Full Acceptance

The Misconception of a Human
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Sitting on the couch, Sunggyu was carefully eyeing every one of the Jägers. He had asked them to meet in the living room of the Hunter’s lair at 6pm on the dot. He was satisfied they were on time. Well, he guessed they didn’t really have the choice since it was his request. He cleared his throat and began to address them.

“It has already been two days… I know Sungyeol might be right, but I am not going to rely on mere assumptions…”

“Which means…?” Dongwoo asked hesitantly, not sure to understand what Sunggyu meant by that, even if he knew it must have been important.

“I don’t know why but I have the impression we aren’t going to like it…” Hoya muttered. This remark made Sunggyu sigh heavily but he kept going on nonetheless.

“It means I called for backup…” the leader finally explained to his friends.

“What!?” They all said together as one, looking up at the elder as if it was the craziest thing he had uttered.                      

 “I’m not sure to understand…” Sungjong said, his voice sounding rather awkward. Of course he knew what Sunggyu had done. What was still a mystery was why he did it though…

“Do you really think we are not strong enough?” Jimin, faster to understand, unknowingly half answered Sungjong’s question, even if his own one was addressed toward Sunggyu.

“If we look at the situation… we are rather in disadvantage. We don’t know what they are exactly, except the fact they are even more powerful than usual demons. Plus, Seyi didn’t mention their number. And it is even possible than she underestimated it. If we have to fight, the seven of us may not do it in front of them” the elder cleared up the situation.

“I may not be in position to criticize your decision, but I think their arrival will only create more problems…” Myungsoo, who had been silent until now, finally decided to join the conversation.

“Yeah, I know” Sunggyu sighed again at these words.

“And the worst may be Seyi’s reaction when facing him again…” Sungyeol couldn’t help to point out.

 “I know” Sunggyu repeated once again, lowering his head.




It had already been two days you had been thinking about it. Two long days that you were refusing to go out of the room you had woke up in the very first time. The room you assumed was yours now. Well at least for now. You had been in here for two days but you still didn’t know if it really was a good idea. On one hand, a major part of you kept telling there wasn’t any other solution: you couldn’t say that it was of a big use for the Jägers since it had been stuck in your parents’ room all this time without being necessary to the extent where it had almost been forgotten. Plus, they needed that object to be reassured concerning their safety and you couldn’t deny the fact you were actually concerned by that safety because henceforth it also meant yours. One the other hand, another one was telling you it wasn’t what your father would want. Telling you to be wary. You noticed how that voice had decreased a lot compared to before. But it was nonetheless here, inside your head, and you couldn’t help it but to hesitate because of it. Even if they assured you they didn’t intent to harm Humans, having that object would be a great advantage for these eleven demons for they wouldn’t have to be afraid of the Jägers anymore. Who knows? maybe that is the reason why Kris didn’t attack your father in the first place; maybe that is the reason why they didn’t attack Human as for now… Because they were not in possession of it yet.

“Why is it up to me to take such decisions…? You whined with uneasiness, a thing you wouldn’t allow yourself to do in front of anyone. You hated to appear weak in front of the others. And it didn’t help you didn’t have your source of strength with you anymore. You were so tired; it seemed you weren’t the one you used to be anymore. You also didn’t like that. You wanted everything to go back to normal. You wanted to go back. Not that you hated the eleven demons of the house, now that you thought of it, they were rather nice. To your surprise, even Kris was coming from time to time, remembering you that you needed to eat something not to fall sick. Even if he appeared cold and not very tactful, he still was a nice person.

