Am I Still a Caterpillar?

Loveliest Confusion

In Baekhyun’s family they spend every Thursday evening as movie night but instead of going to the living room where his mom and brother Luhan were watching the movie Shrek, he went straight to his room.

“Bacon” Baek’s mom called “dinner’s ready”

“Not hungry mom” Baekhyun called back. Baekhyun heard the shattering of a plate, muffled voices, thundering footsteps and the pounding of his bedroom door.

“Baekhyun are you dying?” his mom yelled.

“Are you depressed? Did you take pills or got shot in the brain?” his brother, Luhan called.

“Bacon y-y-you’re t-t-taking drugs? His mother stuttered.

Hearing the horror in his mom’s voice Baekhyun decided to open the door.

“Mom I’m not on drugs okay?” Baekhyun sighed “I’m just dead---”

“Byun Baekhyun” Luhan called with superiority and seriousness lining his voice “Were you or were you not abducted by aliens?”

Dead silence.

You make a wonderful moronic duo Baekhyun thought.

Deciding to break the silence, Baekhyun said “pfft. You guys are clearly overreacting” placing his hand on his mom and brother’s shoulders “I’m dead tired guys, a lot happened today. I actually have a bump too” Smiling weakly he pecked his mom on the cheek then closed the door. From the other end of the door he heard the muffled relief of his family. As he lay in bed he remembered that his mom and dad are off to a trip in Japan for a month.

‘Great’ Baekhyun thought to himself ‘a whole month for me and a whole month of solitude to forget Kai’.

Baekhyun knows that he shouldn’t allow Kai to get under his skin because whoever he’s with, he never misses being mean. And Byun fat Baekhyun is not exempted to that rule. But his words sting like blisters that keeps opening no matter how hard he tries to close it. Baekhyun felt like he’s drowning, drowning to the echo of Kai’s voice that rebounds and bounces within the chasm of his mind. It made his body numb. When he felt sleep draping its arm around him, he embraced it, willing himself to forget.


Baekhyun woke up to the sound of the pounding of his door.

“BYUN BAEKHYUN IF YOU DON’T DAMN OPEN THIS GODFORSAKEN DOOR I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL BREAK IT TO PIECES” it was his mom yelling. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 6 am in the morning, too early for school.

“Honey, put down that chainsaw” Baekhyun’s dad said calmy “someone might die you know”. It never fails to amaze Baekhyun how calm his dad is, he grew up knowing his dad as the composed man who goes to business trip and bring superstitious souvenirs when he comes home. What are they quarreling about so early in the morning? Baekhyun thought.

“Baekhyun you’ve been in there for two weeks now, please come out” his mom pleaded. That seems to capture Baekhyun’s attention since he hurriedly looked for his cellphone which was buried beneath piles of dirty clothes. Looking at his calendar it was marked as Septermber 28, exactly two weeks from the depressing incident. Hurrying towards the door, Baekhyun turned the knob and found his mom tear stained clutching his father for support. When they both saw him, their worried expressions were replaced by a look of surprise followed by a loud scream from his mom and dad.

“BAEKHYUN IS THAT YOU?” Both his mom and dad yelled asked. “HOW THE HELL DID YOU SWITCHED DNA?” they asked still gaping and yelling at him.

“Mom, dad” he said patiently “I’m ing right in front of you so stop yelling” sighing he started to return to his room when he saw a glimpse of an angelic, slightly curled haired guy. He was gaping at him, the boy’s eyes were tired yet he’s really beautiful even prettier than all the girls he met.

Mom where’d ya get that poster?

Silence seems to settle perfectly for a full minute. Then his mom replied

“Baekhyun that’s not a poster that’s a mirror”

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Hello, please credit me and link back to Dusk & Dawn for the poster I designed for you. Thank you.
thuisthu #2
Chapter 15: don't stop writing fics you're amazing
thuisthu #3
Chapter 15: good story author-nim :DDD
Chapter 15: DAWWW ♥ Love the ending!!! Poster is up on our Hall of Fame :)
Chapter 14: i thought you have finished this story >< lol o well, cant wait for the other chapters
chocomuffin76 #6
Chapter 2: I like the plot!
Just a tip: change the typewriter font and it'll be easier to read.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 1: wow i like this....keep up the good work :D