Crush On You

† A Wolf's Temptation †


Ji Hye and Uee had a spare hour of school. They bought bubble tea and ice cream and sat on the bench in front of the university. They were talking about their biases and a drama Innocent Man, which they watch together these days. The rest of time Uee scolded JunHyung while Ji Hye was calming her down. JunHyung is maybe a bit egoistic and violent but it doesn‘t mean he‘s a bad person. Or yes?

While Uee was talking, Ji Hye was watching twelve boys playing soccer on the football field. If doing stupid things could be even called football. Ji Hye smiled, amused. But then she freezed. She saw a tall boy in a y vest that showed his muscles. Well, Ji Hye had a better view yesterday.

The mysterious boy.

A straw fell out of Ji Hye‘s mouth. Isn‘t she lucky?

The boy looked very different today. He was smiling, laughing, prodding with his friends and looked happy. Not so scary and dangerous like yesterday during the incident with JunHyung.

,,Uee~‘‘ Ji Hye started to poke her best friend excitedly.

,,Ouch~ Weo?‘‘

,,Don‘t you know who‘s that boy?‘‘ Ji Hye pointed at the boy inconspicuously.

,,Which one?‘‘

,,The… handsome.‘‘

,,From my perspective, they all are handsome. Well…but saying this about SeHunnie…‘‘

,,I‘m talking about the boy that saved me from JunHyung yesterday.‘‘

,,Ahh, your boyfriend!‘‘ Uee laughed and Ji Hye threw a tapioca pearl (a little ball from bubble tea) from her bubble tea at her.

,,He‘s not my boyfriend…‘‘

,,So why did he say that? He absolutely wants you!‘‘

,,Uee!‘‘ Ji Hye whimpered, embarrassed. ,,I also have no idea why he said such a thing. So… do you know him?‘‘

,,Ani~ But he‘s a close friend of my brother. They‘re together in that EXO gang or what is it…‘‘

,,Jinjja?‘‘ Ji Hye was trying to not look too excited.

,,Nae~ I‘ll call him, he can reveal something about the hero. YAH! OH SEHUN, COME HERE!‘‘ Uee yelled at him. All the EXO boys turned to her, only SeHun didn‘t. He was embarrassed and pretended he doesn‘t know Uee. ,,YAH! Stop pretending that you don't hear me! Come here, hurry up! Ji Hye wants to talk to you!‘‘

At that moment, the situation changed. SeHun beamed and ran towards the girls fast.

,,Unbelievable. He ignores his older sister but when he hears your name, he comes running like a puppy,‘‘ Uee rolled her eyes.

,,But he‘s sooo sweet~‘‘ Ji Hye smiled.

,,Noona! I‘m glad you‘re here. You came to watch my fabulous soccer skills, right?‘‘ SeHun tossed his hair.

,,Of course! You look very cute in sport uniform, SeHunnie,‘‘ Ji Hye ruffled his hair playfully.

,,Noona~‘‘ SeHun was embarrassed. Cuter than usual. ,,I‘m not cute!‘‘

,,You are! A lot! Kyopta kyopta kyopta~‘‘ Ji Hye squeezed his cheeks.

,,Noona, omo~‘‘ SeHun turned red.

EXO boys started to laugh behind his back.

,,Kyopta kyopta kyopta~‘‘ ChanYeol, the Reaction King, imitated Ji Hye‘s voice and pulled cheeks of Tao, the Kung-Fu Panda.

Everyone died laughing. The only person that didn‘t laugh was the mysterious boy from the rooftop.

,,Shut up!‘‘ SeHun shouted at them over his shoulder.

Ji Hye frowned at them but then she chuckled.

,,SeHunnie,‘‘ she said.

He quickly looked at her and the boys calmed down and continued the game.

,,I wanted to ask you something…‘‘

,,Ask me anything, noona.‘‘

Ji Hye shyly hesitated for a moment and then asked: ,,The boy from yesterday… you know him, right?‘‘

,,You mean Kai?‘‘ SeHun raised an eyebrow.

,,His name is Kai?‘‘ Ji Hye wondered.

,,We call him like that. His real name is Kim JongIn but he prefers when people call him by his nickname.

,,Mmm… and what‘s his character?‘‘ Ji Hye was biased, staring at handsome Kai that has just stolen a ball of cutie Baozi XiuMin.

,,Kai?‘‘ SeHun also looked at him. ,,Kai is… quiet. He likes being alone. But he cares about his friends a lot and he can make everyone laugh. He looks like a cocky playboy but honestly… he‘s very shy. He is handsome from head to toe and because of it girls always follow him,‘‘ SeHun gestured to some girls standing close to the football field, fangirling. ,,But he ignores them. Our Kai‘s looking for love… his special girl… How does he call it? Nae – his soulmate. Totally romantic. The boys make fun of him because of it sometimes…‘‘

Ji Hye was listening to every SeHun‘s word and after every single information, her heart melted. She liked Kai‘s personality.

,,Kai,‘‘ Ji Hye whispered so silently that only she heard it. She smiled. His name melted on her tongue.

Kai suddenly turned and looked at her. Right into her eyes. As if he heard that she said his name. Ji Hye didn‘t look away. She didn‘t want to.

,,Noona,‘‘ SeHun said. ,,It‘s strange you‘re asking about Kai because hyung had asked me about you yesterday.‘‘








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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!