Take Me Away

† A Wolf's Temptation †


Ji Hye was walking home from school late in the evening. She‘s a class president and today was a lot of work at school. She was doing everything slowlier than usual, because she had her head full of thoughts.

What does she feel to Kai?
Why couldn‘t she answer JunHyung‘s question?
She doesn‘t know Kai, the mysterious boy, well, so why is her heart beating fast everytime she thinks about him?
And why does he always disappear?

She was walking down the dark street, immersed in her thoughts. She was obvilious to her surroudings, so she didn‘t even notice a bunch of high school boys, standing near the wall covered with graffiti, staring at Ji Hye.

,,That girl is really pretty. Go after her JungKook-ah!‘‘ Cute boy with a smirk on his face pushed a black-haired boy with young and angelic face towards Ji Hye.

,,I don‘t want to! YOU go after her, Jimin hyung,‘‘ JungKook pouted shyly.

,,Ahh~ Our golden maknae is shy,‘‘ a light-haired boy, sweet like sugar, laughed.

,,So go to approach her YOURSELF, Suga hyung,‘‘ a pretty blonde boy said.

,,V is true. Go after her, Suga, gooo~!‘‘ a boy with a slim face and a cap on his head agreed.

Suga quickly hid behind JungKook.

,,Let him live, J-Hope. Suga is more shy than JungKook-ie. How about to play rock-paper-scissors?‘‘ a tall and handsome boy recommended.

,,Aish, Jin hyung,‘‘ a boy with sunglasses rolled his eyes. ,,Look and learn, kids.‘‘ Rap Monster shouted at Ji Hye: ,,Noona!‘‘

But Ji Hye was in her own world right now, so she didn‘t hear anything.

,,Yah! Blonde noona!‘‘ Rap Monster repeated but Ji Hye still kept walking. ,,Aish!‘‘ Rap Monster growled.

,,Let‘s go after her, guys!‘‘ Jin decided.

BTS gang went towards Ji Hye.

,,Are you ignoring us, noona?‘‘ Rap Monster stood in Ji Hye‘s way.

Ji Hye surprisedly blinked at him and stopped to prevent bumping into him. When she looked around, she noticed that some six boys were standing around her. They were handsome and scary and they were wearing gangster clothes. Well… she has probably encountered some gang of scary high school teenagers.

Ji Hye tried to smile slightly. ,,Uhm… excuse me?‘‘

,,You think you can ignore Bangtan Boys just because you‘re older?‘‘ J-Hope flicked Ji Hye‘s forehead.

,,Don‘t touch noona, you babo!‘‘ Jimin pushed J-Hope away from her.

,,I have no idea what are you talking about,‘‘ Ji Hye was confused and she rubbed her forehead.

Jimin came closer to Ji Hye with a playful smile. ,,Wanna go on a drink, noona?‘‘

Ji Hye didn‘t like this situation at all. She wanted to go away.

,,I‘m sorry but I‘m in a rush.‘‘ She turned to go away but there were other boys.

,,Noona~ Don‘t leave us. You cannot refuse such handsome boys,‘‘ Suga grinned.

,,Just one drink. Oh come on~‘‘ V was doing aegyo.

,,I don‘t want to. Let me go,‘‘ Ji Hye frowned.

,,But we don‘t accept ‚NO‘ as an answer,‘‘ JungKook said, smirking.

Ji Hye didn‘t give up. She tried to get away around Jin and JungKook. Jin tsk-ed, grabbed her hand and pushed her back into the circle.

,,Don‘t try to escape, it‘s impossible,‘‘ Jimin said in dangerous tone.

,,Stop. I… I just want to go away. Please,‘‘ Ji Hye‘s voice was shaking.

,,Nae~ You will, noona. With us,‘‘ Rap Monster put his hand around her shoulders.

Ji Hye pushed him away.

,,Yah! Don‘t be mean, noona,‘‘ Jimin started to play with her blonde hair.

,,Don‘t touch me!‘‘ she stepped back and appeared in JungKook‘s arms.

The boys were laughing and having fun. Ji Hye was scared.

At that moment a cold, sharp and dangerous voice cut through the night. ,,YAH! Are you having fun, kids?‘‘

Everyone‘s heads turned to owner of the voice.

He was standing in the moonlight shadow. Kai.










•TITLE SONG: Kuroki Meisa - Take Me Away

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Chapter 15: Please update! Is beautiful story!!!!♥
Chapter 15: You guys are evil. ...
I really want to read your fanfiction but I dont want to toture myself, with read a story that is not going complet and never will be. Or a story where the author-nim isn't udating, or is; but only updating every 3. month. ..
So I just want to ask you If you is plaing on updating soon?
Please? I really wanna read it ! ~~
lucky9606 #4
Please update^^
beexxyy #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!~
sazuka #6
Chapter 15: cn't wait for the next update ^_^
please update soon ^_^
I love the trailer! Anyways, moving on to the first chapter... lol :)
twinkle_blossom #8
Chapter 15: Omg! It's getting interesting! Not that it wasn't before but it gets better and better!
Kyaah~ I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Hwaiting author-nim!
Nana_Kai #9
Chapter 14: Things are getting exciting!