At that moment, some girls started to scream and quickly ran out the door. Girl's toilets. Great. The B2ST gang wouldn‘t come here even for a million wons. Good stash. Fortunately they were alone. Just her and him.

,,Are you… alright?‘‘ the boy asked Ji Hye and shyly scratched his head. He didn't look tired though he was running like crazy a while ago.

,,Nae, I‘m alright,‘‘ Ji Hye answered. Unlike him, she was totally tired. ,,Just…‘‘ She bent over, her hands on her knees, breathing deeply.

,,Glad to hear that,‘‘ the boy said softly in his charming voice.

After a moment of silence, Ji Hye‘s heartbeat slowed. With gratitude in her voice she said: ,,Uhm…what you did and said now… gamsahamnida~‘‘ She wanted to look at the boy and give him a smile but…she was alone in the restroom.

The boy has disappeared. Again.









• TITLE SONG: Super Junior - Hero

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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!