The Confession

Loveliest Confusion

Carrying Baekhyun in a piggyback ride, Chanyeol whispere, “why couldn’t you just figure out that I’m so in love with you?”


“Ha-ha very funny senpai”, Baekhyun said sarcastically. He has no time for silly jokes such as that. His hearts shattered to pieces and the guy who broke it clearly is mocking him, the nerve with of this ass .


“Baek, I’m serious” thump


“I said I’m serious, you’re the one I’m in love with” thump thump thump

“But why Yeol?”

“I don’t know, but when I’m with you I’m a better person. It’s like the sun rises and sets with you” thump thump thump thump.


Baekhyun couldn’t believe what’s he’s hearing. Everything that’s happening right now feels too surreal. It’s like walking on a dream.

“Shut up heart or he’ll hear you” Baekhyun silently cursed. Their shadows are casted against the moonlight, the night hummed to the throbbing of their pulses. It’s like running on a marathon; the only difference is you don’t feel like stopping at all. Even if it leaves you gasping, you‘d rather feel that exhilarating feeling of being liked.


“And every time I touch your hand”, Chanyeol continued, excitement and happiness clear in his voice, “it’s like …………………………………………………..magic”

Silence embraced them but not the kind of silence that’s awkward and uncomfortable. It was serene, in silence they understood that there’s a connection between the two of them. There was no need for words; they knew it just by listening to sound of their heartbeats.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked silently towards Baekhyun’s house. As they were turning around the corner, a burst of color spreads like cobwebs across the night sky. “Look at that Yeol, fireworks” Baekhyun crooned against Chanyeol’s shoulders.

“Pretty huh?” Chanyeol replied, “But not as pretty as the one I’m carrying”.

 “Liar” Baekhyun said as he softly lands a punch on Chanyeol’s shoulders.


For minutes they stood there watching time fade to nothing.


“Yeol, I think my foot’s fine. Can you please put me down?” Baekhyun said quietly.

“Are you sure?” Chanyeol asked dubiously.

“Yeah”, Baekhyun said reassuringly, “Besides my house is just a few steps away, ya know”.


Slowly, Chanyeol lowers Baekhyun to the ground, underneath the moonlight Baekhyun seemed to glow. Right now Chanyeol couldn’t see anyone, couldn’t feel anyone but Baekhyun. No moonlight and birds. No houses and trees, just him and Baekhyun, standing in their own world.


Just before he could stop himself and regret it, he swiftly swooped down and gave Baekhyun a kissed on the forehead. It wasn’t those kisses that make you hot all over or make you lose your mind. It was innocent and full of promise. The best part about it is the chance that maybe he’d do something more. That maybe he would kiss Baekhyun again, only this time it’s on the lips if Baekhyun dared to even ask.


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thuisthu #2
Chapter 15: don't stop writing fics you're amazing
thuisthu #3
Chapter 15: good story author-nim :DDD
Chapter 15: DAWWW ♥ Love the ending!!! Poster is up on our Hall of Fame :)
Chapter 14: i thought you have finished this story >< lol o well, cant wait for the other chapters
chocomuffin76 #6
Chapter 2: I like the plot!
Just a tip: change the typewriter font and it'll be easier to read.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 1: wow i like this....keep up the good work :D