You had learned a lot about them in such a short lap of time. Not necessarily by interacting with them, just observing was enough since they were so expressive. Suho and Kris were in the same position as Sunggyu. They were constantly taking care of everyone, their actions motivated by the will of safety for their “family”. They also held training, because yes, to reach such a fighting level and abilities, they needed to train. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were always bickering, like you would with Sunggyu and Sungjong. However, it was clear that both of them were good friends. You were even thinking they could have formed a binomial if they were Jägers… Both them and Chen were bringing good moods to the group, they would always tell stupid jokes and display exaggerates reactions. Nonetheless, they knew how to be serious and they were not joking when it came to their fighting ability. Chen’s eyes were never missing anything and he made you think of a falcon sometimes. He was what we could call a messenger. It wasn’t rare for him to be sent for a mission with some others and be told to make a report of what happened. He was often found with Tao, trying to bridle the younger boundless energy. And god knows he was having a hard time doing it. You remembered it had surprised you that someone could be so lively. Making him sad was a difficult task but it didn’t prevent him from whining and pouting when his wishes weren’t fulfilled. In other words, he was cute yet quite childish, skinship needs included. However, he could be quite scary and violent sometimes, particularly with Luhan who obviously loved to annoy him to the core. Because of that, he would often complain to Jongin and Kyungsoo. Most of the time, Jongin, who was also an impressive fighter, would look at him awkwardly, not knowing how to react since he seemingly didn’t want any problem with Luhan and simply rely on the mature and fatherly Kyungsoo, whose cooking was to die for. Xiumin was the eldest and also participated in the harmony of the group. His job was more or less to scold gently the unruly elements, which consisted in Tao, most of the time. Despite that serious and mature side of him, he could also be quite frivolous and would often join Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen in their actions. The least we can say is that he was quite a complicated person to understand. To you, he was a walking paradox. He and Yixing were quite close and it didn’t surprise you because the latter was also quite mature so it was understandable he would like the company of the elders. It didn’t prevent him to get along with everyone of them though.

And just like that, just by thinking of them, you decided. You would not change your mind. You would help them. You would lead them to what they wanted. Because, no matter how hard it was for you to admit, you had come to the conclusion that they weren’t bad demons. Because now that you were one of them, you should at least be useful, right? Because Chanyeol was right, wasn’t he? After all, their organisation wasn’t that different from the Jägers one, and you had already witnessed the fact that they were more or less working in pairs, whether it was conscious or not. Not that they didn’t get perfectly along but, as you had already witnessed with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, most of them had their own “buddy”. The only one who wasn’t in this case was Luhan. Of course, he cared a lot for his friends and wasn’t rejected by them, but he would never open up completely to the others and was somehow keeping a certain distance with people. That’s why he seemed so calm and composed, even if sometimes he was clearly behaving like an arrogant idiot. Everybody has vices… even mesmerizing angels. Maybe that is what was making him so mysterious.

You got up from the white bed and stretched to wake your numb muscles. Suddenly, you heard movements from behind and whirled around only to find a yawning Sehun still half lying on the bed. To your relief, you noticed his hair were back to their natural silver color.

“What- what are you doing here? How long have you…” you gaped at him.

“Since the beginning” he smiled sleepily, rubbing his eyes “I came in a few hours ago. You didn’t notice me so I just though I would wait for you to come down. I must have fallen asleep…” He got up of the mattress and sheepishly walked in your direction, hoping you wouldn’t deepen the subject.

“But why wouldn’t you stay downstairs with the others?” you asked and all his hopes of you forgetting what had just happened instantly crumbled at his feet. He didn’t want you to see him like a weird person.

“Well” he scratched the back of his nec

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_khristelle #1
Chapter 33: Omg it took me ages to continue reading your update. Author-nim please accept my sincerest apology. *bows*

My guess was right!! Seyi and Suho are siblings. Did I just stated the obvious? lol Anyway fighting!!!
klienchoung #2
Chapter 34: Errr emm gee...♥ hwaiting
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 34: fluffy scenes for Sehun-Seyi XD
or maybe Suho-Seyi? Lol ^▽^
haha, no Jimin-Seyi! (Kidding! ∩_∩ )
We'll wait for you author. please come back with surprising chapter! #LOL #FIGHTING
Chapter 34: I'll wait for you to update! Fluff please, but I wonder who is it going to be with?
klienchoung #5
Chapter 33: Jimin ends up with seyi.....!!!!! *hoping*
Seyi and suho are half siblings?
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 33: Author, author, I LOVE YOU! SEHUN FINALLY MAKE A MOVE!! Hehehehehehehehehehe XD <3
_khristelle #7
Chapter 32: I can't believe I let myself missed two updates. Both are quite exciting. I don't know what to look forward anymore. I'm just really excited.
klienchoung #8
Chapter 31: My bts bias is suga but jimin has been interfering sooooo much. -.- JIMIN JIMIN JIMIN!!!
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 31: Kai pabo~ Jimin is pabo~
update soon!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 30: This story is AMAZING OHMAHHHGOSSHH BRUH