Breaking Point

The Misconception of a Human
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You woke up in a terrible start which made you sit while screaming painfully your lungs out. Due to the panic, you didn’t even know who you had called out. Your eyes were wide and you were hyperventilating. You had the terrifying sensation of suffocation.  You couldn’t breathe properly and began to panic even more. You put a hand to your throat but it didn’t change anything. Then you became aware that someone was next to you all this time.

“Seyi” he called and you looked at him, “You need to calm down” he tried to sooth you.

You looked at him still struggling with your respiration. You closed your eyes but then the image of the young woman and her child added to the fire returned assail you violently. You snapped them open again and soon tears and sobs were added to your crisis. You avoided his gaze, ashamed of your actual state. You didn’t want anybody to see you like that. And you knew there was not even a slight chance that your scream only woke Silver Boy up. Silver Boy who cupped your face in his hands and made you meet his mesmerizing yellow eyes again.

“Now, you’re going to listen to me. Everything is fine. You need to calm down. Slowly breathe in and then slowly breathe out” he said kindly yet firmly to you.

His voice was soft and you wanted to listen to it. You didn’t close your eyes because you were afraid these images would come back. Instead, you just drowned yourself in his shiny eyes. You did as he said and tried to control your respiration. You were having a hard time but you didn’t have the impression that you were lacking of air anymore. Your heart began to beat less quickly and soon, only the sobs were coming out of your mouth.

He didn’t release your face and instead wiped your tears away with his thumbs, still looking at you with reassuring eyes. And he knew. He knew by looking in your dark orbs that even if you seemed okay on the outside, on the inside you felt devastated. Fear and sadness were all over your body, paralysing you completely. You tried to get up but your limbs were like cotton and refused to obey you. You lowered your head in an attempt to hide your miserable expression. You were exhausted from what just happen, as if it had drained all your energy. You felt like fainting but you didn’t want to fall into any other forms of sleep again. You just needed the warm, comfy and delicate sensation of your parent’s arms around you, no matter how immature it may seems at your age. Suddenly, as if someone had heard your thoughts, your face got pushed against a soft yet muscular chest. A hand found its way to the back of your head and your hair delicately. At first, it was another shock for you because the voice that was murmuring reassuring words at your ear was Silver Boy’s. You grew awkward by the sudden skinship and tried to back away but your body responded even less than earlier. So you just stayed still.

“Do you want to go outside for a moment?” he asked you then.

You were pondering the question but it didn’t take you too long since it was a good opportunity for you to escape from your friends’ worried gazes. You nodded and he stood up before helping you as well. Surprisingly, you were able to stand up properly but he still kept a hand behind your back just in case.

Night was still there. However the weak light was struggling to slowly regain its right. It was still early in the morning. Maybe 5 am. The stars were beginning to fade and the sky was turning pink which produce a beautiful purplish hue. The fresh air was good and you relished in it, closing your eyes and letting the wind dance on your warm skin. Silver Boy looked at you a tiny bit amused by your action even if he was really intrigued by your previous crisis. He couldn’t help it; he had to know what put you in this state. Both of you were walking further away from the old lair and it took him an eternity to speak what was in his mind.

“How often does this happen?” he finally inquired avoiding your gaze.

You turned to look at him. And you wondered why he seemed to be that concerned about it. Even if it was weird, you were thankful for what he just did. That’s why you answered.

“For what just happened… Thank you. And also… s

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_khristelle #1
Chapter 33: Omg it took me ages to continue reading your update. Author-nim please accept my sincerest apology. *bows*

My guess was right!! Seyi and Suho are siblings. Did I just stated the obvious? lol Anyway fighting!!!
klienchoung #2
Chapter 34: Errr emm gee...♥ hwaiting
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 34: fluffy scenes for Sehun-Seyi XD
or maybe Suho-Seyi? Lol ^▽^
haha, no Jimin-Seyi! (Kidding! ∩_∩ )
We'll wait for you author. please come back with surprising chapter! #LOL #FIGHTING
Chapter 34: I'll wait for you to update! Fluff please, but I wonder who is it going to be with?
klienchoung #5
Chapter 33: Jimin ends up with seyi.....!!!!! *hoping*
Seyi and suho are half siblings?
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 33: Author, author, I LOVE YOU! SEHUN FINALLY MAKE A MOVE!! Hehehehehehehehehehe XD <3
_khristelle #7
Chapter 32: I can't believe I let myself missed two updates. Both are quite exciting. I don't know what to look forward anymore. I'm just really excited.
klienchoung #8
Chapter 31: My bts bias is suga but jimin has been interfering sooooo much. -.- JIMIN JIMIN JIMIN!!!
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 31: Kai pabo~ Jimin is pabo~
update soon!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 30: This story is AMAZING OHMAHHHGOSSHH BRUH